Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 95: 3 months

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[One: Did you go to the Sorcerer Sect to liquidate it so soon? How is the witch god, are you injured? 】

When it comes to political issues, Huaiqing responded faster than others and took the lead in replying.

In addition, she didn't have a clear concept of the power of Half-Step Martial God. She only felt that Xu Qi'an's behavior was too impulsive, and she didn't call on other transcendents or even gods to help, so she rushed to trouble the witch gods.

[Seven: Anyway, half a step, the Valkyrie's skin is thick and thick and can't die. 】

After arriving in southern Xinjiang the day before yesterday, Li Lingsu, who did not return to the capital with Ye Ji, was the first to answer the question.

He is a distinguished guest of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, the demons provide good wine and meat, and the beautiful fox girls sing and dance. When the saint child drinks up to his head, he will go off the stage and sing and dance with the fox girls.

The most important thing is that despite the joy of playing, his waist will not have any burden, because as a distinguished guest, he has enough initiative.

Of course the fox ladies wanted to wait for the bed, but Li Lingsu sternly refused.

Everyone has fun, but don't think about sleeping with me.

This would be different if it were at home. The confidante coveted his beauty and moved early.

All in all, it is beautiful to be able to live and die in southern Xinjiang without supporting walls. .

[Two: It's best to die! 】

Li Miaozhen cursed angrily.

She returned from overseas for thousands of miles, and was planning to find Xu Ningyan's bad luck tomorrow morning, but he went to Jingshan City?

Miaozhen has a big temper. Well, I will write you a "Friendship Letter" when I turn around... Xu Qi'an said in a heart that he used a reference pen to preach the calligraphy:

[I have taken the entire Northeast of the Three Kingdoms, Your Majesty, you can send someone to take over the witchcraft site in the near future. 】

In the distant capital, in the palace, Huai Qing fiercely turned over and sat up, staring at the mirror surface of the jade mirror in a daze.

Hit it? !

Is this down?

Since ancient times, the witch **** sect has dominated the northeast, with a history longer than Dafeng. The super-quality seated and unparalleled cavalry, like the monsters in the north, is the trouble of Dafeng's heart.

As a result, the witch **** sect ceased to exist overnight?

[One: What is going on, shouldn't it, the witch **** did not protect the witch **** cult? 】

Xu Qi'an announced the details of the incident in the local book chat group.

He did not analyze the changes in the situation that would be caused after the wizard **** blessed the wizard, and what benefits Dafeng would gain in it, because Xu Qi'an believed that among the members of the Heaven and Earth Society, except for Lina, everyone else's IQ was above the baseline.

No need for him to explain.

He only explained one point, and that was about the operation of the witch **** to protect the witches and put them into the body.

[3: Super products seem to have the means to accommodate the monks of their own system. When saving the head of the gods, the three bodhisattvas were integrated into the body of the Buddha. 】

[Nine: The Sorcerer Sect is forced to abandon the car to save the handsome. 】

Taoist Jin Lian jumped out and commented.

[Eight: How is the seal of the wizard god? 】

Asura asked about the book.

The big eyes on Xu Qi'an's wrist lit up, and he appeared on the altar, between the sculptures of the Confucian sage and the Sorcerer God.

The sculpture with the crown of thorns on his head, his eyes slowly rising up with black mist, staring at him without mixed feelings.

Whatever you look at, you can't kill me... Xu Qi'an ignored the witch god's gaze, looking at the Confucian sage sculpture.

This human race's shortest-lived, but most-contributing, super-quality sculpture is already covered with cobweb-like cracks, as if the wind will break into powder.

[Three: Up to three months, the seal of Confucianism will dissipate. 】

The time of the catastrophe has not changed, the end of the year!

Three months...The members of the World Club sank, and the sense of crisis and anxiety surged again.

They didn't know the truth of the Great Tribulation before, and there was still a trace of luck in their hearts, thinking that even if they were really unable to return to the sky, with their transcendental abilities, there would be a way out.

If Kyushu can't stay any longer, he will go to sea.

The sky is big and the earth is big, where can't you go?

But now that we know that Chaopin’s goal is to replace Heaven and become the will of the Kyushu World, that’s different.

Their remnants of great service, I am afraid that no matter where they flee to, there will be a dead end.

No matter how big the world is, there is no place for it.

[Nine: If the catastrophe is not over, all the creatures in the world will be wiped out. 】

[6: Amitabha, all beings are suffering. 】

However, Taoist Golden Lotus, Li Miaozhen, and the compassionate Master Hengyuan are not thinking about their own safety, but about the survival of the common people.

Jinlian, Hengyuan, and Miaozhen are the most dangerous. They will respond to the catastrophe with their bodies... No, I can’t put a flag on them, sins and sins.........Xu Qi'an Quickly dispelled this idea from my mind.

Other members, like Shengzi, Chu Yuanzhen, Asura, etc., are either more sensible or lack the consciousness to dedicate their lives to the common people.

[7: When the situation is really irreversible, Xu Ningyan will definitely die. 】

At this time, Shengzi sighed in the group.

