It wasn't until Shi Mengmei couldn't bear it and fainted that Su Heng closed his feet.

Turning his head to face Yun Yi not far behind, there was no expression on his face.

"Su Ling, for you, what is going on?

Why do they appear in your room?

Where have you been before? Why did you show up with Mr. Yun? "

Su Rou and the others hadn't seen it before, but he could see clearly that her face came with Yun Yi behind her.

Su Rou finally saw Su Ling at this moment, and immediately shouted, "Father, that's her. She framed my mother and me."

Her whole body was still hurting terribly at this moment, and she hated Su Ling to the extreme.

She had lived well before, if it hadn't been for Su Ling's sudden return, she and her mother would not have become what they are now.

If it wasn't for Yun Yi and Shen Qiu next to them, she would only wish that she could rush to kill this **** immediately.

"I framed you?"

She sneered and said directly to Su Heng, "Someone gave me a glass of juice before, saying that Shen Qiu gave it to me, and also told me to drink it. After drinking, I was very dizzy.

Later, I went downstairs to find a doctor, but I just ran into Yun..."

Yun Yi's name was almost spit out on the tip of her tongue, realizing that it was in front of everyone, if it was too intimate to call Yun Yi's name directly, the word for Yi was changed to the point of her lips.

"Mr. Yun, he saw that I was uncomfortable, so he asked me to sit in the small garden outside for a while, and then went back to get the treatment device and gave me a simple treatment.

After the treatment was over and my dizziness improved a little, I heard noisy noises from the stairs, so I went upstairs with Mr. Yun.

As for why Su Ruan and her mother appeared in my room with the male gardener, I am also curious to know. "

Rong Yan said, raising her eyebrows to look at Su Rou, "My younger sister always likes stimulation, maybe because everyone is there, I want to find stimulation under everyone's eyes?"

What she said was half true.

The robot gave her fruit juice before, saying that she was not feeling well and Shen Qiurang gave it to her. She felt something was wrong at the time.

She has a special physique, and Shen Qiu has always known that if she is sick, she will not let her eat indiscriminately.

So, she took the opportunity to drink juice in front of the robot.

In fact, it was just a trick. She didn't really drink those juices either.

When she returned to the room, she saw Yun Yi standing not far behind her with regret.

She also shook her head, it was a pity that she didn't drink the glass of juice with added ingredients, which made him less of a chance to play a hooligan.

She was almost speechless with his brain full of yellow waste.

Yun Yi took her to behave as a gangster while telling her that Su Rou had also put something in the juice he had given him, and she might have designed both of them.

Of course, Yun Yi couldn't ask for it.

Someone wants to send his face to his bed, he is naturally willing.

However, the woman Su Rou was here at the wrong time.

Yun Yi unceremoniously knocked people out, and then when Shi Mengmei brought the male gardener to the door, he took the plan and threw all three of them onto the bed.

Then he dragged her downstairs, and didn't go upstairs with her until there was a movement.

"Su Ling, you don't spit people there. When do I like to find excitement."

Father, don't listen to her nonsense, it's not like this at all. "

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