This... how is this possible?

Subconsciously, Yan Yan raised his hand to cover his face.

Yuan Yuan, who was next to him, saw this and asked eagerly, "Sister Rongyan, are you sick with a toothache?

Do I need to go to the doctor to help you find some medicine for toothache? "

The corners of her lips twitched, she would rather have a toothache at the moment.

However, the portrait in front of her reminded her brightly in front of her.

So, when they were outside before, those people who saw her face were all scared off, did it have something to do with this?

Rong Yan couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Yun Yi, who also happened to look thoughtfully at her face next to him.

That's right, the face on the top of the portrait is the face of Yan Yan.

Seeing her silent, Yuan Yuan thought she had a terrible toothache, so he called out again, "Sister Rongyan? Sister Rongyan?"

Only then did Rong Yan recover, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Yuan Yuan asked what she had just said again, shook his head hurriedly, "It's okay, I don't have a toothache."

"Really not? I see you covering your face and frowning, as if you are very uncomfortable." Yuan Yuan looked at her with some confusion.


She can't say that because this face is the same as the portrait in her hand, she subconsciously raised her hand to cover it, right?

She was afraid of scaring away the two of them again.

Fortunately, Yun Yi wiped dirt on her face wittyly before.

"Hehe, it's really okay, I'm just a little curious, who is this woman?"

The face changed the subject forcibly.

Yuan Yuan confirmed that she was okay, glanced at the portrait in her hand, and then spoke.

"This is the ruler of the black hole, and it is said that he is also the creator of the world below.

Before her, all the people exiled here could only be scorched into fly ash under the irradiation of death rays, and only a few people could survive.

It is not too much to be called Purgatory on Earth, of course, this is also the reason why it is called the interstellar exile.

Later, after she came here, she created the current black hole world system.

And created a protective cover above our heads, which can protect humans from living here. "

Rong Yan thought for a while, but she was a little puzzled, "Since she created everything here and protected everyone from living, why does everyone seem to be afraid of her?"

"Afraid?" Yuan Yuan looked at her suspiciously.

Only then did Rong Yan realize that she had missed her mouth, her mind quickly turned, and she said hurriedly, "Uh...I just saw someone holding this portrait when I was outside, and the person next to him seemed very scared. The appearance was scared away.

So, I am a little curious now. "

Yun Yi was aside, raising his eyebrows and watching his wife's serious nonsense.

There are only two words in my heart, cute!

Over there, Yuan Yuan was innocent and didn't doubt his appearance. He raised his eyes and looked around before speaking in a low voice.

"According to the gossip, although our man in power is beautiful, he has a moody, cruel and tyrannical personality, and he kills people if he makes a difference.

When she first created this place, because it was so beautiful, there were also men who didn't know good or bad wanted to plot against her.

You know, those who can be exiled here are not kind people.

Of course, the exception is Cao Li and I. We are aboriginals, that is, descendants of our predecessors, who have been living here since we were young. "

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