Rong Yan didn't have to look back at all, she could feel Yun Yi's gaze shooting at her like a knife.

I couldn't help feeling sweet and funny in the bottom of my heart, but with a calm expression on his face, he nodded, "I'm really fine, besides, I'm from the Su family, so I won't go back with you.

And Mr. Yun, thank you for your kindness. I don't think I need to go back with you for the time being.

It's not early, I won't keep you anymore. "

Although Shen Qiu was a little unhappy in his heart, Rong Yan had already said this, and he couldn't force her to take her away.

As for the rough stone, I can't rush it, and it needs to be considered for a long time.

Nodded, there was nothing more to say.

Yun Yi was even more dissatisfied, but because his face had her plan, he didn't want to trouble her, so he didn't say much.

Sending the two of them out the door, seeing the two of them look at each other disdainfully, get in the car and leave, and the face was relieved.

Finally sent away both of these two big Buddhas.

Thinking of Yun Yi's last resentful look, a smile flew into the corner of his eyes.

She thought it was time for her to speak clearly with Shen Qiu.

the other side.

Yun Yi stepped on the accelerator all the way, returning home with a gloomy expression.

Little Mango was on the sofa in the living room, holding the computer and didn't know what he was doing.

Hearing the sound of his return, he raised his eyes and swept behind him, but he didn't see his face, so he rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me, you have made such a big move, and you haven't gotten Mummy."

"Hehe, how is it possible, your daddy, I am handsome and charming.

Even if your mommy has no memory, she still loves me to the death. "Yun Yi said in a loud voice.

Little Mango looked disgusted with vomiting, "It's not easy for Mommy to fall in love with you.

I think I should ask Yuan Fei to check her eyes to see if there is any problem.

Otherwise, why would there be so many good men not wanting to see you again and again. "

"Little bastard, dare to dislike your daddy, and see how I beat you today."

Yun Yi stepped forward to hit the stinky boy with his hand.

It's a pity that Rong Yan has forgotten her superpowers, but Little Mango has not forgotten her.

Before Yun Yi arrived, he swished and hugged the notebook directly into the air, floated on top of Yun Yi's head, and made a grimace at Yun Yi.

Yun Yi stood on the floor below, looking at the little bunny sitting on top of his head with a sullen look, gritted his teeth and turned his head to look around, trying to find a broom or mop or something.

It's a pity that there are special cleaning robots for cleaning here, and there are no such old antiques at all.

Yun Yi had no choice but to ran to the yard and broke a long branch, then returned to the house and tried to poke the small mango's **** in the air.

Where did Little Mango give him this opportunity, when he saw him coming back with a branch in his hand, he swished immediately, disappeared in place, and returned to his own room.

With a branch in his hand, Yun Yi chased to the door of Little Mango, poking the door frantically with the branch.

"Little bastard, come out for me."

"I won't go out, come in and bite me if you have the ability." Inside the house, Little Mango yelled very eagerly.

If this scene is seen by his face right now, he will probably have a headache again, thinking that the father and son are more naive than the other.

After arguing with that little bunny for a long time, Yun Yi's anger in his heart was somewhat relieved.

He knew that if she didn't come back with him, she must have her own consideration, but he just saw that **** Shen Qiu not pleasing to his eyes.

However, now that the face has returned to him, it is time for him to take them home together.

(Cavin is quite good in the past few days, I owe you a chapter yesterday, I remember, I will return it to you when I follow the outline, the refill~)

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