Joe had a very long meal.

Finally finished eating, she couldn't stay at home for half a minute. She immediately took the children to go.

At the door, a slender arm came from behind, passed through her armpit, and closed the door she had just opened with a bang.

As soon as she turned back, the man was close in front of her, his back against the door, there was no way out, and he was trapped by him.

The eyes blinked quickly, and the long eyelashes almost rubbed his chin. I just heard a smiling voice ringing above his head: "why? Don't you have a farewell kiss with your honey mixed fiance?"

The two children are still around. Her face is red and her ears are red. Her hand is against his strong chest. "Don't mess around. Ruirui and Sisi are still watching!"

When he cut an's head down, he glanced at the children with a smile.

Ruirui turns around with a cold face and says he doesn't look.

Sisi's little fat hand covered his face, looked at them from his fingers, smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, Sisi won't peek!"

"Good boy." Shi zhanan smiled and praised.

Qiao Yan: "

Are these two children born by themselves!

Seeing the man's facial features getting closer and closer, her nervous breathing suddenly stopped, but he suddenly moved away and said, "forget it, you said you need time, I'll give it to you."

Qiao Yan: "

What? Give her time! Obviously playing with her!

Her whole mood was pinched, her heart beat faster, her face flushed, and she was too frightened to breathe... He finally let go, ran away and took the child home.

Make blind and disorderly conjectures for a night, second days used many concealer to block the panda eye, and then rushed to work.

"After the last meeting, I gave you a day yesterday. Today, please report the Market Research Report and the contact with old customers one by one."

This time there was no time to help. Qiao Yan sat alone in the main position of the conference room and was somewhat lacking in confidence in the face of a group of sinister employees.

She put on a serious face. Those people were obedient and spoke one after another to report on the results of their work.

Qiao Yan has sharp eyes and has been staring at the employees present. Sometimes he nods to agree, sometimes he puts forward his own views and asks them to correct them.

Her views often burst into blood, which made many unconvinced people begin to secretly admire her.

At the end of the speech, two people sat upright and refused to stand up.

Qiao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked coldly, "director Sun, director Wang, where's your report?"

Director Sun shook his collar, disdainfully glanced and said coldly from his nostrils, "President Qiao, you really think you are the daughter of the Qiao family, so you can airborne to instruct us? I tell you, when I work, you were still playing with the mud in the kindergarten!"

Joe Yan's face changed and clenched his fist.

Director Wang rolled his eyes and said indifferently, "I promoted half the backbone of the company! President Qiao, if you really want to move director Sun and me, you should also weigh to see if you are qualified enough."

These two people are clearly threatening her through their previous credit and contacts in the company!

Qiao Yan was extremely angry. Suddenly, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled gently.

The two people were nervous with her smile. She slowly stood up and said slowly: "you two really have no fear, but... If I exposed your embezzlement of public funds last year, do you still dare to be so arrogant?"

Director Sun sweated on his forehead, swallowed twice and stammered, "what are you talking about embezzling public funds? Do you have evidence? Don't talk about it!"

"Yes, you have no evidence. Be careful we accuse you of slander!"

"Really don't cry when you don't see the coffin!" Qiao Yan's eyes were cold and clapped his hands at the door. The Secretary immediately came in and put the two documents on the table.

She picked it up, Yang said word by word in front of director Sun and director Wang: "if you don't want these evidence to fall to the police, you two, pack up your things immediately and get out of here!"

Trembling, they scrambled to turn over the documents, and their faces were as gray as earth.

Looking at Qiao Yan with a guilty heart for a few seconds, they were defeated one after another. They didn't even have time to clean up their things. Wiping a cold sweat, they ran out of the conference room.

After leaving the building, they stopped, their nervous expression immediately disappeared, took out their mobile phone and called: "second lady, acting is really tired! But fortunately, after the play, it came out. However, they didn't get the benefits."

At the other end of the phone, Qiao ran smiled gloomily and said, "you two have worked hard. Don't worry. I'll get it back for you tomorrow. As for the benefits, you work for me. How can I treat you badly?"

They looked at each other and said with a smile, "then wait for the second lady to avenge me!"

"It's a deal."


Conference room.

As soon as they left, Qiao Yanli stood in the center of everyone's eyes and said calmly, "everyone, your foundation is in my hands. If you work hard, I can act as if I don't know anything. But if you want to learn from them, then... I won't give you a chance to call the police next time."

All the people in the conference room trembled and repeatedly expressed their loyalty to her.

Finally, a tall and thin man stood up and held his eyes. He looked a little nervous. He said eagerly, "Mr. Qiao, I haven't reported my report yet."

"Then you say."

Qiao Yan takes a look at his badge. Su Zian, an ordinary staff member of the planning department.

Su Zian took a deep breath and stumbled through the report, but he was booed and even more at a loss.

Qiao Yan didn't say much, just waved his hand and let him sit down.

In another position, the calm man stood up and introduced himself: "Mr. Qiao, I'm the vice president of the market research department. My name is Zhao Pingsheng. This is my report. Please have a look at it."

He seemed very confident. He didn't speak like others, but directly handed his report to Qiao Yan.

That bearing is not comparable to that of Su Zian, who was timid just now.

Qiao Yan looked at him, took the report, read it carefully and nodded gently.

Seeing this, Zhao Pingsheng also showed a shallow smile at the corners of his mouth.

After reading it, Qiao Yan sighed: "good! Good! Was vice president Zhao under director Wang before? Just in time, he was fired. You will take his place!"

Zhao Pingsheng smiled and nodded, "thank you for your trust. I will live up to your expectations."


At the end of the meeting, everyone left in order.

After Zhao Pingsheng went out, he looked back furtively. Seeing that Qiao Yan hadn't followed him, he bowed his head and quickly sent a message: don't worry, everything is OK.

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