Two days later, Yun Yi finally received information about the Shenjia security system from Su Ling, as well as more detailed information about Shenjia and the underground base.

It was more detailed than the information that Su Ling gave him in the bar before.

The data drawings even marked some of her own speculations on the location, and I wish I could mark the location of each instrument in the underground base in detail.

After careful study, Yun Yi and Xiao Mango determined that the security information sent by Su Ling was consistent with the information that Xiao Mango had previously grasped, and then the two determined the specific time for the action.

These days, Yan Yan and Yun Yi are in a cold war, and the two naturally sleep in separate rooms in two rooms.

Little Mango relied on selling cuteness, and took the place of his father in the face of the face, and slept in her bed.

That night, after Yan Yan fell asleep, Little Mango opened her eyes and glanced at her, then secretly got up and walked out lightly.

When they reached the door, they happened to run into Yun Yi coming out of his room. The two raised their hands and made a silent gesture. Little Mango turned and looked into the room. After confirming that he was not awakened, he carefully closed his Door.

What he didn't see was that at the moment the door closed, the face on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

the other side.

Yun Yi quickly took people to Shen Qiu’s villa. Su Ling sent a message saying that she had drugged Shen Qiu and all the security personnel at home during dinner, and watched Shen Qiu eat the food with her own eyes. .

The drug was tested by someone personally, and there was absolutely no problem. After those people had a dinner mixed with drugs, they would fall asleep at least until noon tomorrow.

When Yun Yi sneaked into the villa quietly, he did not encounter any obstacles, and easily sneaked directly into the villa.

All the way to the location of the underground base marked by Su Ling unimpeded, the Su Ling people have been waiting there.

The villa was dark, but with good night vision ability, Yun Yi recognized Su Ling in the night for the first time.

The people behind him stopped them before they started, raised his hand and gestured to the people behind him, and then walked towards Su Ling in the night in front of Su Ling.

Seeing him coming, Su Ling nodded, and walked forward to the hidden door, raising his hand to darken a certain place at the bottom corner.

A secret door opened in front of them silently.

The previous time she accidentally saw the door open and found the underground base. It should be that the people they had entered were too careless and forgot to close it.

In the past few days, Su Ling also secretly fumbled for several times without paying attention, and found the specific location of the secret door.

Behind the door was a dark passage. Su Ling knew Yun Yi didn't believe her, so before Yun Yi moved, he walked straight in.

Take the lead and walk down the passage.

She has been here once, and there is no danger in the passage.

The group of people quickly walked along the passage to the end, and after passing through a door, they saw the spacious hall outside the door, and the neatly arranged small rooms like the surrounding honeycombs.

"right here."

Su Ling quickly stepped forward and walked to the door of Room One. "Haili is in this room. I heard them say before, what kind of experimental subject Haili is, so I speculate that the Shadow Race people should follow The sorts are arranged here in order."

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