It's not a genius, it's just a strange type of talent such as having some superpowers, and so on.

Therefore, it did not express much surprise that Yuan Fei knew so much.

For Yuan Fei's research needs, whether it is funds or equipment, they are unconditionally met, and they never go into details.

Don't treat yourself as a benefactor or subordinate because you saved him, but get along with him on an equal footing like a friend.

Don't want to betray him because of discovering his value, but choose to trust him unconditionally.

This is why Yuan Fei willingly chose to stay and help Little Mango.

Little Mango turned back to the study, waiting for Yuan Fei's arrival.

Yuan Fei's research mad rushed over quickly, and the two of them muttered and studied in the study for most of the night. It was not until the sky outside came up that Yuan Fei left with his things.

After sending Yuan Fei away, Little Mango went back to the room to rest for a while.

When he got up, the daddy was gone.

The factories previously acquired have just been merged, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

His dad probably went to the headquarters to handle those things.

Looking at the empty home in front of him, Little Mango only felt that his heart was also empty.

When he was in S City before, although his father and mother spent very little time with him at home, at that time, he was at home alone and felt that the house was full of warmth.

Looking at this place now, all he could feel was coldness.

The little guy thought for a while, took out his little computer, and jumped quickly with his fingers on it.

After a while, seeing the information displayed on the screen, Little Mango rolled his big eyes and quickly got up and ran towards the outside.

the other side.

Face is not doing nothing in Shen Qiu's place every day.

Although Haien's headquarters is in the Federation, it also has many auction houses in the Empire, and there are quite a few in the imperial capital of the Empire, Yongcheng.

The so-called auction house is that you dare to come, I dare to shoot.

Many desperadoes in the interstellar will also take some unclean things to shoot.

And Shen Qiu's subordinates also have a lot of uncommon business, so Rong Yan will help deal with these in the auction house on weekdays.

Last night, Yun Yi went to Shen Qiu's side to make a lot of noise and also attracted the city patrol.

Shen Qiu didn't question her, just sent her to another residence, and left to deal with the matter over there.


There was a huge depression in Yan Yan's mind that she accidentally saw over there last night.

Obviously, a dark room was originally hidden under the residence over there.

And if she read it right, the particle cannon that Yun Yi had aimed at was the direction of the giant depression.

In other words, that is where Yun Yi broke into Shen's house last night.

This is probably the reason why Shen's sirens sounded before Yun Yi broke into her room.

What is there in the secret room that can allow Yun Yi to sneak in in the middle of the night?

Rong Yan thought, slowing down and preparing to stop.

There must be no one at the auction house. She got up early in the morning and drove here.

However, as soon as her car stopped here, she immediately heard an "Ouch" from someone outside the car.

Her face was taken aback. Could it be that she was too fascinated by what she had just thought, didn't notice someone in front, and accidentally bumped into someone?

Busy pushing the door to get out of the car, she stepped forward and saw a small figure lying motionless on the ground in front of her car.

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