Before she could speak again, Shen Qiu had already spoken over there, "Su Ling, my father and mother urged us to hold the wedding soon.

I have got people ready, and we will go back to the Federation to prepare for the wedding in a few days. "

Rongyan frowned tightly, bit her lower lip hard, and looked up at Shen Qiu, "I'm sorry, I can't marry you."

Shen Qiu looked at her, "Is it because of Yun Yi?"

The face gritted his teeth, "Mr. Shen, I am very grateful that you saved me in the first place.

I promised to get engaged with you before and help you find the rough stone at Su's house, just because I am grateful to you.

The person I like is Yun Yi. "

"Even if he lied to you, even if you weren't the face in his mouth, or his son's mother, do you like him and want to go with him?" Shen Qiu looked at her with a gloomy expression.

Rong Yan didn't believe the appraisal she saw in the study before, and didn't want to discuss this topic with him more.

Therefore, he didn't care about what was wrong in Shen Qiu's words.

He just shook his head quickly and said, "Did he lie to me? I will find a way to confirm in the future.

I still have something to go. "

After Rong Yan finished speaking, before Shen Qiu could speak again, she ran out of the door quickly.

She didn't want to discuss this matter with Shen Qiu again.

As for her things, she can rush back to discuss with Yun Yi first.

If she can't find it, she can only choose to give up.

Shen Qiu stood in the living room with a gloomy expression, watching the figure whose face quickly left.

A man dressed in black walked in from the door, stepped forward and greeted Shen Qiu, "Mr. Shen."

Shen Qiu asked in a deep voice, "Are you all ready?"

"Don't worry, I have started preparations since last night.

I will never make any mistakes in what you confessed. "The man smiled and promised.

Shen Qiu kept his face calm and didn't speak any more.

Su Ling was a specially selected person by him, and it was related to the rise and fall of their entire race, and her every move was under his supervision.

He naturally couldn't let her leave with Yun Yi.

The appraisal in the study was specially prepared by him.

He originally thought that after reading the appraisal letter and letting her know that Yun Yi was lying to her, his face would dispel the idea of ​​leaving with Yun Yi.

Unexpectedly, after reading it, Su Ling did not take the appraisal letter to heart.

Not only that, but even suspicious of him.

I don't know what Yun Yi gave to Su Ling, no, maybe he should call her the face.

I don't know what kind of Ecstasy Yun Yi has put on his face, so that a woman who has no memory can be so devoted to him.

Even if he knew he was deceived, the first reaction was not to ask for proof, but to trust him.

Perhaps his face was too gloomy, and the man in black next to him sneered.

Raised an eyebrow and said to him, "Aren't you really tempted by this low-level creature?"

Shen Qiu snorted, "Even if it is a household robot that I don't want, it belongs to me.

I hate being robbed of my things. "

The man chuckled, "Don't worry, she can't get out of this yard at all."

the other side.

The face quickly ran away from Shen Qiu.

Thinking of the thing she was looking for, she couldn't help but feel a headache.

Where can that thing go?

Rong Yan's heart suddenly moved, could it be that Shen Qiu took it away?

However, Shen Qiu had just denied that even if she went back to question him, he would definitely not return the thing to her.

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