At the corner of the reception room on the first floor, there is a small garden outside the window, through the small garden, opposite is the minister's office, he wants to see what important meeting the minister is holding.

Entering the door, lock the door of the guest room, then walked straight to the window, pushed open the window, supported the window sill with one hand, and pushed hard under the foot, and the whole person turned out and fell to the ground lightly.

Flowers are in full bloom in the small garden outside, but Yun Yi is not in the mood to appreciate the beauty here.

He raised his leg and walked directly to the other side of the garden.

However, before he could walk through the garden behind, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the stone bench not far in front.

At this moment, she was sitting there motionless with her back facing him.

The moment Yun Yi saw that figure, his whole body was lit up like gunpowder, and the anger immediately gathered from all over his body toward his head.

Even if this figure turned to ashes, he would never admit his mistake.

Raising his leg, strode forward, reached out his hand and grabbed the man's arm, and violently pulled him up from the stone bench.

The moment she saw her cheek, she raised her hand and pinched her neck, gritted her teeth.

"Say, did you tell Shen Qiu about the material?"

Su Ling looked at the front with hollow eyes, and his pale cheeks were under the force of his hands at this moment, but a layer of cyan appeared in an instant.

And she seemed to finally come back to her senses now, her eyes moved slowly, and she looked at him.

Those eyes, which were originally beautiful and agile, saw a flash of fluctuations in an instant, then quickly calmed down and looked away in a blink of an eye.

As if he didn't care at all, his hand was pinched on her slender neck at this moment, as long as his hand was hard, she could immediately kill her.

Seeing that she didn't justify herself, nor did she mean to answer him, the anger in Yun Yi's heart instantly burned even more.

"Look at me and say, did you betray us?"

Su Ling is like a puppet without a soul. He said that she should look at him, so she looked at him and replied faintly, "Yes."

She gave him everything he wanted.

He said she was a face, and she was.

He said she was not a face, but she was not.

Now, when he finds out such words, it means that he has already identified her in his heart.

Since he hopes she betrayed them, so what if she admits it.

When Yun Yi heard this, his anger burned his eyes even more, and the hand pinched on her neck couldn't help but force.

Gritting his teeth, squeezed out a few words from the gap between the teeth, "Rong..."

Halfway through the call, he realized that he had called the wrong name again, "Su Ling, do you want to die?"

Su Ling couldn't help feeling even more sad when he heard the half-calling name in his mouth.

From beginning to end, Yun Yi's affectionate love for her is all based on her appearance.

Other than that, there is no feeling for her at all.

Now, she has lost the identity of her face, and all the bad things in his eyes are all done by her, and she wants to choke her to death immediately.

She didn't know until now that she actually liked so much and was willing to abandon all of them for him, but she had never put her in her heart.

To him, her existence is just a stand-in.

Su Ling only felt extremely sad in her heart, smiled sarcastically, and looked at him.

"I want to die, do you dare to kill?"

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