Another nightmare.

In the dream, there was an accident with the child and an accident with Shi zhanan. Qiao Yan slept very uneasy.

She tried to wake herself up, but she seemed to be living in a nightmare and couldn't wake up.

When Qiao Yan opened his eyes again, he had returned to the ward.

There is a small bed on the left side of the hospital bed. A crumpled red ball is sleeping sweetly.

Although just born, the lower legs are quite long. The naughty one stretched out a small foot along the blanket, with toes and beans. Yes, it's very pleasant.

On the right side of the bed, cut an while sitting.

There are other beds in the room. But he chose to sit by the bed.

The handsome face has climbed into stubble, the hair is messy and looks a little sloppy.

His eyes are a little red. He must have stayed up all night. Lips are also a little dry and cracked.

Seeing Qiao Yan open his eyes, his originally godless eyes suddenly lit up, his Adam's apple rolled a few times, and then made a sound, "little smoke, you finally wake up, I......"

He didn't say anything later.

After all, it's embarrassing for a man to say he's afraid. But last night, he was really afraid.

Even if the doctor repeatedly stressed that Qiao Yan was just tired and would wake up after a good rest, even Ning Yuyang did everything to ensure that he was all right.

But looking at her silent appearance, Shi zhanan still felt flustered.

"I know, it's okay. I... how long did I sleep!"

Even if he didn't say it, Qiao Yan suddenly understood his meaning. She took his big hand and her voice was a little weak.

"About seventeen or eight hours! How is it? Does it still hurt?" Shi zhanan held her hand and wanted to hold her, but he didn't dare to force, so he could only circle her in his arms.

"Don't make trouble. What if you are seen!"

His distance was too close. Surrounded by the smell of men, Qiao Yan's face immediately turned red.

"No one is watching." Shi zhanan refused to compromise.

After suffering from this day and night, he realized the importance of her more and more. He wanted to stick together every minute and second.

"Why is there no one, the child is still there! If he remembers, see you then..." pointed to the child next to him. Although Qiao Yan knew that the little guy could not see when he opened his eyes, he decided to cut an when he threatened.

Unexpectedly, just finished. The little guy really opened his eyes.

Big black and white eyes blinked, looked straight at the direction of Qiao Yan and vomited a bubble.

Joe smoke: "..." baby, awesome, to force!

Shi zhanan: "..." the child seems to like to oppose him very much? It seems that we have to throw it away in the future. Anyway, it's a boy and we should stand on our own.

Baby: "..." I have to sleep. Bye.

The little doll didn't know that she had been hated by her father, so she went to sleep again.

Shi zhanan was finally relieved.

The little guy cried very loudly yesterday. Now when I think of it, he still feels a little afraid. I'm really afraid he'll cry again.

He hugged Joe for a while. Shi zhanan got up reluctantly.

He also helped Qiao Yan clean his body, fed her soup, and sent the child to take a bath later.

In short, his novice father is busy!

"Mr. and Mrs. Shi, may I come in?"

The door of the ward was knocked at this time. It was the woman doctor who delivered Qiao Yan.

"Cut an!" hearing her voice, Qiao Yan's body suddenly tightened.

Just woke up, she was still a little confused between reality and dreams. She told herself that as long as she was safe sometimes, everything would be solved.

But now. She woke up and knew clearly that she had been stabbed by the female doctor.

"Don't be afraid of Xiaoyan. It's just a routine examination. It won't hurt." Shi zhanan didn't seem to find anything different about Qiao Yan. She asked the female doctor to enter the door, comforted Qiao Yan, and was ordered to pick up hot water.

The female doctor first gave Joe a routine examination. Before he left, he said, "Miss Qiao, we have to make an appointment. Haven't you forgotten?"

"Appointment? Dr. Chen, oh, maybe you don't have a surname at all. You said, I'll tell Shi zhanan. What will happen to you if you threaten me in the delivery room?"

Lowered his voice, Qiao Yan said, staring at the woman doctor's face without retreating.

To her disappointment, the woman doctor's face had no expression. It's like wearing a mask.

"You're a lovely doll. Have you taken your name? There's a custom in our family. When is the child 100 days old? It's too early to take its name. It's hard to feed. It's superstitious. No one hurts. In fact, it can live. Miss Qiao, don't you think so?"

Specious finish saying, just in time to cut an and when the mother pushed the door in, the female doctor walked away.

When he passed by, he nodded.

Joe choked his throat with smoke and made great efforts to make his face not too ugly.

The woman doctor's words are obviously a threat. She can't act rashly now.

Moreover, before she can cheat out of time, who can guarantee that she can't hurt out of time?

The means of mysterious organizations can never be underestimated.

In a mess, Qiao Yan thought about how to save Shi an and his children, and even forgot to say hello to Shi's mother.

When she recovered, the mother was already sitting by her bed with the child in her arms.

The little guy woke up and didn't cry. He looked in her direction with his round eyes open.

The mother held it carefully. Looking at Qiao Yan, his eyes were full of love. "Xiao Yan, it's really hard for you. I'll keep the soup cold for you. You can drink it in a while. You can feed the child some milk first!"


Qiao Yan wanted to hold the child. When he heard this, he stretched out half his hand and retracted back.

She has been injected and doesn't know what it is. How dare you feed your child!

"Mom, this child, I'm not going to breast feed my child. I have to get up every night. It's too tired. In addition, please ask some more servants to take him. I want to have a good confinement. I can't rest well with my child."

Try not to shake his voice. At last, Joe's throat was sour and he could hardly make a sound.

She didn't want to be separated from her children, but it would be good if she could take this opportunity to send them out.

Shi's mother didn't expect Qiao Yan to say that. She was stunned for a long time before she reacted, "OK, my family doesn't lack money to hire servants. It's not difficult to find someone to breast feed. Just didn't expect that there is a mother like you in this world!"

Probably too angry, when the mother's voice was a little high, several people outside the ward looked in.

After a few words of persuasion, Shi zhanan stopped talking, but ordered his men to buy milk powder, wrapped the child in a quilt and left the hospital.

There were only two people left in the ward. Qiao Yan could no longer hold back his tears and quickly covered himself in the quilt.

Behind him, Shi zhanan's eyes were deep, sent a text message to Ning Yuyang, climbed into bed and hugged Qiao Yan from behind.

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