The small battleship that Shen Qiu was on, after evading twice in a row, was finally hit tenaciously by two cannons.

With a "boom", a small battleship exploded in the interstellar instantly.

After a while, the flames of the spacecraft being hit and exploding gradually dissipated.

And that small battleship, there was not even a trace of residue left.

The opposite Yun Yi did not relax because of the slightest amount of relaxation, but squinted at the place where the flame was gradually disappearing while fighting back.

He didn't think that with Shen Qiu's insidious and cunning character, he would be blown to death in the battleship so easily.

And every battleship has an automatic escape pod. Even if all the other people on the battleship are dead, the selfish person Shen Qiu will never let himself die.

Sure enough, as the flames in the distance dissipated completely, I finally saw a small escape pod, which was quickly moving away from there.

Yun Yi snorted coldly, and he knew that Shen Qiu died so easily.

After the wave of attacks just now, the remaining energy in the last energy box that was just replaced was already running low.

Yun Yi didn't have the time to entangle with these little girls here.

After what happened just now, the opposing team was in chaos, and Shen Qiu was away from the mecha group and battleship group by himself at this time, just giving him a chance to pursue it.

Yun Yi jumped with ten fingers, and then his mecha instantly disappeared in place.

Even the face closest to him could only see Yun Yi's fingers move, not to mention the people who controlled the mechas and battleships outside.

In their eyes, the Yun Yi Mecha, which was originally in the middle, seemed to disappear out of thin air, but in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared before their eyes.

A group of people looked dumbfounded. They were all mecha fighters, and they were naturally familiar with the control of mechas.

But after learning mecha for so many years, I have never seen anyone who can control mecha to such a superb situation.

When they came back to their senses and reacted and looked towards Shen Qiu, Yun Yi's mecha had already appeared right in front of Shen Qiu's escape pod, blocking the route he wanted to leave.

Even Shen Qiu in the escape capsule was suddenly appeared by Yun Yi, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Yun Yi didn't give him a chance to react, so he started the fight directly.

The design of the escape pod was originally designed for escape, and the weapons and equipment were very weak, and Shen Qiu hadn't reacted at all.

And those mecha fighters in the distance did not have the level of Yun Yi to control mechas, and distant waters could not save near fires.

But in a moment, Shen Qiu was already chased and beaten by Yun Yi and fled in embarrassment.

From the outside, the entire escape capsule has been ruined in half.

Judging from the current situation, it is almost impossible for the mechas in the distance to rush over at this point.

Shen Qiu was anxious in his heart, but there was no other way, and his heart was aggrieved.

Today was a good day for him, first he was robbed of the marriage by Yun Yi in public.

The nets of heaven and earth that had spent huge sums of money to prepare had no effect at all in front of Yun Yi. He himself is still being chased down by Yun Yi.

What's all this!

While Shen Qiu flees stubbornly, his subordinates quickly sent messages and instructions to the mechas and warships in the distance, asking them to come over quickly.

Unfortunately, Yun Yi didn't give him this opportunity at all.

Without waiting for Shen Qiu's message and instructions to be sent, Yun Yi controlled the mecha and grabbed his escape pod.

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