Although An Ziqi and Xiao Chen are both BUG-like existences, because they grew up together and their ages are similar, Yun Yi didn't think much.

But suddenly he really wanted to see this old monster who had lived for more than a thousand years, and he naturally felt horrified psychologically.

After all, their common sense since childhood is that humans have only a hundred years of life.

Over there, Yuan Yuan nodded, "She is the person in charge and the creation god, of course it is impossible to die.

Moreover, I was just hearsay before, anyway, I have been here for so many years, and I have never seen her kill anyone.

If there is a chance, I still want to see her. "

The tone of her speech was full of pride and longing, without the horror of the men who saw her face before.

The corners of Yan Yan's lips moved, thinking of what Yuan Yuan had just said, well, she could only think that this little girl probably felt that she was growing up very safe.

However, God of Creation?

Can she live for more than a thousand years without dying, is it possible that she is really a god?

For other ordinary people, it may be difficult to accept this, but it is different for appearance.

She is a superpower herself, and the existence of her and Little Mango itself is not in line with scientific common sense, so she doesn't think of these gods as feudal superstitions.

Besides, there is also the kind of perverted existence of An Ziqi and Xiao Moli's family.

The upper dared to provoke the heaven, the lower dared to rob people in the underworld.

What is impossible in this world.

Yun Yi thought for a moment, then turned to look at Cao Li on the other side, "How can we see her?"

Putting aside the so-called appearance issue, if they want to go out, they must first find this so-called power-in-charge, the God of Creation.

The president of Yunda is very self-aware.

Although he has an excellent IQ, he really has no talent for studying science.

I don't think he can study the spacecraft tools that escaped with his own power.

Cao Li said, "Although the person in power has a separate living area, it is still within the first-level living area.

If you want to see her, you must find a way to enter the first-class living area.

Otherwise, you might not even see her. "

Yuan Yuan enthusiastically added on the other side, "The place we went to today is the hunting area, where we can hunt and get rough stones from those monsters.

Those monsters are also divided into levels, with different levels of rough stones coming from different levels of monsters.

There are clear divisions in the hunting area. You can go directly to which area you want to hunt for monsters of which level.

Between three and five o'clock in the afternoon every day is the time when the death ray comes.

If you go hunting, you must come back before four o'clock. "

Rong Yan and Yun Yi nodded, they figured out everything here, and didn't ask any more questions for the time being.

"By the way, my brother and I have collected enough rough stones to go to the secondary living area.

If you don't dislike it, this small courtyard will send you off.

However, we probably can't help you with the original stone, and we need you to go out and think of a solution by yourself. "

Yuan Yuan said to his face a little embarrassed.

The face smiled and thanked, "It doesn't matter, you have done enough.

Thank you for saving us, and for bringing us back, giving us food and a place to live. "

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