Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5013: Made a breakthrough

"Boss, boss?"

On the communicator side, the subordinate called twice and was still waiting for his order.

Yun Yi gritted his teeth, "From today, you will stay there directly and re-establish your base on the basis of the ruins of the Shadow Clan.

In addition to our people, if anyone dares to break into the abyss, there is no mercy. "

There may be people who will temporarily escape the particle storm on planet M2, but if you don't know the situation under the abyss in advance, it is impossible for anyone to look under the abyss.

Now that the Shadow Clan disappeared without a trace, it should have been taken away by Shen Qiu's people.

Therefore, the only people who would break into the abyss at this time were Shen Qiu's people, except for them.

He didn't need to be merciful to that despicable and shameless guy.

The subordinate on the communicator side, although very puzzled as to why there are still people on this abandoned planet, they are still in such a **** place.

What is even more strange is that the boss even let them establish a base here.

But he didn't dare to ask more, he directly responded, "Yes."

Then he hung up the communicator, and immediately began various arrangements for the establishment of the base.

Here, Yun Yi's communicator did not start the privacy mode, and Little Mango heard the report of his subordinate clearly.

Looking at Yun Yi's gloomy and ugly face, he could naturally guess what Daddy was thinking.

These days, everything that happened was related to Su Ling, and it was not clear that there were too many dislikes.

Even if he wanted to excuse her, he couldn't find an excuse.

After thinking about this matter, it was only possible that Su Ling had leaked information to Shen Qiu.

Some helplessly raised his hand and touched his nose, "Daddy, the material matter is not in a hurry now.

As long as the planet M2 is still there, with the frequency of the particle storm, we will be able to collect enough materials sooner or later.

The most important thing now is to find Yuan Fei's whereabouts. "

Although he has been following up the research on time and space, most of the results are based on the ones he brought from Longyuan before.

But he still has other things to do after all, and he can't stay with Yuan Fei all the time to study these.

Yuan Fei has been studying frantically all day and night after taking those ninth-level materials and ten-level materials back.

He also told him before, what breakthrough progress had been made.

If Yuan Fei is not there, it is not impossible for him to find a way back, but the time will definitely be extended for a long time.

Besides, he has always sincerely regarded Yuan Fei as his friend.

Now, Yuan Fei is missing because of them. Even if his research on time travel is useless, he can't let his friends go.

Yun Yi's expression remained gloomy, "There are only two possibilities for Yuan Fei's disappearance. If he didn't find a way to hide and escape Shen Qiu and the others, he would be taken away by Shen Qiu's people.

I suspect that Shen Qiu's back is related to the Zerg race, otherwise, they would not be so anxious to take the way to shuttle time and space from us, or even directly use the grabbing method. "

Shen Qiu, no matter how stupid he is, it is impossible to grab such an obvious way.

It must be because he suddenly broke into the basement of Shen's house last time, found the experimental items, and completely destroyed them.

They worry that once he knows what those things are, it will be against them.

After all, the Zerg race is already annihilated. As long as he reveals this news, they will probably be completely annihilated this time.

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