No one spoke for a while.

Ah, it turns out that they also planted a flag in my heart... Xu Qi'an preached:

[I met an old friend in the Sorcerer Sect, Saint Son, who is your confidante Dongfang Wanqing. 】

[Four: Congratulations to the son. 】

Chu Yuanzhen hurriedly stood up and spoke, alleviating the depressed atmosphere.

[Two: Congratulations, brother. 】

[Eight: Congratulations! 】

[Nine: Congratulations! 】

Other members congratulated.

In the far south of Xinjiang, Li Lingsu's expression slowly stiffened, and the fox girl dancing in the hall instantly disappeared.

Let me take a rest, I can't keep up with nutrition, the **** Xu Ningyan...Li Lingsu muttered in his heart, and passed on the book and asked:

[Sister Rong merged into the wizard **** with the wizards? 】

Tucao on the lips, but still thinking of her own woman in her heart.

[Three: Hmm! 】

Xu Qi'an responded concisely.

After the group chat, Xu Qi'an space teleported to Dongfang Wanqing's side.

The latter's body is tight, as if facing an enemy.

"Let me go back to Beijing, Li Lingsu is waiting for you in Beijing." Xu Qi'an looked at her and said lightly:

"Of course, you can also choose to go back to Donghae County."

His expression and tone were very calm, even called indifferent, but Dongfang Wanqing was relieved.

Because she realized that in front of this legend, she was no different from a reptile. If the other party wanted to kill herself, she would not live until now, let alone talk to herself.

He didn't make me embarrassed because of Li Lang's affection... Dongfang Wanqing bowed and saluted:

"Thank you Xu Yinluo."


Royal Palace, Royal Study Room.

Wang Zhenwen was wearing a crimson official uniform and an official hat, with a solemn expression on her face, ascended the steps and walked to the Imperial Study Room.

Next to him is Wei Yuan in a gorgeous navy blue robe, with frosty temples and a handsome face.

After the meeting ended yesterday, Wang Zhenwen only took a nap at home for an hour before devoting himself to heavy official duties.

However, Wang Zhenwen's spirit is still vigorous. At his level, there are a lot of miraculous panacea stored in the house of the Sitianjian, as long as it is not the kind of disease that is about to end, there is basically no need to worry about the physical condition.

Wang Zhenwen has survived the life and death barrier once, and the warlock of Si Tianjian said that he will not die in catastrophe, and he does not need to worry about his body for at least ten years.

Summoning in the middle of the night, something big must happen again... Wang Zhenwen's expression is solemn, just begging that things are not too bad.

He glanced at Wei Yuan beside him and found that the other person's expression was equally solemn.

In the eventful autumn, any wind and grass will make their minds tense.

Stepping across the threshold of the Imperial Study Room, Wang Zhenwen glanced away, and watcher Zhao Shou was already sitting on the chair.

It's pretty early!

Also, for Confucianists, they only need to say when they receive a call:

I am in the imperial study room.

Can arrive immediately.

Wang Zhenwen and Wei Yuan walked under the throne and turned to the female emperor in the candlelight:

"His Majesty!"

In today's court, the three power ministers most trusted and trusted by the female emperor are Wei Yuan, Zhao Shou and Wang Zhenwen.

It was circulated in the dynasty that the Yunlu School represented by Zhao Shou was specially supported by the female emperor to check and balance the royal party and the Wei party.

Therefore, these three must gather together for every major event.

"Two Aiqing, please sit down."

Huaiqing nodded and ordered the **** to give a seat.

After Wang Zhenwen took his seat, he glanced at Zhao Shou, and saw that his expression was calm and his brows stretched, and he was also relieved.

It's not that the old fox is shallow-minded and easy to be seen through his heart, but Zhao Shou will not deliberately hide his thoughts when he is in trouble and does not involve party disputes.

Just as the Buddha attacked Leizhou, the situation was urgent, and the three of them frowned all night.

At this moment, he saw Huai Qing smile and said:

"Xu Yinluo went to Jingshan City to settle the settlement tonight."

Suddenly, Wang Zhenwen smiled and stroked his beard:

"It's time to be liquidated. The Witch God Sect has repeatedly calculated the court and Xu Yinluo. Now that Xu Yinluo's cultivation becomes a great success, it is the time for them to pay the price.

"That old fellow Salron Agu, I'm afraid I've suffered a guilt. Well, your Majesty is planning to send troops to attack the Sorcerer Sect?"

If this is the case, it would actually be more secure to persecute the witch gods to discuss and reconcile, and it would not take a single **** to seize the population and materials.

If the Sorcerer Sect is unwilling, go ahead.

Huai Qing shook his head:

"I am not going to attack the witch gods, but to summon the three Aiqings tonight, I want to discuss with you and others about taking over Yan Kangjing's Three Kingdoms."

Take over........ Wang Zhenwen suddenly raised his head, with slightly bloodshot eyes, staring at Huaiqing firmly.

"Before the catastrophe, there were no wizards in Kyushu.

"There is no witch **** in the Northeast."

