Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Aunt Mu

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Qingyun Mountain, Yunlu Academy.

Yang Gong's eyelids trembled slightly in the academy that has been shrouded in awe-inspiring righteousness, and then opened his eyes.

The first thing he felt was a heart-wrenching pain, the muscles all over his body were torn, and the meridians were broken. Then the lungs burned and the mouth was dry, and every breath involved the injury.

However, his mental state is very good, his thoughts are well understood, and every inch of his flesh and blood and every cell are hidden in every inch of his flesh and blood.

It was a bit hard to move his hands and feet. Yang Gong tried to sit up to no avail, and said in a deep voice:


The teapot on the table flew up on its own, moved to the top of his lips, and then tilted the spout to pour the tea at an unpleasant speed.

Gulu, Gulu...Yang Gong opened his mouth to receive the tea. After drinking half full, the fire in his lungs and dry mouth disappeared a lot.

After relieving his thirst, Yang Gong looked at the room and found that this was his residence in the academy.

I brought it back to the academy, and I didn’t know if Yongzhou had not saved it. There were still a few soldiers who returned with me......... Yang Gong felt heavy in his heart when he thought of the battle.

The joy of not dying in catastrophe also diminished.

How long have I been in a coma? Has the war in the north ended? Did the national division use Yongzhou's current strength and defend, not many people would survive... Yang Gong became anxious the more he thought about it, struggled for a while, and finally sat up.

He exhaled and said solemnly:

"Clothes neatly!"

The robe hung on the hanger flew up on its own. The Confucian robe, which was originally troublesome to wear, was put on in the blink of an eye. The hair was automatically pulled up, and the hosta flew in and inserted the hair bun.

Then, Yang Gongnian said:

"The place where I am is the bamboo house in the back mountain."

Yang Gong looked at a flower in the foreground, knowing that he was moving the space. In his sight, he saw the bamboo house of the director Zhao Shou from blurry to clear. When he was about to arrive, suddenly, a familiar voice came from his ear:

"No, you are not in the bamboo house, you are with me."

The bamboo house close at hand became blurred, and another scene appeared in front of Yang Gong-in the elegant and bright tea room, Li Mubai and Chen Tai drinking tea in a wide robe and big sleeves, and a table not far from the two. Zhang Shen stood by the table, guiding Xu Xinnian's ability to control the Confucian habitat in depth.

This scene was both leisurely and harmonious, making Yang Gong froze on the spot, suspecting that he had hallucinations.

Zhang Shen glanced sideways at him and said:

"The dean is working in the cabinet, not in the academy."

After speaking, continue to teach the proud students.

"You guys..." Yang Gong took a deep breath, pressed his emotions, and tentatively said: "How long have I been in a coma? What is the current situation of the fighting? Has Yongzhou held it? Will there be results in the Northern Border Crossing Tribulation?

"You have been in a coma for half a month." Li Mubai twirled the chess piece, snapped the piece, and said without raising his head.

"The Yunzhou rebellion has subsided, Xu Pingfeng is dead, Qi Guangbo and other rebel generals, three days later Caishikou beheaded to show the public..." Chen Tai regretfully said: "The dean asked me to stay in the academy to watch the house, and I didn't get any military merit. ."

Xu Erlang raised his head, looked at Lay Ziyang, and added:

"My eldest brother,

"One product."

Yang Gong’s brain "buzzed", although he saw their leisurely appearance, he had vague guesses in his heart, but out of conservative mind, Yang Gong only guessed that the Northern Border Crossing Tribulation was successfully completed and Dafeng regained his advantage. , And fell into a confrontation with the Yunzhou rebels.

Unexpectedly, everything is over.

This is like a young man who has nothing. Originally only thinking about marrying a daughter-in-law, on the day of marriage, there was a mansion, a carriage, a wife, and even a child. Don't be too perfect.

Among all the realities, what made Yang Gong unbelievable the most was that Xu Qi'an, Yipin? !

First-class martial artist?

If you remember correctly, Xu Ningyan was promoted to the second rank after Jianzheng was sealed. How long and how long did it take to become a first-rank martial artist?

But if Xu Qi'an is really promoted to the first rank, and cooperates with the land **** of the national teacher, it is indeed possible to put down the Yunzhou rebellion in a very short time.

Li Mubai smiled and said:

"We can play chess here leisurely, that is the best proof."

Yang Gong let out a sigh of relief and barely digested the shocking news.

Chen Tai looked at Yang Gong:

"Haoran is full of vitality, washing the body, you are about to enter the third stage realm."

After that, he, Li Mubai, and Zhang Shen were all sour.

