Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 93: revenge


Xu Qi'an covered his mouth and coughed hard. When the female relatives in the hall came over, he slowly crossed the threshold.

It looks like an old man.

"what happened to you?"

Lin'an, the regular wife, was taken aback, got up from the chair and greeted him with small steps.

The other female relatives also cast nervous and concerned eyes—except the nine-tailed fox.

Xu Qi'an waved his hand and said hoarsely:

"The battle with the Buddha hurt my body, exhausted blood and energy, and suffered a great loss of lifespan. I need to recuperate for a long time.

"Hey, I don't know if the root cause will fall."

The nine-tailed fox cut in abruptly:

"Qi and blood are exhausted, maybe you will be inhumane in the future."

Lin'an Mu Nanzhi's expression changed, Ye Ji was dubious.

The aunt was also anxious when she heard it: "It's so serious? Did you ask Sitian for medicine?"

Da Lang is the only male in Dafang. He has no heirs yet, and he is inhumane. Did Dafang break his incense?

........Xu Qi'an glanced at Jiu-tailed fox, but didn't pay attention, "I will be in the mansion for a while, and it has been a long time since I have eaten the dishes made by my aunt."

The aunt got up immediately, "I'll go to the kitchen to have a look and cook some of your favorite dishes."

Xu Mansion was not wealthy back then. Although there were cooks, the aunt often cooks, not a wealthy lady who was born delicate.

Xu Qi'an turned to look at Munanzhi and said:

"Aunt Mu, I remember that you have a kind of herbal medicine in the backyard, make me a bowl of herbal soup that nourishes qi and activates blood."

Knowing that he was the reincarnation of the undead tree, Mu Nanzhi said "Um", as if he had settled after the autumn, he stood up and left without expression.

Xu Qi'an continued:

"Sister, the robes you made for your eldest brother are worn out."

Xu Lingyue smiled quietly and said in a low voice:

"I'll make some more robes for my eldest brother."

In the process of speaking, Xu Qi'an kept coughing, letting the female relatives know that "I am very sick, so don't make trouble."

After one operation, Lin'an Yeji and Jiuweihu were left in the hall. Xu Qi'an didn't even have a good excuse, and said:

"Lin'an, you go back to the room first, and I will discuss something with Erlangguo."

Lin'an bulged, "Is there anything I can't know?"

She is not a good wife and mother, she is very effective.

Xu Qi'an didn't force her to leave, looking at the nine-tailed fox with a serious face:

"Lord, you still need to go out to sea to subdue the descendants of gods and demons of extraordinary levels. The more you get, the more you get."

The nine-tailed fox pondered for a moment and said:

"After the famine of the province awakens, conquer the descendants of overseas gods and demons and counterattack the mainland of Kyushu?"

It is convenient to talk to smart people... Xu Qi'an said:

"If they don't want to surrender, kill them all and leave none of them..."

The nine-tailed fox thought for a while and said:

"Even if you surrender on the surface, you will betray at that time. Without common interests or deep enough emotional blessing, the descendants of gods and demons will not be loyal to me and loyal to Dafeng at all.

"When the time comes, they may take the initiative to surrender and betray when the shortage comes."

Xu Xinnian shook his head:

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, it's enough to subdue them and then migrate on a large scale.

"Overseas are vast, and it is impossible to spend a lot of time searching and conquering them, because it is not cost-effective. If the descendants of gods and demons participate in the war, it will be a fatal threat to us.

"But for Huang, his opponents are other super products, and the descendants of gods and demons can play very little role."

Xu Qi'an added:

"After awakening, Huang will swallow all the descendants of gods and demons in the transcendent realm as a reason. This is true enough and will make overseas descendants of gods and demons recall the fear and shame of being dominated by Huang."

Next is the discussion on the details, including but not limited to bringing Sun Xuanji and building a teleportation formation along the way, so that the nine-tailed fox can quickly return to Kyushu without getting lost in the vast sea.

