This is a large box in a hotel. When Qiao Yan and Shi zhanan arrived, many people were already sitting.

Shi Li and his wife, Qiao Wannian and Zhao Wanyu, and Qiao ran. The most irritating thing is that there are Sisi and Ruirui.

So, only you are in the dark about this, aren't you?

Damn Shi zhanan, design me, hum!

Secretly cut an's waist and twisted it. Qiao Yan smiled, "uncle, aunt. Grandpa and grandma, I've kept you waiting."

Then he sat down beside Jos and jorui: "baby, you two came early. Why didn't you tell mom, huh?"

Sisi and ruiruirui: "..." why do you think your mother smiles so terrible!

"It was grandpa and grandma who picked us up. Grandma said you worked too hard and asked you to sleep more." Qiao Rui explained.

Qiao Yan: "..." so while she was sleeping, Mr. and Mrs. Shi Li went home?

What a shame!

"Aunt, I was too tired yesterday, so... The two children are not angry with you!"

When he received the certificate, Qiao Yan always felt different from seeing his parents. Plus sleeping in and being caught, I'm very embarrassed.

"No, no, Sisi and ruiruirui are well educated by you. I don't like them. You can take this in your stomach. You've suffered a lot from giving birth to Sisi and ruiruirui. You should take good care of your body and try to keep all the problems left before."

There was a Rui Rui between Shi's mother and Qiao Yan. At this time, Rui Rui ran to Shi Li's arms.

The mother simply moved over and sat next to Qiao Yan.

"I've heard from Zhan an that you have a headache after washing your hair. You're always uncomfortable in thunderstorms. These are the problems that the moon didn't do well. After giving birth to the baby this time, the family invited more professional sister-in-law, and I'll take care of you with them. Everything can be fine, ah!"

As she spoke, the mother took Qiao Yan's hand and took the jade bracelet on her wrist to Qiao Yan's hand.

What can be sent by Shi's mother is naturally not a bargain. However, what Qiao Yan cares most is Shi's mother's words.

The lady who doesn't touch the spring water with her hands has begun to worry about her confinement.

There are times to cut Ann. She never told anyone about her little faults, but he knew them all.

No wonder every time she took a bath, he blew her hair immediately. Every Thunderstorm Day, he always pestered her to touch here and there.

She thought it was his sperm on the brain, so

His nose was a little sour. Qiao Yan bowed his head and calmed his mood before he said, "aunt, those are my small problems, no..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by a voice: "Rui Rui. Look at your mother. She's called uncle and aunt. It's still us. Rui Rui is sensible. Come and call grandpa!"

Shi Li was talking. He looked at Qiao Rui and looked at Qiao Yan from time to time, but he couldn't help looking forward.

My son is old enough to finally get married. He has three children and can't wait for his daughter-in-law to say dad?

"You can't say good things. You're so angry that your son won't settle with you!"

Shi's mother was afraid that Qiao Yan couldn't adapt to Shi Li's life, so she quickly made a round of it: "Xiao Yan. Don't listen to him! However, I heard that you and Zhan an have obtained the certificate, which is the name..."

Qiao Yan: "

I was caught off guard at the turn. I thought my mother would say it was just a title. It doesn't matter.

Looking at Shi zhanan, seeing that he was looking forward to looking at himself, Qiao Yan quickly made a decision.

She forgot how long she had not said the word, and the syllable lingered several times on the tip of her tongue. Just spit out the slightly dry Title: "Mom."

"Good boy, my mother loves you in the future." when my mother didn't know Qiao Yan's idea, she hugged her and patted her on the back to comfort her.

Qiao Yan nodded and looked at Shi Li, looking forward to his awkward eyes.

He knew in his heart that even if Qiao Yan didn't change his name, he didn't stand to say anything about what he had done.

If he was young, he wouldn't be tangled with a title at all, but now he is old and full of children and grandchildren. There is always no room for any regrets.

"Dad, I respect you very much."

Just when he thought he couldn't wait, Joe's voice came.

"Oh. Well... Zhan an, my share in the group. No, give Xiaoyan as a gift. As soon as possible, I'll see the contract tonight."

Shi Li was a little excited and ordered Shi zhanan. Cool old man.

Although I'm old, I can still act vigorously.

Here, Qiao Yan and his mother-in-law are chatting in full swing. Sisi and ruiruirui are fighting and making noise. It's really lively.

On the other side, it was much colder.

Qiao ran thinks clearly now. She doesn't want to talk to Qiao Wannian and Zhao Wanyu who used her to marry, but just sits quietly.

If she had seen Qiao Yan so beautiful before, she might have been jealous, but now she doesn't.

What's Shi zhanan's attitude towards her? She knows in her heart that it's not Qiao Yan who can regain her freedom?

Moreover, the more she thinks about it recently, the more confused she is. For so many years. Why did she go against Qiao Yan?

Does Joe really care about what she wants?

Not to mention anything else, it is said that Shi Li gave Qiao Yan shares, which are unmatched by the two Qiao's.

Although Qiao Wannian and Zhao Wanyu felt that their granddaughters were like this and couldn't live up to their face, they didn't dare to say anything.

After all, the time is right.

Both of them knew that when they had a family dinner, Zhan an could let them come. It has given them face.

Speak? What's up?

It doesn't exist. If you want to be healthy, you should be as quiet as a chicken.

Therefore, it was clearly a box, but there was a clear scene.

Fortunately, Shi Li and Shi's mother are not ignorant. Although they deliberately cool Qiao Wannian and see their peace, they don't continue and often mention wine.

What he said was nothing more than some blessings. In addition, Qiao Yan's life was hard. Now he can be regarded as happy after all.

Midway, Qiao Yan wanted to go to the bathroom. Just got up, the three stood up at the same time.

Shi Jianan, Shi mother, and... Qiao ran.

"I'll go with you." Shi zhanan gave Joe a warning look.

When the mother saw her son talking, she didn't say much.

Joe ran was embarrassed.

Standing there for a long time without saying a word.

"White eyed wolf, snobbish!" Zhao Wanyu finally couldn't help but sour Qiao ran a few words. Qiao Wannian stared at her and held her back.

"Qiaoran accompany me. It's more convenient for her to talk with her parents." Qiaoyan already knew Zhao Wanyu's virtue, comforted Shi zhanan, and let qiaoran help himself out of the door.

The bathroom is just around the corner of the corridor, very close.

When Qiao Yan went to the bathroom, Qiao ran was waiting at the door of the cubicle.

After coming out, Qiao Yan washed his hands and naturally gave her his bag.

"Are you... Not afraid I'll do it to you?" Qiao ran was curious from the moment she came out.

"What are you afraid of? Although I'm pregnant, I think you can't beat me." Qiao Yan smiled, took the bag from Qiao Ran's hand and walked to the box.

"Hey, what if you're not so proud..."

At the last word, Qiao ran didn't say anything. Qiao Yan was seen from the shadow on the wall.

She said, "sister."

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