"I have an urgent matter to go out now, and I don't have the time to take care of you."

He stretched out his hand and directly took the little guy who had walked in front of him to one side, and continued to walk towards the door.

No way, he knew how deeply this little guy felt for his face.

Little Mango now believes that this one in their house is his real mummy, and he can't produce any unusual evidence.

If the little guy knew that he was going to find Su Ling now, he would definitely be sad.

He carried the little mango in the air, and kicked him several times with his short legs.

"Hey, daddy, you big pig's hoof, I have news about Su Ling and Mommy, do you want to listen?"

Yun Yi frowned, then put the person down, "What news?"

Little Mango snorted, and after being placed on the ground to stand firmly, he flew up and kicked Yun Yi angrily.

Only then did he raise the communicator on his wrist, and his little hand tapped quickly on it.

The data on the communicator was quickly projected into the air.

Yun Yi frowned, watching the string of numbers and English letters projected in the midair before he frowned.

"This is a genetic analysis and comparison data?

Where did you get it? "

Little Mango cast a small mouth and said, "The timing of this mommy's appearance at the time was too coincidental, and all her information was perfect.

But the more perfect the information, the more puzzled I was. At the beginning, I asked Yuan Fei to do countless tests, and I also tried every means to verify it, but I never found out where the flaws were.

At that time, I thought it was Su Ling who was preconceived and got me used to her existence first, so I felt weird towards the later mommy.

She was reluctant to see Mommy's sadness, so she accepted her.

As the time gets along longer and longer, although her behavior and everything are exactly the same as Mommy, the doubts in my heart become more and more serious.

However, before I had time to find Yuan Fei, he was taken away by Shen Qiu's people and disappeared.

During this period of time, I have been to Yuan Fei's place many times. Just an hour ago, I recovered a destroyed computer and found this information in it. "

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, "So, what does this information mean?"

Little Mango looked at him with hatred for iron and steel, "Daddy, why are you so stupid, you don't even understand this."

Yun Yi...

"I'm not a doctor. It's a genius to understand that this is a genetic comparison data."

His understanding of medical skills is limited to bandaging and treating wounds in times of crisis.

As for these dazzling medical materials, he could see what it was probably already good.

He is not the perverted group of Little Mango and Xiao Yining, one of whom has higher IQ than the other, and learning everything is the same as learning that one plus one equals two.

Obviously they are just a group of bear kids, but they perform better than 99% of the adults in the world.

Sooner or later, the world will be occupied by their perverted kids.

Little Mango gave him a roll of eyes, raised his hand and pointed at a place in the document in front of him.

"You see, this data belongs to Su Ling, this one belongs to Mommy, and the one closest to this data belongs to me.

After comparing all the data above, it can be concluded that Su Ling’s genetic data and Mommy’s genetic data have a higher overlap rate, and the similarity is as high as 99.9%.

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