And the uncooperative descendants of the gods and demons beheaded on the spot, absolutely not relenting.

Promise that the descendants of gods and demons can return to life in Kyushu.

Establish a kingdom of descendants of gods and demons, support a powerful descendant of transcendent realm gods and demons as leader, and so on.

Lin'an straightened her waist, sullen her face, and listened intently, but in fact she didn't understand anything. It wasn't until Jiuweihu left that she confirmed that her husband was really talking about business.



Ye Ji caught up with the nine-tailed fox, bowed and saluted, and said in a low voice:

"Yue Ji has fallen, when you are going to sea."

The nine-tailed fox said, "I was promoted to the first rank overseas, and I awakened the spirits. When encountering a shortage, I can't keep trying to survive."

She was majestic and powerful in front of Ye Ji, and she did not face the enchanting style of Xu Qi'an at all, and said indifferently:

"It's not just her, any of your eight sisters will be at risk of falling.

"When the catastrophe comes, I will not pity any of you, understand."

The nine-tailed celestial fox at the first stage has nine lives, and when the nine lives are gone, she will also fall.

Before that, she would not die, and this would not be changed by the nine-tailed fox's personal will.

In other words, survival by docking a tail is a passive ability, as long as she dies once, her tail will be broken.

"Ye Ji understands that it is our destiny to die for the empress." Ye Ji glanced at her, and cautiously tested:

"Niang Niang to Xu Lang..."

The silver-haired enchantress frowned and hummed:

"Of course, the lord of the country would not like a womanizer. What is annoying is that he entangles me in every way, relying on himself as a half-step martial arts **** to act on me.

"Well, this time the host of the country came to Xu Mansion to stir up troubles, just to remind him.

"Lest he always make me think."

Ye Ji pursed her lips:

"If he must beat Niang Niang, your idea."

The nine-tailed fox said helplessly:

"Then you can only go one step at a time. Who makes him a half-step Martial God."

Obviously you are making his idea, aren't you bullying the honest person... Ye Ji muttered in her heart, turning her head back to say something ill of empress in front of Xu Lang.

Lest she bring seven sisters, no, six sisters come to grab a man with herself.

In the inner hall, Xu Qi'an raised an eyebrow at the little brother, and said through the voice:

"When the enemy is united in a fierce manner, you have to learn to divide the enemy and defeat each one. A bitter trick is a good thing. A man's bitter trick is like a woman's method of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

"Nothing to lose."

Xu Xinnian sneered:

"Hidden for a while, not for the whole life, my sister-in-laws are all suspicious."

"So it is necessary to divide the enemy." Xu Qi'an stood up without a word and walked to the study.

Xu Xinnian took a break today and followed him after he had nothing to do.

Xu Qi'an spread out the paper and ordered:

"Jiro, grind for eldest brother."

Xu New Year snorted and rubbed the ink honestly.

Xu Qi'an dipped his pen in ink and wrote:

"I have been wandering overseas for half a month, and I miss my wife Lin'an very much. She will go to sea soon after her wedding, leaving her alone in her empty boudoir. She feels guilty and unbearable. Every night and every day is her voice and smile..."

Shameless! Xu Xinnian attacked in his heart, and pointed blankly:

"Big brother, you are wrong. Your voice and smile are used to describe a deceased person. You should use your voice to be like that."

After speaking, Xu Qi'an slapped his scalp:


Do you really think I am a vulgar taker?

"But, I know that Lin'an has a general sense of knowledge and reason, and can get along well with my mother and aunt at home, so I feel more at ease. This trip to sea will not be promoted to the half-step martial arts, and I will be in danger... ."

Soon, a letter from the family was written, and he deliberately mentioned "heavy task" later to express his hardship in going to sea.

Then there is the second letter, the third letter and the fourth letter...

After writing, Xu Qi'an evaporates the ink with an air machine, then picks out the incense ash from the incense burner and wipes the handwriting.

