Minister Arthur said eagerly, "Mr. Yun, can you sell this mecha to me?"

"You can rest assured that you have made such a huge contribution to the empire, and the empire will not treat you badly."

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, glanced at Shen Qiu and Su Ling on the stage, and looked a little embarrassed.

Even Shen Qiu on the stage couldn't help but feel tight at this moment, and raised his eyes to look at Yun Yi.

I was very disappointed and complained that Minister Arthur would jump out at this time and **** the mecha that Yun Yi wanted to give them.

Of course he knew that Yun Yi couldn't give him such a precious gift so kindly, but if Minister Arthur didn't jump out, he had already given out the gift, and there was no reason to regret it again.

Over there, before Yun Yi could speak, Minister Arthur had already enthusiastically pulled him towards the box at the back of the banquet hall, "Mr. Yun, take a step to speak."

After finishing speaking, I can't say that I just took Yun Yi and walked towards the box.

The golden mecha was still there, and those people in the banquet hall wanted to see what Shen Qiu did. Seeing that Yun Yi and Minister Arthur had entered the box, they immediately surrounded them with excitement.

Minister Yun Yi and Minister Arthur did not talk in the box for a long time. After a while, the two of them walked out of the box together.

"Sorry, I think the country needs this mecha more than an individual.

Minister Arthur and I have something to discuss, so I won’t continue to bother you here. "

With that said, he took out the space button and directly put away the golden mecha in the middle of the hall.

Minister Arthur excitedly pulled Yun Yi tightly, and walked directly outside, without even saying hello to Shen Qiu.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows and cast a satirical look at Shen Qiu on the stage, before being pulled by Minister Arthur and walked outside the door together.

Fight with him, and don't look at how many catties you are.

Shen Qiu challenged his bottom line time and time again, really thinking he didn't dare to attack him?

However, if Shen Qiu were to be killed, it would definitely alarm the Federation.

Shen Qiu is a member of the Federation after all, and one year alone can bring huge benefits to the Federation.

He killed Shen Qiu, even if it was only for the dignity of the country, the Federation would definitely pursue it to the end.

As for Shen Qiu's relationship with the Zerg, he couldn't show any evidence right now.

Even if he tells the Federation and the Empire, Shen Qiu can bite back and say that he is slanderous.

His current power is not strong enough to fight against a whole country, or even a coalition of several countries.

Therefore, if he wants to kill Shen Qiu, he must fix the Federation and the Empire.

Let them turn a blind eye to Shen Qiu's death.

However, because of the previous events, the military headquarters of the Empire and the Federation chose to cooperate with Shen Qiu.

He must find a way to undermine the cooperation between them and let the two ministers choose to cooperate with him again.

And after obtaining the ninth and tenth level materials, the most urgent thing for the military fanatics like Minister Arthur and Minister Gao at present must be to study a higher-level mecha.

But the development of Level 9 Mecha is by no means an overnight event.

The mecha provided to him by Master Arthur was actually not a real level nine mecha, but used those precious materials to strengthen it on the basis of the eighth level mecha.

Although it can't be called the ninth level, the performance data and other aspects are indeed almost equivalent to the ninth level mecha.

It is definitely a breakthrough, and it can be called the only level nine mecha at present.

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