"of course."

Little Mango raised her face triumphantly, and stretched out her two little fingers a short distance, "It's just a little bit worse than Ningning."

Rong Yan was about to be cut to death by him, and kissed him several times.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that my son is the cutest.

Little Mango happily enjoyed his mom's mad kiss, and then proudly said to Yun Yi, "Hmph, you still have some use this time."

At the critical moment, the chain finally didn't fall.

Yun Yi's forehead jumped wildly, what makes him still useful this time?

Is he useful all the time?

If it weren't for his face at this moment, he really wanted to beat up this little **** immediately.

Let him experience it, whether he is useful in the end.

Gritting his teeth, "Smelly boy, you wait."

Abduct his wife home first, and after he goes back, let's see how he cleans up this stinky boy.

Little Mango turned his head and made a brief moment at him.

Over there, the father and son are still bickering childishly.

Rong Yan raised his hand and looked at the time. Even if she hurried back to Su's house immediately, she would definitely be discovered the fact that she left last night.

At that time, Su Heng will definitely hold her for various interrogations.

Anyway, she has decided to leave with Yun Yi and others, and Shen Qiu has already decided to ignore it, let alone the Su family.

He simply decided not to return to Su's house, and went directly to Shen Qiu to get her things.

Little Mango dragged her to stay and had breakfast with them, father and son.

She had been taken here by Yun Yi several times before, but she never stayed and had breakfast with them.

Now, seeing the noisy and noisy side of the one-year-old and one-child, and the seemingly unable to stop bickering even after eating, there was a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness in my heart.

It turns out that this is the feeling of home!

Imagining how the three of them would live together lively and lively every day, their faces couldn't help but put on a big smile.

The three of them had breakfast together, but the young and the young were reluctant to take her to the door.

If it wasn't for her face to stop her, she was afraid that the two men, big and small, would have to send her back in person.

However, thinking of the relationship between Shen Qiu and Yun Yi, if Yun Yi really sent her back personally, he was afraid that the two would have to have a fight.

"Mummy, see you at noon! I'll wait for you, mua."

Little Mango raised his hand and blew her a kiss.

Yun Yi was not polite, and directly pulled the person into his arms, and kissed her hard for a long time.

Thinking that Little Mango was next to him, blushing face hurriedly stretched out his hand and pushed him away.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that the little guy was very conscious, and he raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Seeing Yun Yi's tendency to kiss him again, his face hurriedly raised his hand and punched him, "Okay, I'll be back in a while."


Yun Yi replied, but the hand on her waist refused to let go.

The face smiled helplessly and stood on his toes slightly, and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't worry, I promised you, I will do it."

Yun Yi hugged her, and kissed her stickyly, and then reluctantly let go.

Rong Yan got into the car, raised her hand and waved to the big and small outside the car, and then stepped on the accelerator to leave.

Looking at the rearview mirror, the two figures that were getting smaller and smaller, I only felt that a place in my heart that was originally vacant was filled.

Even the desire to rush back has become more urgent.

The foot that was stepping on the accelerator couldn't help but force again and stepped to the bottom.

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