Yang Gong smiled:

"This is the feedback from the court, soldiers, and people to me."

Since the uprising in Yunzhou, Yang Gong has always been on the front line of resisting the rebels. From Qingzhou to Yongzhou, he tried his best and almost died in battle.

He finally ushered in a breakthrough with this, and touched the threshold of the third grade.

Chen Tai said sourly:

"The dean said that your majesty intends to promote you to Jingzhaofu Yin. After the imperial decree comes down, you can be promoted to extraordinary. Zhang Shen and Li Mubai have gained a lot of military merits and benefited a lot. They only waited for the court to grant official positions. The cultivation base will be able to go to the next level."

Fortunately, after Huaiqing ascended the throne, the court no longer resisted the scholars of Yunlu Academy.

Before that, the emperor, Jianzheng and Zhugong suppressed the scholars of Yunlu Academy and restricted the development of Confucianism.

Now that the Central Plains are in turmoil, the court has reshuffled, and the officialdom no longer resists Yunlu Academy, and even embraces a welcoming mentality.

After all, class interests must be above personal interests. There is class first, and then the individual. If the class is gone, what kind of personal interest should we talk about?

The scholars of Yunlu Academy, in the eyes of the masters, are the existence that can stabilize class interests.

Yang Gongyi sighed:

"Compared with Xu Ningyan, this is nothing.

"Xu Ningyan is worthy of being my student. Yang has been teaching and educating people for 20 years, and the world is full of peaches and plums. Xu Ningyan is the only student who really likes it."

Li Mubai spouted a sip of tea:


Chen Tai sneered and said:

"Reading the sages and sages for a lifetime, just read the words "smelly shameless"?"

"Unfortunately, there is no chance for you to record spells. Actual combat is the best way to master the Confucianism abilities.

"Zhang Shen turned his head and sipped while teaching his disciples:


Isn’t there a chance right now...........Xu Xinnian thought for a while and said:

"Teacher, now I work in the Imperial Academy. When I study history in the future, I can add such a sum: When the Xu brothers were young, they all sat down with Zhang Shen to study!"

The voice fell, and the tea room was silent.


"Quickly, go out to watch a good show, and several big scholars are fighting again."

"Why did the fight start this time? Could it be that Xu Yinluo is here?"

"Walk around and watch the excitement."

"Ah, the dean is not in the academy, will they demolish the academy?"

The Haoran righteousness on the top of Qingyun Mountain fell into chaos, and the fresh air rushed into the sky.

A famous student rushed out of the academy and watched with enthusiasm the four great Confucian scholars coming and going in the air. The students found that several great Confucian scholars were especially upright today, and they wished to kill each other.

Xu Xinnian seized the opportunity and recorded many not-so-high-level, but extremely practical spells, and then took the "magic book" into his arms and left Qingyun Mountain in a good mood.

"The teacher is right. Actual combat is the best opportunity to become proficient in Confucianism, and the harvest is not bad."

Xu Xinnian rode on horses and returned to the capital along the straight and wide official road.

He was in a good mood, because he finally stepped into the sixth rank and became a "Confucian scholar". In the Confucian system, only the sixth rank is considered to have good combat power.

It is the sixth grade that is the real mainstay of Confucianism.

"Although I can't catch up with the eldest brother, I can't lose too much. Now I am considered a master. In Xu's family, my talent for cultivation is second, and my father is not as good as me." Xu Xinnian secretly said.

As for Lingyin, she was just a small baby, and she was only 9th grade when she left Beijing.


Xu Mansion.

Xu Lingyue sat in the pavilion, resting her hands on her cheeks, watching the little white fox crawling around in the flowerbed. Niang and Munanzhi squatted by the flowerbed, planting strange flowers and weeds.

"Mother, the eldest brother and Princess Lin'an are getting married soon, do you want to pick up the ring tone?"

Xu Lingyue thought of her younger sister who had been thrown into a barbaric growth in southern Xinjiang.

When my aunt heard this, she suddenly remembered that she still had a young girl, and nodded hurriedly:

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten. I really want to pick it up. When your elder brother comes back, I will tell him."

Bai Ji, who was running happily in the flower garden, stopped immediately, with a vigilant expression on her face.

"What's wrong with it?"

Aunt noticed Bai Ji's abnormality.

"Remember that your daughter wanted to eat it." Mu Nanzhi was not surprised.

After they planted the flowers and plants, Munan Zhi's mouth lightly blew, and the whole flower bed suddenly bloomed with different flowers, and the stars of the aunt's eyes popped up.

Mu Nanzhi said:

"Your method of growing flowers is more southerly, and it is used by large families, but the capital is more northerly, so many flowers are not good enough to grow."

