She is always naive and ridiculous!

She is too easy to believe in people, she is stupid.

It's not enough to lose your body, but also to lose your heart. I really fell in love with that shameless and **** rascal.

Rong Yan let go of her hand on the doorknob, and lightly stepped away from the door.

Until they were sure that it was impossible for the two to hear her footsteps in the study, they quickly ran towards the outside of the house.

She knew that she had no spine to run away like this, she just wanted to leave herself the last trace of dignity in front of Yun Yi and Xiao Mango.

Let them know that she took the initiative to leave them, not that she was abandoned by them.

Passed through the courtyard in one breath, ran outside, got in the car, and stepped on the accelerator.

With a "swish" of the car, it quickly drove away from here.

Leaving this place that once gave her warmth and hope, and now drags her into **** with his own hands.

The car swiftly drove on the high-altitude track, clicking and clicking, and something kept falling on the steering wheel in front of her.

Yan Yan lowered his eyes slightly, saw the water stains on the steering wheel, raised his hand and wiped his cheek.

Only then did she discover that she had already been full of tears when she didn't know.

I can't say whether my heart is more wronged and sad, or is deceived more angry.

Rong Yan only felt that his heart was blocked, as if he had crushed a heavy mountain.

It seemed that something was stuck in her throat, which made it difficult for her to even breathe.

There was a mess in my mind.

The Su family can't go back. Su Rou hates her to death now, waiting to catch her flaws and weaknesses and want to kill her for revenge.

Su Heng had a ghost again. She left by herself last night and waited for her to go back and arrest her for interrogation.

On Shen Qiu's side, she had just done something like that to him, and she ran out for Yun Yi and Xiao Mango.

No matter from which aspect, she was even more unlikely to go back to Shen Qiu's place.

This world is so big, but she doesn't know where she should go.

The car drove slowly and aimlessly on the high-altitude track.

The communicator on his wrist rang quickly, his face lowered, and he saw Yun Yi's name displayed on the communicator.

The bell of the communicator rang again and again.

Raising his hand subconsciously, he wanted to press the connection button, but the conversation she had heard outside the study emerged uncontrollably in her mind.

Thinking of their deception and play with her.

He gritted his teeth and tore off the communicator in his hand, pressed the car window and threw it out.

His eyes followed the small communication device, and the communication device quickly turned into a small black spot behind him when the car was driving at high speed.

Then quickly disappeared from her sight.

With the complete disappearance of the communication device, there was a big vacancy in the full heart that had just been filled before.

Not only the big piece of her heart that was filled before was thrown away, but also all her surroundings were corroded and discarded.

The whole chest became empty.

She still had half a heart from the beginning, but now she doesn't even have a trace left.

A sudden braking sound came from the front.

Yan Yan turned his head and saw a car rushing towards her quickly.

This time was originally not a busy traffic jam time, and the speed of the car was amazing.

The speed of the face itself is also fast.

Although the opponent has stepped on the brakes as fast as possible, the speed is high and the distance is too close.

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