However, the whole person could only stand stiffly beside Shen Qiu, unable to make any sound.

I can't even move my fingers.

Yun Yi didn't know her situation at the moment.

Therefore, in Yun Yi's eyes, her silence and non-resistance have become acquiescence to Shen Qiu's words.

Yun Yi didn't even look at her, but directly faced Shen Qiu.

"Mr. Shen is really a good strategy, and it's because you have a fiancee who is so obedient."

Shen Qiu laughed, "The so-called hero is saddened by Beauty Guan, it seems that Mr. Yun is really affectionate for my fiancee.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be fooled by my fiancee here so easily. "

Yun Yi raised her eyebrows, "She's not entirely a lie, at least, those from the Shadow Clan and Yuan Fei were really here."

Perhaps he knew that Yun Yi had no way to escape now and could only fall into his hands, and Shen Qiu didn't conceal it anymore.

"How about being here?

Do you think you have broken into my base once before, would I be so stupid to put them here?

Mr. Yun is a clever life, so confused for a while.

However, to be able to successfully catch you, it is not in vain that I spend so much energy and financial resources to establish such a large base here.

Let my fiancée approach you in person. "

Shen Qiu's face was unabashedly proud, as he said, he turned to look at Su Ling beside him.

"Is not it?"

Su Ling finally understood that everything was Shen Qiu's calculations from beginning to end.

He wanted to catch Yun Yi, but he didn't have the ability, so he hit her on the head.

She saw the open door that day. She thought that something was wrong with the door, or someone forgot to close it after entering.

It now appears that Shen Qiu deliberately arranged it.

Including the information that she successfully obtained the security system later, it was all within Shen Qiu's plan.

It was because she was too impatient and too anxious to rescue those people, that's why she was used by Shen Qiu and harmed Yun Yi.

Su Ling was very anxious here, and she eagerly wanted to explain to Yun Yi that things were not what Shen Qiu said.

Over there, Shen Qiu directly looked at her and said softly, "With me here, you don't need to be afraid.

What's more, now that he is under our control, he cannot escape with his wings.

I promised you before that we will get married when Yun Yi is caught this time.

I did not expect you to work so hard for us to get married as soon as possible.

Yun Yi was brought here so soon.

Don't worry, I will do what I promised you. After I have been busy these few days, I will call and let the Federation start preparing for our wedding. "

In Yun Yi's eyes, Su Ling lowered his head slightly at this moment, leaning in Shen Qiu's arms, obediently to him, like a husband and wife.

His eyes darkened, and he suppressed the anger in his heart, "Then I want to wish Mr. Shen and Miss Su a hundred years in advance, and grow old?"

"Mr. Yun has a deep affection for my fiancee. It is really embarrassing for you to make you such a blessing.

However, if Mr. Yun is willing, my fiancee and I are naturally happy. "Shen Qiu said proudly.

Yun Yi didn't care about the irony in his words, "Anyway, now that I am already here, I have a question that I want to ask Mr. Shen."

Shen Qiu stretched out his hand and made a please gesture.

Yun Yi looked at him and asked.

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