The headed person was even more stunned, his mouth widened into a round shape.

Are they sure they are in the right place? What kind of perversion are these two people in front of you?

The world is really as backward as their boss said.

They don't need to waste the power of blowing dust, they can catch these two people casually, destroy all the human beings here, and take down and occupy this world?

Why do these two people in front of them seem to be stronger than all of them together?

You know, although the laser net is composed of different laser lines.

However, lasers also belong to the category of light.

The so-called light is just a combination of some light, it is nothingness, and there is no entity.

The same is true for lasers. They are not physical lines, but the synthesis of lasers.

Even if you put aside these, don't say whether it can be touched, even if it can be touched, the damage caused by the laser to the human body is definitely not something that you can bear.

Although this laser net will not cause death, the pain and injury it brings is equally unbearable.

However, these lasers seemed to have become real in the hands of An Ziqi and Xiao Moli.

Not only can it be touched and touched, but also one by one, as if all of them have lost the characteristics of laser.

It really just turned into a bunch of meaningless wool.

how can that be?

How can these two people do something that even the people there can't do, even Mr. Shen and the others can't do it?

The man blinked vigorously, blinked again, blinked again.

But it is still the case!

Raising his hand and rubbing his eyes desperately, the laser lines were entangled with An Ziqi's fingers one by one, drifting in the wind.

There was also a naughty one wrapped around the ponytail behind An Ziqi's head, and automatically tied a bow.

It looked as if it was just a ribbon **** in the hair.

Over there, An Ziqi finally had enough, shrugging her shoulders, and moving her fingers slightly, those laser lines swished, and they all re-consciously knit into a laser net very obediently.

Then they were neatly stacked, and fell into her hands.

An Ziqi casually threw it to Xiao Moli behind, then turned to look at the leader, and asked with a frown.

"Why did my jade pendant get into your hands?

What about Yun Yi and Xiao Mango?

What have you done to them? "

That person was frightened by her ability before, and had already stamped her with a super powerful seal subconsciously.

She was shocked when she asked, and subconsciously stepped back and stepped away from her.

Immediately thinking of the extremely lethal weapons and mechas they had brought on board, the confidence slowly recovered.

Maybe she was able to deal with the laser net just now, but it just happened to be a coincidence.

The boss said, this is a place where science and technology weapons are far behind them, so it must be behind.

I comforted myself for a long while, suffocating my neck, snorted, and asked her back, "I don't know what Yun Yi and Little Mango you said. You just said that the jade pendant we came back was made by you?"

An Ziqi raised her eyebrows, "I did it, is there any problem?"

"Our boss said that the pendant you made is very useful to us, let you make more.

It is best to have all the guards of the entire clan come over at once, so that we can freely shuttle between two time and space. "

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