Could it be that some of his subordinates betrayed him, secretly rescued Yun Yi from the collapsed underground base, and let him go?

Shen Qiu suppressed the anger in his heart, his mind turned quickly, and the expression on his face was even more ugly.

If this is the case, he will definitely find the person who dared to betray him, and let him survive and die!

Shen Qiu's side has already been blown up with anger, but Yun Yi on the other side is born with his own aura.

Even if this is not his home court at the moment, and there is no one behind him, it still cannot conceal the kind of strength in him.

When the people in the audience saw him walking towards the side of the stage, they consciously stepped back to both sides and made way for him in the middle.

Yun Yi put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked to the stage like a walk in the courtyard, no matter if Shen Qiu was still in shock at the moment that he suddenly knew he was not dead, he raised his lips and spoke.

"Mr. Shen, don't come here unharmed."

Outsiders could not hear the ridicule in Yun Yi's words, but Shen Qiu heard it clearly.

This is a mockery of his previous stupid behavior, spent so much money, spent so much time, sacrificed so many people, and now he is still fine.

Shen Qiu was annoyed, the expression on his face was a bit unsustainable, "Mr. Yun, I don't remember having invited you to my banquet."

Yun Yi chuckled, and replied indifferently, "Mr. Shen and Miss Su are getting married. How can we miss such a great day with my relationship with Miss Su?"

After saying a word, Shen Qiu's face on the stage was completely darkened to the bottom of the pot.

Those people in the audience were even talking about it all at once.

"Hey, when Yun Yi said this, I remembered that the last time I took photos in the media, it seemed that Yun Yi and Su Ling went out on a sweet date together.

The two seem to have a child with them. Someone said on the Internet that they heard the child call them Daddy and Mommy.

This title sounds very similar to the feeling of father and mother. "

"Yes, Mr. Shen shouldn't be robbing other people's wives by robbing someone else's wife."


No one really knows the grievances between Yun Yi, Su Ling and Shen Qiu.

But everyone likes gossip, and these celebrities and nobles are no exception, especially those rich and powerful wives, who spend their days at home and do nothing, but don't just rely on watching these gossips every day to pass the day.

If it was only gossip rumors before, now Yun Yi's words can be regarded as a seal of gossip to the three of them.

This is good, not only did not let Shen Qiu's deliberate plot to kill him succeed, and suffered heavy losses, but also gave him a hat that was loved by others.

Shen Qiu was so angry that he wanted to kill.

"Yun Yi, please pay attention to what you say.

Su Ling is my person and came from the Federation with me. She doesn't know you at all, so don't talk nonsense here. "

Yun Yi chuckled lightly, "I just said casually, why are you so angry.

I came here today, but brought a big gift to Mr. Shen. "

Shen Qiu said with an ugly face, "I dare not accept your gift."

The swords between the two are at odds, and even those who thought that the gossip was just fake news could not help but believe it at this moment.

Realizing this, Shen Qiu hated that he just wanted to rush down and swallow the **** Yun Yi alive.

This guy is really too cunning, it seems that no matter how he calculates, he will always lose.

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