Dad’s Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 854: Ever before

Li Tian feels very reasonable, but how to find cheaper raw materials?

This method can be used not only on the Douluo Continental Hotel, but also on the confession balloon milk tea shop.

Because both require a lot of raw materials.

When Xiao Yan wanted to keep the labor costs and prices the same, how to make the shop's profits go up, Xiao Yan felt that this was definitely a good way.

Worthy of being Iron Man, or bull.

For Xiao Yan to find new suppliers, there is a way to find out, but it is still too difficult to control the price of products.

It's almost impossible.

Unless you use inferior products, if this happens, it will ultimately harm the interests of fans and customers.

And it's not far.

Just when Xiao Yan was helpless, even burnt.

Suddenly a brand new, even a method that had never been thought of before suddenly appeared in Xiao Yan's mind.

Yes, this method is the dark chat group.

This chat group that Xiao Yan still doesn't know exactly is useful for. As long as Xiao Yan borrows the ability of this chat group to travel through another world, he can perfectly exchange items.

This is also a new function that Xiao Yan discovered.

It was in the dark chat group, because Xiao Yan was the leader of the group, so he found that he only needed to use special functions to be able to travel through another world, which was very magical.

Of course, traveling through another world itself is not so magical.

The magical thing is that Xiao Yan can use the power of the group owner to choose Voldemort's world to appear. He found that their world is actually about the same price as the water polo world.

But some things are relatively cheaper.

After all, it has a geographical advantage.

Like sea prawns, you must buy them near the sea. Naturally, they are much cheaper than those in major hotels in the mainland.

Moreover, because this group is different from the Marvel chat group, it also has an item trading function.

Through this function, Xiao Yan can buy raw materials from another world, and then bring them out through the dark chat group.

This is the only place where the villain chat group can do business.

Therefore, Xiao Yan of course used this ability madly.

Half a month passed quickly. During this time, Xiao Yan was extremely busy.

Because he finally discovered that the different worlds of Voldemort and Uchiha Madara are inferior to Thanos's different worlds.

Sure enough, Thanos is the strongest.

Not only is his Infinite Gloves the strongest weapon on Xiao Yan's side, but even the other chat group is directly called the Marvel chat group.

It's just because the other worlds are really just one world.

But the Marvel universe is different. It is really a universe, the kind of boundless, which makes people feel extremely broad.

Not only can Xiao Yan travel through another world, he can also act with the villain.

When acting together with Uchiha Madara and Voldemort, he obviously felt not domineering enough, especially Voldemort, which was grim.

But when you act with Thanos, it's completely different.

There are not only a powerful fleet, but also countless little brothers. The actions are also domineering, and then they can go to different galaxies. Of course, some alien foods that have never been seen before. After Xiao Yan tasted it, it felt good, but not Dare to buy it.

After all, even if this kind of food is brought to the water polo, there is no way to obtain all aspects of quality inspection and customer approval.

It's also cumbersome to explain.

So Xiao Yan bought some common milk tea and catering raw materials for water polo, brought back the water polo, and then purchased some companies overseas, successfully transported it in through formal companies, and then entered 100 chains for sale.

In order to expand its influence, the comics and animations of Douluo Dalu, as well as TV series and movies are beginning to be filmed.

At the same time, not only hotels, but also milk tea shops.

Xiao Yan also keeps releasing new songs. In the past half month, Xiao Yan has released 3 new songs in a row, and each new song is preceded by the [confession balloon].

The meaning is obvious, it is advertising the confession balloon milk tea shop.

When "Confession Balloon Milk Tea Shop ~ Sunny Day"

When this song appeared at the top of the major music charts, countless listeners listened to this beautiful song:

[The little yellow flower of the story]

[Floating since the year of birth]

[Swing in childhood]

[Follow the memory until now]


[Watching the sky with a prelude]

[I think of petals trying to fall]

[The day I skipped class for you]

[The day the flowers fall]

[The one in the classroom]

[Why can't I see]

[The disappearing rainy day]

[I really want to do it again]


[Once upon a time there was someone who loved you for a long time]

[But the wind is getting better]

[Blow the distance so far]

[Finally, I can love one more day]

[But the end of the story]

[You seem to say goodbye]


As soon as this song appeared, it undoubtedly became one of Xiao Yan's representative works again, and it moved countless listeners for a while.

