Except for a few instruments, on the table closest to the inside,

There were also rows of small black bottles, just like the bottle that the white coat had just taken to find Shen Qiu.

Yun Yi stepped forward quickly, and quickly scanned around the table. After confirming that there was no mechanism, he reached out and picked up a small bottle.

The bottle is made of non-transparent material. According to the feel, it should be filled with solution.

Before he could check in detail what was inside the bottle, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened from the outside.

Yun Yi reacted quickly and stepped forward to the door. Without waiting for the person to realize what was happening, he directly stretched out his hand, covering his mouth with one hand, and pinching the back of his neck with the other.

With a strong pinch, the man fell straight down.

Yun Yi threw the man aside, and stretched out his hand to slightly open the door to a small gap.

Outside the study room, Shen Qiu and the other person's footsteps sounded.

"The experiment has reached a critical stage, and we need to be extra vigilant during this period.

The experimental body does not need to continue to be transported here for now, so as not to attract others' attention. "

"Don't worry, I will kill anyone who pays attention."

"The empire's regulations are much stricter. If it is not necessary, don't cause trouble."


The voice of Shen Qiu and that person's voice gradually faded away.

Yun Yi turned around and hurriedly came to those instruments, fumbled for a moment, and quickly transmitted the data and information from those instruments to the communication device.

Then he went to the table inside, turned on the computer and looked around.

There are a lot of information in it, after all, he didn't study these, and he couldn't understand it after scanning, so he simply transmitted all the information in it to the communicator.

Little Mango had been messing around with Xiao Yining and Xiao Chen all day before, but after arriving here, she spent the whole day together with Yuan Fei not knowing what to study.

These materials should be useful to them if they are brought back.

After passing all the materials in the research room, Yun Yi turned around and left.

He glanced back at the man on the ground, pursed his lower lip, turned and walked out.

Shen Qiu and the others have already left, and Yun Yi made a round in the huge research institute below. In addition to the research room where Shen Qiu and him were just now, there are dozens of different research rooms below, each with its own division of labor.

He had already obtained part of the information. In order to avoid being discovered, Yun Yi finally looked back at the depths of the hall. The row of huge glass containers quickly left the basement research room.

However, he had just arrived on the ground when he heard the harsh alarm sound from the institute.

Obviously, the person who had been knocked out by him before woke up quickly and pressed the alarm.

He is not a murderer after all, he kills when he sees people.

Even if he and Shen Qiu have great grievances, but for the moment, that researcher is innocent.

So he just knocked him out, but didn't kill him directly.

I just didn't expect that the human body was so good, but in such a short time, he quickly recovered.

Yun Yi quickly walked out of the house at the fastest speed.

In the next second, the lights in the entire house turned on instantly.

Outside the courtyard, the guards who were originally in the dark rushed towards the house.

Shen Qiu and the person just now looked ugly, and went downstairs quickly together.

Yun Yi raised his eyes and swept around quickly.

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