Dahan Technology Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Damian

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"Space transmission technology is very advanced in space technology. It needs a very strong foundation in space technology to make achievements in space transmission!"

Liu Bozhou slowly began to express his conjecture.

"We look at the universe civilization that made the door of time and space. Although it looks like the door of time and space, our countless experiments have proved that this civilization only understands some fur in terms of space technology, not even the empire."

"They even have a way to say that the influence of space is concentrated in a certain area. Otherwise, after the gate of space-time is not activated, the surrounding void distance is turbulent. We must know that too much turbulence in space-time is very detrimental to space transmission. Yes, we all know that! "

"There is also the area inside the gate of time and space. Although the fluctuation of the void is fierce, there is no difference compared with the outside of the gate of time and space. This simply cannot open the wormhole of space and time to achieve space transmission!"

After hearing this, Wan Shiqi nodded silently. She was also studying space technology. She was very aware of the difficulty of space transmission. The empire can be said to have used space technology on a large scale and mastered the good results of space technology. Very blank on teleport!

"Secondly, we assume that this civilization has mastered space transmission technology. When they faced the galaxy catastrophe, they escaped the galaxy and escaped the catastrophe through the gate of time and space. So in principle, they can also build The gate of time and space, just return to the galaxy! "

"After all, the homeland is difficult to leave, and the galaxy is an old nest, it must be more comfortable than the outside, but no, this civilization has completely disappeared. Except for the gate of time and space, there is no proof of existence."

"There is also the ability to research space transmission technology. This civilization will definitely not be lower in space technology than the empire. General catastrophes can simply cope with the past. Where do you need to escape?"

"So I can conclude that this civilization does not have mastered space transmission technology at all. They just know a little bit about the fur of space technology. When facing catastrophe, dogs jumped off the wall and disease was indiscriminately constructed. Try to see if you can succeed! "

"In fact, they estimate that even the space-time wormhole has not been opened. Such a rough space-time door. Although this civilization is also very powerful, it has solved the energy problem and the material problem, but it is on the most critical and core space science and technology. . Hehe, they are still too tender and can only say that they have just started! "

Liu Bozhou was very confident that the civilization that created the door of time and space simply did not master deep space technology. It is inferred that there is so much truth, saying one, two, three, four!

"Then according to what you say, this gate of time and space is actually nothing to study, there is no space technology in it, and we can now go back to Orion's arm?"

Although Wan Shiqi thought that Liu Bozhou was very reasonable, he still felt that something should not be figured out.

"It is possible to go back. Our empire has mastered the various technologies involved in the gate of time and space. There is nothing to study. If it was not at the beginning that there might be space transmission technology, I guess that the upper levels of our empire would not send Come over! "

"Now our empire's space scientists are very busy. Where there is so much effort running around, the empire's sky-closing project needs space scientists everywhere, and things that are not important generally don't move!"

Liu Bozhou nodded. Although he is a scientist, but like other men, he likes to care about current affairs, and at the same time, he also likes to analyze from the perspective of humanities, politics, and economics when studying things.

"Although such a huge door of time and space is hollow, it is made of degenerate materials after all. This requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Without a certain degree of certainty, it should not be What will you do? "

Wan Shiqi also bowed her head to contemplate. Liu Bozhou's words inspired her in another aspect, thinking in a different way.

"You can think of it as a scientific experiment. Since it is a scientific experiment, what resources are wasted can be well explained. It ’s not the same as we often do experiments. Many times we need to waste a lot of resources for an assumption. It is estimated that this door of time and space is similar. "

Liu Bozhou explained with a smile that the resources consumed by scientific experiments are very huge. For example, materials science research requires numerous resources to continuously experiment and match. There is no massive experimental data to support it. I want to have Success is simply impossible!

The same is true of other scientific research. Only on the basis of massive scientific experiments can we make a lot of achievements and make breakthroughs and achievements, and these need to consume countless resources. This is why it is more and more important to use supercomputers to simulate experiments. Supercomputer simulation experiments do not need to consume any resources at all, which can greatly save manpower and material resources.