"Oh my god, this song is so good to hear. In an instant, my old fritters returned to my childhood classroom..."

"I remember at that time, my favorite girl was my deskmate, I really liked her..."

"It's not easy. I have been in society for so many years after going to school. Why does this song still give me a completely different feeling..."

Of course, in the popular comments, there are fans who are crying and laughing: [Although I know that Emperor Xiao Yan wants to promote his 50 milk tea shops, this approach is too willful. 】

[Obviously it's such a nice classic song... Forget it, for the sake of Emperor Xiao Yan's dedication and effort to promote it, tomorrow I will buy a glass for 20 yuan. 】

[20 yuan, first-tier cities, this price is actually not expensive...Moreover, I went to drink yesterday, and their milk tea seems to have new things added to it, which is not only delicious but also refreshing, I have to say, Good conscience milk tea. 】

[Actually, you didn't go to the Douluo Continental Hotel in Xiao Yan. The food there is more delicious, and the price is not expensive. The service of the waiter is also very good, and there are all kinds of free delivery around. 】

[As expected to be the king of heaven, there are countless praises, it is acceptable to post new songs for publicity or something. 】

However, two days later, another new song "Confessional Balloon Milk Tea Shop: Daoxiang" was released.

The whole network is undoubtedly the first hot song again.

Countless netizens were stunned.

"The king is too good at doing business, right?"

"This ad was hit, I'll take it."


"Actually, this song is so good. I heard that Heavenly King Xiao Yan used this song to shoot a MV in the largest confession balloon milk tea shop in China. It was so handsome and warm. That day, the milk tea shop was lined up. Long queue."

[If you have too many complaints about this world]

[I dare not move on if I fall down]

[Why should people be so fragile and degenerate]

[Please turn on the TV and watch]

[How many people are working hard and bravely for their lives]

[Remember you said that home is the only castle]

[Continue running with Daoxiang River]

[I know the dream when I was little smiling]

[Don’t cry and let the fireflies take you away]

[The folk songs of the country always depend on]

[Go home and return to the original beauty]

Countless listeners were moved in tears as they listened to this song, because everyone can't be smooth sailing, but this song obviously gave countless sad people motivation and strength.

Even Nalan Yanran was infinitely moved when he heard this song. Many fans on the Internet referred to Xiao Yan as the king of heaven. Many people did not agree with it, but they have to say.

More and more people began to agree, because the songs Xiao Yan sang were really good to hear.

Nalan Yanran watched the scrolling lyrics on the phone while listening with headphones.

After she plans to learn this song, she will sing it to her fans in the evening live broadcast room.

[Don’t give up so easily]

[Like I said]

[Dreams you can’t catch, you can just change your dream]

[Coloring my own life]

[First paint love with your favorite color]

[Laugh, success and fame is not the goal]

[It is meaning to make yourself happy and happy]

【Childhood Paper Airplane】

[Now finally fly back to my hand]


The lyrics are so good that even Nalan Yanran couldn't help but sigh.

In the evening, in her live broadcast room, Nalan Yanran's first song was a cover of Xiao Yan's "Dao Xiang".

Of course, in order to help her husband publicize, she will also bring the name confession balloon milk tea shop.

Fans of her live broadcast also sighed.

[It’s so nice, it’s too warm. 】

[I really admire Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan, they are simply the best couples this year. 】

[Xiao Yan Tian Wang's wife is also well-deserved. 】

The popularity of Nalan Yanran's live broadcast room is not covered, very popular.

Of course, she is also very good at covering Xiao Yan's songs in the live broadcast room.

However, what is unexpected is that when Daoxiang and Qingtian are still relatively popular, the third song of Emperor Xiao Yan appeared.