"This can cover up the scent of ink, otherwise you will smell it, you should learn more." He mentioned little brother.

You won't have so many younger brothers and sisters... Xu Erlang said that I am single-minded to yearning.

As soon as he finished complaining, he saw his eldest brother write the second family member:

"Nan Zhi, I missed it for half a month, I really missed..."

Xu Xinnian blurted out:

"You and Aunt Mu really have a leg."

"Call my uncle from now on!" Xu Qi'an climbed up the pole.


When it was time for dinner, Xu Ershu came back on duty and pulled his white-haired nephew and son to change cups.

When she was slightly drunk, she glanced at her daughter Xu Lingyue, his wife's sister Mu Nanzhi, his nephew in Lin'an, and his nephew and concubine Ye Ji from Nanjiang, wondering:

"You guys don't look too happy?"

My aunt said anxiously:

"Ning Yan was seriously injured, and it may, may be.........has no heirs in the future."

No, no, mother, they are not upset because of this, they suspect that the eldest brother is happy overseas. Xu Erlang felt desperate for his mother's slowness.

Although the sister-in-laws care about it, they are not stupid. They have reacted early now.

The first-rank martial artist is already inevitable, not to mention that the eldest brother is now a half-step martial arts.

"What are you talking nonsense, Ning Yan is a half-step martial arts god, he can't die, how could he be injured..." Xu Ershu suddenly stopped talking.

"Yes, Ning Yan is now a half-step martial arts god, and there will be nothing wrong with her body." Ji Baiqing enthusiastically picked food for her eldest son, and asked warmly.

Regardless of how many romantic debts her son has outside, she can't wait to capture all the beauties in the world to be her eldest son as a wife.

Xu Yuanshuang looked at her elder brother with admiration and said:

"Brother, you have to teach Yuan Huai well, Yuan Huai has a fourth rank."

As the second fourth-rank martial artist of the Xu family, Xu Yuanhuai was originally full of ambition, but now he has no sense of pride at all.

Meal down.

After the dinner, Mu Nanzhi went back to the room with a cold face.

At night, Xu Ershu finished washing, wearing a white shirt, sitting cross-legged in Xiaotu Tuna, but he couldn't get into the state no matter what.

So she said to her aunt who was leaning on the bed and flipping through the textbook:

"Today's matter reminds me, Ning Yan, it is very likely that there will be no children."

The aunt put down the script, straightened her waist in surprise, and shouted:


Xu Ershu pondered for a moment and said:

"Ning Yan is now a half-step martial arts god. In essence, he is different from us. Don't ask what is different, you can't tell. You only need to know that he is no longer a mortal.

"Don't you think it is strange that he and the national teacher are dual monks. It has been almost a year, and the national teacher has not been pregnant yet.

"Morning with His Highness Lin'an for a month and a half, I didn't get pregnant either."

Auntie cried and frowned:

"Then what to do."

Xu Ershu said with relief:

"I'm not guessing, I'm not sure... and Ning Yan's current cultivation base can't die, so it doesn't matter whether he has an heir or not."

"Bullshit!" Auntie hit him with the script:

"Without an heir, wouldn't I raise this cub for nothing."


In the spacious and luxurious bedroom, Xu Qi'an hugged Lin'an's gentle and delicate body, her palms rubbing against the soft waist of the water snake, she was sweaty, her hair pressed to her face, her eyes blurred, and she was panting.

Scattered with clothes such as Luo skirts and bellybands, there is also a letter from the family.

Lin'an, a cheatable man, was moved when he saw that the dog minion had written so many books for himself.

Then, after Xu Qi'an came close and slowly twiddled and picked, she completely gave up and threw the words of the nine-tailed fox out of the clouds.

"Ning Yan!"

Lin'an had his arms around his neck and said coquettishly:

"I want to go back to the palace to see my mother and concubine tomorrow."

Xu Qi'an looked back at her:

"Go if you want, and ask me what I'm doing."

