"What are you talking about? Me and... Don't see any flaws?"

Liu Jiawei's words made Shi zhanan's hand holding the phone tight, and it was hard to say it, taking into account Qiao Yan around him.

The person who took the child can pretend to be him and Qiao Yan, which means that he must have been planning for a long time.

Otherwise, even if the face can wear a mask, what about the body, clothes and behavior?

Liu Jiawei is so familiar with him that he can't see any difference.

But the child hasn't been around for so long, and he also asked Liu Jiawei to look for it, but the other party didn't move at all. What's the purpose?

"Sorry, boss. As like as two peas, I can't see. Ning Yu Yang has come to help me, and I can't see the problem. Your car... I also went to see it. The car was lost. There was a identical license on the same parking lot, but the license plates were the same, but they were fake.

Opposite, Liu Jiawei's tone was wilting.

He is not good at expressing, but he has always had a good relationship with Sirui, and both children like him very much.

Now that the child is gone, there is nothing he can do, and he feels bad.

"Cut an. Yes... Have you heard from Sisi and ruiruirui?"

Qiao Yan cried for too long, and he was too tired today. He couldn't help living on the sofa and was confused in the past, but he was awakened by a nightmare in a few minutes.

When I saw Zhan an on the phone, I quickly asked, "where are they and who took them?"

Her voice was hoarse, but there was no initial panic. It was obvious that she had calmed down.

Shi zhanan hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"From the video, I picked it up with you, that is, someone pretended to be us, and it's very similar. Liu Jiawei and Ning Yuyang can't see the difference. I think since the other party is so well prepared, it shows that he has something to ask and shouldn't hurt the two children."

As Shi zhanan said, he helped Qiao Yan sit on the sofa again and covered her with a small blanket.

"Well? Let Liu Jiawei send the video and let's have a look."

Qiao Yan thought for a moment and touched his little blanket with a thick nasal sound in his tone.

The blanket was bought by Sisi. She was eager to embroider a few words on it, but it ended in failure.

then. The naughty child simply wrote a note and stuck it with transparent tape. It said to his favorite mother.

At that time, Ruirui also laughed at her childishness.

The next day, there was a pair of slippers beside Qiao Yan's bed, and the soles of the slippers were written with a watercolor pen.

"Cut an, Sisi and ruiruirui will be fine, won't they?" thinking of these, Qiao Yan's tears couldn't help falling down again.

"It will be all right, I promise, with my life!" Shi zhanan held her in his arms, and his voice trembled.

They sat on the sofa. They didn't even turn on the lights. They depended on each other.

Without the laughter of the two children, the original warm home suddenly became empty and scary.

Soon, Liu Jiawei sent the video to Shi zhanan's email.

In order to see more clearly, they went directly to the study, took the computer and put it on the tea table.

The video shows the picture of Sisi and ruiruirui being picked up from the kindergarten. In the picture, a man and a woman are wearing a black suit, and the woman's stomach has fluctuated, which is exactly what Shi zhanan and Qiao Yan look like.

They are very natural. The man holds Sisi and the woman leads Ruirui.

Before getting on the bus. The woman also deliberately called the person in charge of pick-up and delivery with Ruirui's telephone watch and told them not to answer today.

She contacted the aunt who cooked at home and told them that she took the children out to eat today's holiday.

The argument for Ruirui is that her mobile phone is dead.

All this, of course, is to make Shi zhanan and Qiao Yan find out later and create time for them to take their children away.

Joe's hands trembled as they took the child away. But there's nothing I can do.

Blame the person responsible for picking up and protecting children?

But the two pretended to be so alike that even if Qiao Yan and Shi zhanan knew they were fake, they couldn't find any flaws.

And those bodyguards, who are just acquainted with the time and cut an and Qiao Yan, are not familiar at all. How can they find clues?

The video was played over and over again. Qiao Yan and Shi zhanan stared at it without blinking until they saw that they were black in front of them.

Shi zhanan is fine. In the past few years when Qiao Yan is away, he has been working very hard and is used to it.

But Joe smoke... The child in her belly has been almost seven months.

Fatigue and panic soon made her mood unstable, "cut an. What to do? I can't see anything. I'm too useless. What to do..."

Cut Ann's hand when holding it hard. Qiao Yan sobbed.

The noise lasted another two hours. When she ran out of every way, she coaxed Qiao Yan to close his eyes and have a rest.

But looking at her trembling eyelids and tears falling from the corners of her eyes from time to time, she knew. She didn't sleep.

Time seems to pass very slowly. At this time, every minute and every second is suffering.

Until it was dawn, Qiao Yan, who was lying in an's arms, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Cut an, where's the video? Show me again."

The time spent in the sofa was too long. Qiao Yan just got up and fell into Shi Jian's arms, but his arm stretched out in the direction of the laptop.

"Little smoke!" when Zhan an was startled, he quickly helped Qiao Yan.

He didn't sleep all night. At this time, his eyes were red and his face was covered with stubble. He looked particularly haggard.

The voice is even more hoarse. If you don't look at your face, you can't even hear whose voice it is.

"I found a flaw. Zhan an, come on, show me a video. I need to confirm."

Standing up again, Qiao Yan didn't look like a person who hadn't slept all night. He was very excited.

Make sure she can stand firm by herself. Shi zhanan went to get the charger and turn on the computer.

Yesterday, two people have been crazy watching video. The computer has been automatically powered off.

Soon, the screen lit up again. Qiao Yan stared at the computer screen.

"Here, here, back a little, stop!"

When he found the flaw, Qiao Yan's excited voice couldn't help shaking. He still fixed the picture with the help of Shi zhanan.

In the picture, the man holds Sisi in one hand and opens the door in the other hand. He should be ready to put Sisi in the car.

"Here, his hand, zoom in."

Qiao Yan cut an when he continued to command.

Shi zhanan obeyed, and soon there was only one hand left on the screen.

Although it was not very clear because of the magnification, they both saw that there was a trace left by a long-term ring on the middle finger of the hand, which was in the shape of a cross.

On the index finger, there is a scar.

"Do you know this hand?"

At this time, Shi zhanan knew what Qiao Yan really saw and asked quickly.

"It's Nangong Ao."

Qiao Yan clenched his fist tightly and his tone was cold.

If she was indifferent and disgusted with Nangong Ao before, now she is full of hatred.

"Nangong Ao? His height..."

Nangong Ao didn't kill an Gao at that time, which is why he didn't think about him at that time.

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