Wife cheating is mostly because husbands can’t satisfy their wives.

This dissatisfaction is in all aspects, including money, body, and so on.

In short, no matter from which aspect, it is a great shame for men.

Su Heng just kicked his feet and was still not relieved. He raised his eyes and quickly looked around the room.

Stepping forward, he reached out and took the vase on the table, and slammed his eyebrows towards the teacher Su Rouong on the ground.

"Wow," the sound of the broken porcelain bottle was mixed with the screams of the two.

The flying shards made several blood marks on the two of them.

"Father, my mother and I were really wronged. I don't know what happened. I don't know how I got here.

This must be someone deliberately trying to frame me and my mother, I just came here..."

Su Rou suddenly thought of something, her expression on her face immediately changed, and she said angrily, "It's Su Ling, this must be Su Ling secretly planning to frame me."

She remembered that she had only come to confirm Su Ling's situation before, and she lost consciousness just as soon as she opened them with the key.

After that, I don’t know anything.

This must have been designed by that **** Su Ling.

Shi Mengmei, who was next to him, hadn’t figured out what was going on. Hearing Su Rou’s words at this moment, he immediately nodded to the side like smashing garlic, hurriedly agreeing, “Yes, this must be the little **** Su Ling. Design ours."

Here, Shi Mengmei's voice just fell, and two swishes, there were two things, and they slammed into Shi Mengmei's face at the same time.


Master Mengmei screamed twice, and spit out two **** teeth from his mouth.

"Whose mouth is so smelly, do you want to kill people?"

A careless voice came from the door. Several people in the room turned their heads and saw Yun Yi walking in gracefully from the outside with his hands in his pockets.

Although the clothes on his body are still the same clothes that were used for lunch, and even the hair style has not changed a bit, the whole person looks very expensive at this moment, as if he is an elegant and noble boy who has walked in.

The dull appearance of the robot before, completely different from two people.

Su Ronghua and Su Heng, both father and daughter, were obviously shocked by Yun Yi's sudden change.

Yun Yi didn't mind. Seeing the situation in the room, he raised his eyebrows, took his hand out of his pocket, turned on the shooting on the communication device, and took a few shots at the messy-clothed teacher Su Ruengmeng in the room.

Then he raised his hand and clicked on the communication device before facing Su Hengdao.

"Mr. Su's tutor is really good. I just announced to the media that I was engaged to Ling Ai in the morning. It was only in the afternoon that Ling Ai went to other men's beds.

I think there is no need for this marriage contract to continue to exist. "

Only then did Su Rou come back to her senses, and Yun Yi was like this, obviously not under their control.

Although she didn't know exactly why, if he really regained consciousness, then the appearance of her and mother must have something to do with Yun Yi.

He hurriedly raised his hand to the ground, grabbed the clothes indiscriminately, and wrapped himself up.

"Yun Yi, is this the cheap one between you and Su Rou..."

Before the word **** was uttered, he directly met Yun Yi's murderous eyes.

She couldn't help but shook in shock, instantly reminding her of the terrifying look in her eyes when she first saw Yun Yi.

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