Yun Yi was completely irritated by her at this moment, "You say it again?"

The face was halted, and he said coldly, "From now on, I will tell you father and son again..."

Yun Yi raised his hand to pick up the person, intending to tell her with facts who is her husband in the end.

Rong Yan had already been on guard against Yun Yi in his heart, and how could he really let him succeed.

The footsteps flashed to the side, and the waist jerked down, avoiding Yun Yi's grasping hand towards her.

At the same time, he lifted his foot and kicked directly towards Yun Yi's face.

Yun Yi's head was slightly side, and he didn't even move his footsteps. He grabbed her wrist with one hand, and with the other, he raised his hand and grabbed the foot that she had kicked hard.

Using both hands at the same time, he pulled his face into his arms.

Rong Yan hadn't planned to actually kick him, although Yun Yi had poor character, but his kung fu was at the top.

She also didn't feel that with her skill, she could really escape from Yun Yi's hands.

But just to avoid him temporarily and free his hands.

The backhand drew a dagger from behind, and violently slashed it towards Yun Yi's leg that was holding him.

The extremely sharp blade was not toward Yun Yi's grasping her wrist, but toward his own leg.

She knew exactly what kind of fierce Yun Yi had in his bones.

It doesn't matter whether her dagger can be cut into his hand, even if it can, that guy will not blink his eyes for his own purposes, and let her slam up.

What she is betting now is that she still has use value to Yun Yi, and it is impossible for Yun Yi to really let her cut off her leg.

Sure enough, at the moment when her dagger cut her calf, Yun Yi finally gritted her teeth and loosened her ankle.

And pushed her calf to the other side.

Rong Yan used the same method to force Yun Yi to release her wrist, then slammed forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of Yun Yi.

Yun Yi quickly changed positions. After avoiding her grab, he was about to go forward and grab her back, but his face quickly backed away, his hand touched his chest, and he summoned a red mecha, fiercely. Jumped into the cab.

Then, the red mecha jumped into the sky, quickly leaped into the cloud, and disappeared in front of Yun Yi and the others.

Yun Yi had deliberately studied how to drive the mecha before, but he was not like the people here, who had the habit of carrying mechas with him.

Therefore, I can only stand in place and watch the red mecha quickly disappear in front of my eyes.

In the backyard, only Yun Yi and Little Mango were left, one big and one small standing in place, looking up at the sky above the head where nothing can be seen.

The joy of the previous moment disappeared in just a few minutes, and the depression and gloom in the air almost became water droplets and fell.

Little Mango squeezed her mouth tightly and turned to look at Yun Yi, "Daddy."

Yun Yi looked at the sky above his head blankly, "I'm going to kill him."

"Since he dared to ask Mommy to do this, he must be ready for us to come to the door.

If I didn't guess wrong, he must have already moved and is not in his original residence. "Little Mango replied.

No matter from which aspect, Shen Qiu's strength is far inferior to them, and Shen Qiu should also be aware of this. It is impossible to stay where they are.

"Even if I dig three feet in the ground, I will definitely find him." The expression on Yun Yi's face was extremely gloomy.

Little Mango thought about it, and said, "The most important thing now is, what does Shen Qiu want to do with that pendant?"

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