Su Rou, who was on the side, opened her mouth without any eyesight at this moment.

"My sister had never liked to live back to Su's house before, and ran to Mr. Shen's place in two or three days.

From the time the Federation returned to the Empire, the days in the Su family are numbered.

Seeing that you are not feeling well, I specifically called Mr. Shen and asked him to come back to accompany you and take you back together.

At this time, my sister was unwilling to go back, and wanted to stay in Su's house.

I don't know who is so attractive from the Su family who can make my sister abandon Mr. Shen and stay.

Or, who did my sister fall in love with? So planning to abandon Mr. Shen? "

In Su Rou's words, every word was provoking discord.

Although she didn't say it clearly, but the meaning in the words was very clear. Rong Yan refused to go back with Shen Qiu now because she had a love affair and fell in love with Yun Yi, so she refused to go back with Shen Qiu.

Yun Yi was anxious to announce his relationship with Yan Yan to the world immediately, naturally, he didn't care about Su Rou's words, and didn't have any meaning to explain.

Seeing that Shen Qiu didn't say a word, Shi Mengmei, who was in the main seat in front, rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Mr. Shen, don't mind. A Ling, her mother died young since she was a child, so she may be lacking in the relationship between men and women.

It's also because my aunt did not do well enough. I didn't take her back from the Federation in time and educate her well. Only then will she be a little casual about these things, and there have been a lot of scandals.

But don't worry, Mr. Shen, I can guarantee that no matter how many men A Ling has ever had, those are just for fun, and she is the only one in her heart.

You are now engaged, and in the future, I will definitely educate her to respect herself, love herself, and no longer have any relationship with other men. "

These words sounded like saying good things for the face, thinking about her wholeheartedly, but when you listen carefully, you will know that every word is saying that the face has a mother, no mother, and no education.

So I like to mess around with men and women, not only looking for men before they get engaged, but also after they get engaged.

Sitting on the main seat, Su Heng frowned slightly when he heard the words of the mother and daughter, but did not speak.

Rong Yan picked up the cup in his hand, took a sip of milk, and then directly spoke.

"I think it's your daughter who is not well educated.

I really want to know, where did Su Rou get Shen Qiu's number? "

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Su Rou, "As far as I know, the two of you haven't had any intersection before.

You didn't even say hello to me, so you called Shen Qiu privately so eagerly, do you want him to accompany me, or do you want to see him? "

Su Rou immediately blushed and retorted anxiously, "I... can't the number of Mr. Shen I got from my father work?

Su Ling, don't talk nonsense here.

I contacted Mr. Shen because of your physical discomfort, and wanted him to accompany you well and take you back to the doctor by the way.

If you don't appreciate me, forget it, and even dare to bite me back and say that I want to seduce Mr. Shen.

Is your conscience eaten by a dog? "

The more Su Rou said back, the more straightforward and confident she became.

In the end, he even began to severely criticize Su Ling.

Without having to say anything, Shen Qiu reached out and took a napkin next to him, wiped the corners of his lips, and then wiped his hands while facing Su Judo.

"Did she make a mistake?"

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