Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4997: You can't stop me

The medical staff was originally overjoyed when she heard this, but when she saw her extremely weak at the moment, she frowned again.

"Your situation now looks very bad. The injured person in the operating room needs a lot of blood.

If it is all taken from you, it is very likely that even you yourself will be killed. "

"Long Yan" shook his head, and at this moment, he didn't care about the angrily breaking up with Yun Yi before, holding on to the wall, and struggling forward.

"I'll be fine, you draw my blood quickly.

He is my son, and saving his life is important. "

The doctor looked at the two of them, hesitated, and still spoke.

"To tell you the truth, the patient's injury in the operating room is too serious. Even if you are desperately losing all of your blood to him, you may not really be able to save him.

And in your current situation, drawing so much blood would be fatal.

At that time, neither of you can keep it. "

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Yun Yi, "This gentleman, I suggest that you still think carefully about whose life you are going to save."

Yun Yi had never thought that this kind of problem would fall on him one day.

In the past, he had also seen in those dog-blood dramas that women who gave birth to children were difficult to give birth, and husbands were forced to ask whether they should protect the adults or the children.

At that time, watching the entanglement and pain of being a husband on TV didn't know which one to choose, he only felt that the plot was too **** and ridiculous.

Now, when the same question is before him.

He only knew that the tangled pain in those dog-blood dramas was not even one-thousandth or one-thousandth.

Whether it is the little mango or the face, it is his dearest loved one, and he can't lose any of them.

Gritting his teeth, "I want them both to be well."

The medical staff was helpless, "This sir, I have explained to you just now, we have no way..."

"I don't care. If there is an accident in either of them, I will not let you go." Yun Yi clenched his fist tightly beside him.

The face next to him said directly, "Protect my son, draw blood quickly."

Yun Yi still wanted to speak, but his face flashed with light in his hand, and he waved his hand and swiped it **** his wrist.

The blood gushed out instantly, and it ticked down towards the ground.

He raised his eyes and looked at Yun Yi calmly, "You have no choice now. If you don't draw my blood, then I will die with Little Mango."

As if guessing the thoughts in Yun Yi's heart, he directly added, "Yun Yi, you can't stop me."

The medical staff didn't expect her face to be so crisp, so she had no choice but to quickly pull her to treat the wound and draw blood.

As more and more blood was drawn, his face became paler and paler.

Yun Yi stood behind her face, looking at her pale and ugly face, only hating herself for being incompetent, unable to protect them, and to bear the pain instead of them.

The medical staff looked at only half of his blood volume, then raised his head, looking at his face with some worry.

Rong Yan pursed her lips and glanced at her, and said directly, "Continue."

Behind him, Yun Yi's fist was almost almost burst by himself.

Obviously there are only a few minutes, but he feels like several years have passed.

In the long torment, the amount of blood drawn finally reached the requirement.

As the medical staff pulled out the blood-drawing needle, "Rong Yan" couldn't help shaking his body on the chair.

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