The aunt said helplessly:

"Ning Yan's mother taught me. When Xu Pingzhi fought in Shanhaiguan, I was so bored at home alone, so I learned to grow flowers with her to pass the time."

Mu Nanzhi moved in his heart and asked:

"What kind of person is Xu Ningyan's mother?"

The aunt tried to remember for a moment, shook her head and said:

"I don't remember clearly, anyway, it's a very good person. When she is here, I don't have to worry about anything, but it's easy."

After all, it was 22 years ago, and my aunt can't remember such a long time.

At this time, she heard the daughter in the pavilion shout in surprise:

"Big Brother..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Aunt and Munanzhi heard the abnormality and turned their heads to look. First they saw Xu Qi'an who was returning to the mansion for the first time after the suppression of the rebellion. Then, their eyes fell behind Xu Qi'an at the same time. The grace and gentleness were not ordinary people's at first sight. On the woman.

Aunt was stunned. At this moment, the dusty memory was like a flood of gate opening, rushing through her brain violently.

Mu Nanzhi frowned, she instinctively rejected any woman around Xu Qi'an.

"Little Ru."

With a smile on her face, Ji Baiqing walked slowly to her aunt, and said softly:

"I haven't seen you in 22 years, you haven't changed at all."

The aunt's face was dull, her lips murmured, and she said:


The woman smiled and nodded.

Xu Qi'an explained by the side:

"I brought her back from Yunzhou."

Mu Nanzhi said "Oh", that little hostility was gone, and there was no embarrassment of "Ugly daughter-in-law sees her mother-in-law". She didn't like Xu Qi'an, everyone was innocent.........

The aunt's expression is complicated, both the joy of reunion of the deceased, and the embarrassment of not knowing how to greet and get along.

"Lingyue met Auntie."

Fortunately, there is also a weak daughter at home, who stood up in time to relieve her embarrassment.

My aunt said hurriedly:

"Sister-in-law, this is my daughter Lingyue. You left in a hurry and never met my child..."

As he talked, his eyes suddenly reddened.

Xu Qi'an knew that her aunt had a very good impression of her biological mother. When I talked about her in the past, my aunt said that she was a very good person.

Ji Baiqing looked at Xu Lingyue with a gentle smile:

"it's beautiful!

"Are there a couple of people?"

Auntie heard the words and said helplessly:

"Not yet, Lingyue has a high-sightedness, she doesn't like her noble son in Beijing.

"Women's college is not staying, staying and staying to stay as enemies. I must marry her this year."

Ji Baiqing smiled and said:

"It's not in a hurry. It's the hardest thing to find a lover in this world. The destiny of her parents is important, but she also has to see her right. I see Lingyue is a girl with a strong opinion."

Xu Lingyue smiled slightly, and felt a little fond of this strange aunt.

The aunt hummed:

"She can have any opinion, she is a soft personality, who can bully anyone, she is not like me at all."

It's really not like you... Xu Qi'an vomited on the side, he was a bit amazed at the sharpness of his biological mother. From the helplessness of his aunt, he could see that the mother could not be the master. It is speculated that Lingyue is very Opinionated.

After a brief retelling of the past, the strangeness of long-awaited reunion gradually faded, and the aunt said immediately:

"Lingyue, take my aunt to sit in the inner hall~www.readwn.com~ and let the people serve tea."

She quietly gave Xu Qi'an a wink.

When Xu Lingyue led her sister-in-law into the inner hall, her aunt pulled Xu Qi'an's sleeve and frowned:

"What's the matter with her?"

Xu Qi'an glanced at her, understood what auntie meant, and whispered:

"This is a long story. If she hadn't secretly escaped back to the capital to give birth to me, I would have died early."

Auntie was completely relieved now.

Although she has a very good impression of this sister-in-law, she is also afraid that her sister-in-law and Xu Pingfeng are the same way.

Auntie is particularly sensitive to two things about silver and children.

After comforting her aunt, Xu Qi'an turned to look at Mu Nanzhi, and whispered:

"How will you be here?"

He obviously left Munanzhi in the star-gazing building.

"Didn't you let me come to Xu Mansion through Huaiqing?" Mu Nanzhi asked with a frown.

........Xu Qi'an didn't ask any more.

The three of them entered the inner hall. Xu Lingyue had already made tea. Auntie took Munanzhi's arm and said enthusiastically:

"Sister-in-law, she is Mu Nanzhi, my sister of Jin Lan."

The woman hadn't spoken yet, Xu Qi'an suddenly raised her voice:



PS: I took a nap in the first half of the night.

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