"Confession Balloon Milk Tea Shop-Maple"

This song is different from the previous two. It is a particularly slow love song. However, when Xiao Yan was released, it almost became popular all over the Internet again.

[Dark clouds cast a shadow in our hearts]

[I listen to my long silence]

[Clear and transparent like a beautiful landscape]

[Always see clearly in memory]

[Can the broken heart continue to love me]

[I hold my hands that are not warm]

[The past gentleness has been locked by time]


[Slowly falling maple leaves are like missing you]

[I light a candle to warm the autumn at the end of the year]

[Aurora plundering the horizon]

[The north wind passes by thinking about your face]

[I burned my love into fallen leaves]

Countless top musicians are beginning to publish.

"The Heavenly King Xiao Yan is undoubtedly the best singer-musician we can foresee this year."

"How classic his songs are, so that every song can become the most popular masterpiece of others."

Of course, what Xiao Yan cares about right now is not financial resources, just like a person who has become an emperor, the most important thing is no longer making money.

Of course, can get a lot of good reputation, who doesn't like it.

In this way, three months passed quickly.

In the most critical few days, Xiao Yan didn't even dare to read the financial report because he was really nervous.

He paid too much for this task.

From the loss of one restaurant and one milk tea shop, it has stabilized 100 stores, all of which are chain stores in first-tier cities.

Service, food, staff treatment, environment, etc. can all be evaluated as an excellent store of A-level.

So, it's really not easy.

On this day, the transparent page of the chat group appeared in front of Xiao Yan, and the evaluation results that appeared made him extremely happy.

[Congratulations on completing the task, the chat group can also be upgraded smoothly, let us continue our efforts together. 】

The upgrade of the chat group did not give a clear number, but since it says upgrade, then it must be really upgraded.

When Xiao Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the chat group suddenly gave a very special reminder.

[Please note that the contractor will be exposed to a more advanced world with continuous upgrades. Please prepare in advance. 】

[Of course, if the contractor does not want to touch the more advanced world and look at the cause of all the problems, he can also deliberately fail the next mission and continue to be the original traverser tester. 】

After seeing such a prompt, Xiao Yan was undoubtedly shocked.

It's like sailing against the current.

If you do not advance, you will retreat.

Today's Xiao Yan is facing such a situation, either continuously advancing or constantly retreating.

He seemed to be unable to find a place to stay.

There is no place to stop.

This caused him to fall into contemplation very quickly.

Time soon came to the end of the month. The previous task required the total profit of 100 chain stores to reach 1 million.

And now, it finally succeeded, and when Xiao Yan checked the bill, he was directly stunned.

A full 20 times the profit.

In one month, 100 chain stores brought a net profit of 20 million yuan to Xiao Yan, which is too exaggerated. It is equivalent to a store that earned a net profit of 200,000 yuan a month.

This is already super awesome.

You must know that Xiao Yan was the one who was crushed by 2 million debts, and now, one month, he is relying on the place where he fell, and he has made a full 10 times the loss that year, totaling 2,000 Million profits.

so amazing.

It's so touching...

It's really touching to be able to do this in life.

Xiao Yan sat in the room alone, almost crying.

People who have not experienced it will not understand how painful he was back then.

In the adult world, no one is easy. He failed so badly at the beginning, but now he finally stands up.

And, not only made money, but also praised countless Not only employees can earn money in his store, good welfare, and support their families.

The products and services that Xiao Yan has brought to customers are high-quality and inexpensive.

During this time, Xiao Yan temporarily put everything down, and he took his wife Nalan Yanran and his daughter Jiajia to travel together.

Go to see places with beautiful scenery.

Life is not about how much money you can earn. After all, the purpose of earning money is for a better life.

The more than ten million of the new house has been paid off, that is to say, he and Nalan Yanran now have no debts.

Months of fantasy life have passed, and now it is the season of heavy snow.

Xiao Yan took his wife and daughter to a snow-capped mountain that would be more beautiful in snow.

A family, happy and harmonious.

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