The face nodded, just about to explain to him, there was a sudden sound of footsteps not far behind the two.

According to common sense, although it is desolate here, it is not surprising if there are people.

But strangely, this sound came from behind, saying it was footsteps, but it didn't look like normal footsteps.

There is a weirdness in that voice that is indescribable.

The two turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction where the footsteps came from.

Not far behind them, I saw a monster that looked about one or two meters tall, and couldn't see any kind of monster, and looked at them two with a stern eye.

Looking at that look, it was clear that they were treated as food for both of them.

The bodies of the two became tight in an instant, and Yun Yi subconsciously wanted to protect his face behind him, but when he stretched his hand over his face, his body couldn't help staggering twice in place.

He didn't know what was going on with his body. After waking up, he felt weak. He just barely walked a few steps just to make his face not worry about him.

But the monster on the opposite side seemed to be human. Seeing Yun Yi's body swayed, he immediately jumped up from the spot and attacked the two.

The face gritted her teeth and immediately tried to mobilize her superpowers again, but as before, as long as every time she tried to mobilize her superpowers, every cell in the body seemed to explode, and the overwhelming pain swept toward her.

She didn't know exactly what was going on with her body, but she knew that Yun Yi's current situation was more serious than her.

Seeing that the monster was about to pounce in front of the two of them, his face took a step forward, and he reached out and touched Yun Yi's waist.

Although weapons such as guns are more lethal and more convenient, Yun Yi has a habit of carrying daggers with him.

However, before her fingers touched the dagger, Yun Yi had already grabbed the dagger before her. He reached out and took out the dagger, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the monster.

Before the monster opened his mouth and was about to bite his head, Yun Yi suddenly slammed his waist back, avoiding the monster's sharp teeth, and waved his hand to place the dagger that had been behind him back in front of him.

The monster's body was suddenly bent over to hide by Yun Yi because of the impulse that jumped before, and jumped directly over his body.

With a roar, he turned around fiercely, opened his mouth and rushed towards Yun Yi again.

"Yun Yi."

Rong Yan yelled anxiously, and was about to rush to help him when he saw that after the monster passed his throat, a burst of blood spurted out of his throat.

Then the huge body shook in place, and fell directly to the ground with a "boom".

On the other side, Yun Yi's body hadn't recovered originally. He rushed to his face to look on. At this moment, seeing that the monster was knocked down, he couldn't hold on anymore. He supported one leg, and the other knelt on the ground.

"Yun Yi, Yun Yi."

Rongyan rushed forward and reached out to support him, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Seeing a little blood on his body, he immediately pulled the person in anxious manner, and carefully checked the whole body.

After confirming that the blood stains were only splashed up by the monster's blood stains just now, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But here, before she was completely relieved, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

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