Shen Qiu pursed his lips, his face was ugly, but he didn't say much about it in the end.

"I know."

Mark nodded, "It's good to know, I have recreated a fantasy for her, so that everything that happened last night, including what happened before, has become a dream for her.

After she wakes up, everything that happened in the empire will be forgotten as her dreams wake up.

Her memory will stay in the first car accident, after being rescued by you on the road, and after being taken back by you.

You just need to tell her that you brought her here to heal her injuries.

Don't mention everything else in front of her, so as not to touch her memories. "

"I know how to do it."

Shen Qiu responded with a cold face, "Are you sure there is no problem with the illusion you created, will she forget everything that happened last night and before when she wakes up?"

Mark raised his eyebrows. "Of course, if you doubt my skills, you can try it yourself."

"Where is she?" Shen Qiu asked.

Mark glanced at him meaningfully, then raised his finger in a direction.

Shen Qiu didn't say a word anymore, turned around and walked in the direction he pointed out just now.

Pushing the door into the room, Su Ling closed his eyes and lay quietly on the bed with a calm face and softness between his eyebrows and eyes.

After never returning from Yun Yi, there is always a touch of sorrow at the corner of his eyes.

Shen Qiu stepped forward, sat down by the bed, and looked at the person on the bed for a long time, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, until the long eyelashes of the person on the bed trembled, and slowly opened his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse.

"Mr. Shen?"

Shen Qiu came back to his senses, "Are you awake? Is there any physical discomfort?"

Su Ling blinked and glanced around, a trace of confusion flashed in his bright eyes.

"Mr. Shen, where is this? Why am I here?"

Shen Qiu got up, poured a glass of water on the side of the table, and returned to the bed with the water glass.

Su Ling struggled to get up from the bed and reached out to take the water glass that Shen Qiu handed over, "Thank you."

Shen Qiu watched her drink the water, and then said to her with concern, "This is in the Empire. You hurt your head in a car accident. The doctor didn't care about it. Later, you passed out at home. I had to take you to the Empire. Looking for a brain expert.

After the operation, you have been in a coma for several months, and now you are finally awake. "

Su Ling looked down at the water glass in his hand, took a sip of the water in the glass, bit his lower lip and whispered.

"Then, in the past few months, has Mr. Shen personally taken care of me?"

From it, a hint of blush flew on the tips of the originally fair ears.

She looked like a little woman who was shy and shy because of her admiration.

Shen Qiu smiled and nodded, "Well, don't you like it?"

"No." Su Ling quickly shook his head and denied.

After speaking, he seemed to feel that he was too eager to deny it, as if he had revealed his inner thoughts, and then hurriedly lowered his head to drink water again to cover up his embarrassment.

Shen Qiu smiled, raised his hand and slid it gently on her cheek. As expected, the tips of Su Ling's ears instantly turned red, and even the pale face with a hint of blushing appeared.

Originally, there was still a trace of worries in my heart, but when I saw the situation in front of me, I finally felt relieved.

The former Su Ling never blushed in front of him.

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