Lin'an whispered:

"Huaiqing didn't let me go into the harem to see my mother concubine. It is said that my concubine recently picked up the court ministers and asked them to force Huaiqing to establish a prince. The concubine wanted the emperor's eldest son to be the prince.

Although Chen Guifei was defeated, she was not discouraged because her daughter married Xu Qi'an.

The identity of Xu Yinluo's mother-in-law saves her from being blinded by anyone.

People who want to burn the stove are focused on Chen Taifei.

The rank of your mother and concubine should be less tossing. Huaiqing just ignores her and can be killed with a single finger...Xu Qi'an thought like this in his heart, and couldn't say:

"Huaiqing is worried that Concubine Chen will make trouble again and you will find her to make trouble."

Lin'an twisted his waist dissatisfied:

"I will not easily be used as a gunman by my mother concubine."

Do you have it....... Xu Qi'an said:

"Lin'an, do you want to retaliate against Huaiqing, suppress her severely, and show off in front of her?"

Lin'an's eyes lit up, "Do you have a way?"

Of course there are. For example, my sister turned over to be her sister and asked Huai Qing to call your sister.......... Xu Qi'an endured it, changed the subject, and said:

"You don't miss me at all."

"I thought." Lin'an said hurriedly.

Xu Qi'an grabbed her left and right hands and said in a deep voice:

"I didn't even cut my nails, and I missed me."

Lin'an: "?"



Bai Ji knocked on the window, and a small figure was reflected on the window.

"The dog man asked me to bring you something."

Bai Ji's tender voice came.

Wearing a thin shirt, Mu Nanzhi opened the window and saw the small and exquisite Bai Ji carrying a small sheepskin bag, the bag bulging.

She snorted, took Bai Ji in her arms, opened the button of the sheepskin bag, took out a stack of paper that was not too thick but not too thin, and sat at the table to read.

"Nan Zhi, I missed it for half a month, I really missed..."

First she turned her lips in disdain, and then gradually became immersed. She raised the corners of her mouth from time to time, unknowingly, the candles gradually burned out.

Mu Nanzhi reluctantly put down the letter paper, opened the window, and threw Bai Ji out again:

"Go to your sister Ye Ji to sleep, don't find me before noon tomorrow."

Bai Ji screamed softly, and went to find Ye Ji.

After finally knocking on Ye Ji's window, she was thrown out again.

"Go to Xu Lingyin to sleep, don't find me before noon tomorrow."


Bai Ji snorted towards the window and ran away angrily.


Late at night, Jingshan City.

The full moon sheds frost-white brilliance, making the stars in the sky dim. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Below the altar where the witch **** sculpture stands, witches in long robes are like a colony of ants, gathering in the dark night.

A wizard dressed in a robe and a hood sat cross-legged under the altar, as if to hold some kind of grand sacrifice.

The two concubines of Li Lingsu, the Eastern sisters were among them.

Dongfang Wanqing looked around at the silent wizards around him, and whispered:

"Sister, what happened."

Not long ago, the great wizard Salun Agu summoned all the wizards in the Three Kingdoms and ordered them to gather in Jingshan City within two days.

Thousands of wizards gathered in Jingshan City at this time, but there were still many low-level wizards who could not come.

Dongfang Wanrong's face was solemn:

"The teacher said that there will be a catastrophe in the Three Kingdoms."

Only when all wizards gather in Jingshan City can they have a chance of life.

Dongfang Wanqing was puzzled, "The wizard **** has already broken the seal initially, can't you bless you?"

She used "you" because Dongfang Wanqing is not a wizard, but a warrior.

At this time, a wizard next to him said:

"I heard Elder Irbo say yesterday that that person has become a climate, not to mention the great wizard, even the current wizard god, I am afraid he can't hold him down.

"I think the so-called catastrophe is related to that person."

The charming and charming Dongfang Wanrong frowned:

"Who refers to "that person" in Elder Ilbo's mouth?"


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