Huaiqing said the jaw-dropping news in a flat tone.

"There are no more wizards in Kyushu, and no more wizards in Kyushu..."

Wang Zhenwen murmured to herself that this old man who had been up and down for decades showed a change of expression that did not match his experience and status.

Since the establishment of Dafeng, Yaoman and Wushen Sect have been like thorns in the eyes of the Central Plains, and they will come to the border to burn, kill and plunder them after three to five years, and the souls will smear him.

In the eyes of generations of scholars, the demon and brutality against the witch gods is a great cause for generations to come.

And such a great cause for a thousand years, in his generation, has become.

Wang Zhenwen suddenly remembered something and suddenly turned his head to look at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan sat without any expression, turned his head slowly, and looked to the northeast, without moving for a long time.

Forty years ago, the Witch God Sect army captured the three northeastern states, slaughtered hundreds of miles, and disappeared. The whole family of the prefect of Yuzhou died under iron cavalry, leaving only one child who had been hiding in the decaying well for several days.

That is Wei Yuan.

For decades, he seldom mentioned the hatred of the family, because he knew that it would be extremely difficult and almost impossible to destroy the Witch God Sect.

Who can do things that Confucian sages didn't do back then?

But now, the witch **** sect no longer exists, and the three kingdoms of Yan Kangjing will be wiped out.

Xu Qi'an did this.

And he was cultivated by Wei Yuan.

Causal loop.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Yuan restrained his emotions and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty asked the three of me to come here to discuss how to take over the Three Kingdoms?"

Huai Qing nodded:

"The Three Kingdoms has a vast territory, cultivable and hunting, and abundant products. After taking over the Three Kingdoms, Dafeng will completely solve the problem of money and food, and the arrangements of Mahayana Buddhists can also be put on the agenda.

"This matter cannot be done overnight, but we still have three months to go.

"However, many matters can be postponed, but to subdue the Three Kingdoms matter, I will immediately inform the world, so as to condense luck and strengthen the great power of the country."

Wang Zhenwen immediately said:

"You don't need to bother Xu Yinluo on this matter, just send a few extraordinary tri-state frontier troops to deal with it."

Now that there are so many extraordinary powerhouses in Dafeng, Lao Wang's words are full of confidence.

Huaiqing nodded:

"The details need to be discussed."


Xu Qi'an threw Dongfang Wanqing into the house of Shengzi, leaving a word for Yingying and Yanyan:

Entrusted by Li Lingsu to help him find his beloved, you and her will be sisters in the future. We must get along with each other in harmony. Don't make my brother Li Lingsu embarrassed.

How could Yingying and Yanyan refute Xu Yinluo's words, they were all very friendly.

He also smiled and asked him where Li Lingsu was, and couldn't wait to share his joy at this time with Li Lang.

It's so harmonious....... Xu Qi'an was very pleased when he saw this.

My heart said, holy son, holy son, this silver gong can only help you get here.

When I returned to Xu's mansion, I saw Lin'an overworked and fell asleep, so I didn't disturb her, sitting at the desk, thinking about what to do in these three months.

These three months are very important. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The ancients said that if you are prepared, everything will be done if you plan for it.

"First of all, it is the Western Regions. With me and the gods, the Buddha should not have swallowed Leizhou before the catastrophe. He is not afraid when he comes. Two half-step martial gods are enough to block the super product back.

"Unsurprisingly, he will wait for the witch gods and gu gods to break free of the seal. At that time, when many super-grades swallow the Central Plains, they will definitely join forces to kill me and the gods, and he will wait for the devouring of the Central Plains and compete with other super-grades.

"On the side of the Witch God Sect, most of the wizards have been integrated into the Witch God, which is equivalent to handing over the territory. I hope that Huaiqing can gather the Three Kingdoms as soon as possible and increase the luck. The stronger the luck, the greater the benefits.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to use Qi Luck. I don't know if I can get in touch with this unreliable one.

"The Gu clan in southern Xinjiang should move to Central Plains. When the Gu **** is born, they will all be transformed. Once these leaders are transformed, they will be ready-made transcendental Gu beasts.

"Huang is the same as Gu God, and he cannot be given the opportunity to develop his power. I hope that the nine-tailed fox can deal with the problem of the descendants of the gods and demons as soon as possible and eliminate hidden dangers."

After all arrangements were made, Xu Qi'an returned to the core issue:

Promoted to Valkyrie!

On this point, he has two methods, one: look through the classics of Sitian Supervisor to see if the Supervisor has left any clues.

Two: Gather all the extraordinary and powerful, brainstorm and discuss how to promote the Valkyrie.

There is no need to do everything by yourself, but to know how to use talents reasonably.

Whether it is the extraordinary Dafeng or the extraordinary Gu clan, they are all intelligent and extraordinary, um, Lina's father Longtu doesn't count.

After he figured it out, he squeezed his eyebrows, and instead of going to bed, he disappeared by the desk.

The next moment, he appeared in Munanzhi's boudoir.


PS: Change the typo first and then change it.

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