"It seems that what you said still makes sense, but we still need to study it carefully and carefully check the data. After all, the results we have deduced and calculated through the supercomputer are not real experimental data. If only If it is so judged because of the result of this deduction, there is still a bit of arbitrariness. It is likely that we will miss an opportunity, an opportunity for a breakthrough in space transmission technology! "

Wan Shiqi nodded and agreed with Liu Bozhou's point of view. She was still unwilling to give up casually if she was not enough. She has studied space transmission technology for a long time and dreamed of breakthroughs and achievements in space transmission technology.

This time, I heard that the gate of time and space on the Donne civilization is willing to develop externally. When Jiang Zhipeng found himself, Wan Shiqi agreed without hesitation. In order to pursue the dream in his heart, he would transfer the technology of space to research. come out.

"Haha, as you please, anyway, I have already completed my own work. In terms of materials, there is no difference between the degenerate technology of making the door of time and space and the making of the statue of Heris, and they are also in the same period. It is estimated that there are many similarities in the development of science and technology, and our Institute of Materials Science can be evacuated first! "

Liu Bozhou shook his head. He understood his wife's inner thoughts very well, so she did not continue. She was very eager to make a breakthrough in space transmission, and longed to be the first female scientist to stand on the podium of the entire empire. Liu Bozhou is very supportive of her dream!


Part of the Empire ’s scientific expedition team began to withdraw. The Donne civilization knew the actions of the Imperial scientists as soon as possible, and quickly sent inquiries to the person in charge of the scientific expedition team, Master Wan Shiqiwan.

"Master Wan, we meet again!"

The figure of the legendary Dawn civilization scientist Damian appears in the video of the virtual imaging, with a smile on his face, but still can't hide his anxiety. He is not a politician, just a scientist, and many things are not good at covering up.

"Master Damian looks tired, you always pay attention to work and rest!"

For more than a year, this Damian master often called Wan Shiqi to talk about some scientific research questions, and he was often able to get a lot of good suggestions and ideas from Wan Shiqi. The scientific puzzle that has plagued him for a long time.

Therefore, this master Damian is just like dogskin plaster. He needs to talk to Wan Shiqi every 30 minutes. At the same time, he should continue to break through in research and work hard. Now it looks older than when he met just a year ago.

"Haha, it's okay, I'm very energetic! Master Wan is looking for you this time to ask you why some scientists in your empire started to evacuate?"

Master Damian smiled slightly, then shifted the focus to the point. Because the Dorn civilization had an agreement with the empire, if any research results were to be shared, Dorn civilization also hoped that this research activity can help them break through the key of the gate of time and space, so they are very concerned about this issue. .

"Oh, this is the case, Master Damian, our Imperial Institute of Materials Science and Technology, and the Institute of Energy Science all believe that there is nothing to study in the technology involved in the gate of time and space. Our empire has already studied the statue of Heris. Get these technologies! "

"So after more than a year of research, they think that there is nothing on the gate of time and space that makes them worth spending time, so they evacuate first!"

Wan Shiqi didn't have anything to hide, so she said directly.

"I did not expect that Guiming has developed the technology of degenerate materials and the use of stellar energy. It is great, but Master Wan, I do n’t know if you have discovered anything after studying the gate of time and space. Please tell us if it is convenient. Dorn civilization! "

Damian sighed that people are more deadly than popularity, but these are not important. He now wants to know what is in space technology. This is the key!

"I am dissatisfied with Master Damian, and I have no gain here. We initially determined that this gate of time and space is a failed product. It simply does not have the ability to transmit in time and space!"

"However, because the time is too short, we are not 100% sure and decided to stay and continue to study, but this possibility is very high!"

Wan Shiqi's words seemed like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Damian heard the whole thing, and at the same time his eyes were widened. It was incredible. This is about whether the Dorn civilization can escape the gate of time and space of the great disaster. Wan Shiqi said that there is a great possibility that it is a failed product!

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