In accordance with MU practice, the entrance ceremony and the coronation of the honorary chief were combined into one night, which also saved money on an event.

“Hoshino-kun, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a grand occasion.” The Russian woman closed her lace folding fan. “It’s certainly worthy of being Monarch-level on awakening. His insight talent is unfathomable. I don’t know who he’ll choose as an advisor. I’m really looking forward to seeing it.”

“I’m afraid nothing good will come of it.” Hoshino Kota shook his head. “There’s too big a gap between what the Chinese Dragon Group announced and what just happened. The atmosphere today is too uncertain—it’s dangerous for a Monarch-level who hasn’t experienced Second Awakening to make so much noise.”

Every investigator at Miskatonic University had signed a confidentiality agreement encrypted by a magic pattern. Even so, this was the first thing in their minds.

The danger never went away.

Throughout the occult world, Miskatonic University was like a bellwether. Whenever there was any kind of confrontation with otherworldly creatures, it was the primary target. The scientific research teams sent by MU were frequently attacked by unidentified species for no reason. By now investigators were almost used to it. In addition to such beings, various cults had emerged one after another all over the world. While preventing foreign invasion, they also had to defeat threats from within. Investigators didn’t get public holidays. They were running ragged.

“Will the vice chancellor come tonight?”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” A magic pattern professor who had begun to play billiards shrugged. “His Excellency Paracelsus has recently been thick as thieves with Professor Newton, and they even pulled in Revered Daoist Xu Fu of the East. They want to try their hand at making Klein bottles in three-dimensional space with alchemy. To help with this, His Excellency Paracelsus contributed his own philosopher’s stone in an attempt to awaken the soul of Albert Einstein in the Dreamlands.”

As Hoshino Kota listened he almost broke out in a cold sweat. “I never thought that old joke would come true. If Mr. Einstein comes to our school, I’m afraid the dean of the Physics Department will have to make way.”

“The Physics Department is understandably excited about the news.”

While they were discussing, an archaeology professor named Afit joined the conversation. “All the professors in their department are die-hard fans of Mr. Einstein.”

It was widely known that the number of students who chose to take physics classes at MU every year wasn’t enough to form a football team. It might be time for a turnaround.

“Well, since the vice chancellor isn’t here, I suppose it’s time to preside over the big event.” After some laughter, Anastasia picked up a champagne glass, walked to the high platform and took the lead in raising her glass. “Welcome new students to Miskatonic University. This night belongs to you.

“As the representative of this year’s advisors, I only have these words for you. Don’t ever forget MU’s school motto.

“Out of ignorance into wisdom, out of light into darkness.”

At that point, she paused. “And—trust no one.”

It was destined to be a sleepless night.

Zong Yan was honored as one of the highlights of the evening.

Many students, both new and old, came over to talk to him with champagne glasses in their hands. After he managed to get rid of one, another would appear, which was very annoying.

In MU, the school chief had a lot of different roles. He was basically a representative of outstanding students as well as the student body president. He also enjoyed some privileges.

In any case, excellence would always be recognized by others, and many people wanted to come up and make friends.

Zong Yan never expected that one day he’d stand side by side with a son of an Arab sheikh, the daughter of a wealthy American businessman, the heir of an Italian mafia family, and the heir of a Russian oligarch, and calmly accept their gestures of goodwill.

He had no idea why, but ever since drawing the Joker, Zong Yan felt a sense of restlessness throughout his entire body. But as he held his juice and looked around unobtrusively, he didn’t observe anything unusual.


“Sorry, I’m not an adult in my country and can’t drink alcohol.”

Zong Yan couldn’t count how many times he repeated this excuse. Whenever he turned around and tried to bolt, he fell once more into social hell.

The dinner ceremony was drawing to a close.

This time, he got caught up in the professors’ discussion circle. Students were leaving the auditorium one after another. Even the professors standing nearby were heading for the door.

“Little chief, have you decided on your advisor yet?” Anastasia threw him a wink. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a spot available this year. Next year remember to consider me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

It was clear that Zong Yan’s somewhat formal manner pleased her. As she laughed her green eyes curved in a smile.

Next year she might even coo.

Zong Yan was sweating inwardly. He really wasn’t good at getting along with women, especially the charming ones.

If he had to choose an advisor… he was more inclined to look for a mature and stable person, the type who was severe and didn’t talk much, which was more in line with Zong Yan’s expectations for a mentor.

“What do you think about this year’s elective courses?” A linguistics professor came up to chat. “This year the Linguistics Department is offering a new course in hieroglyphics. Our Black Pharaoh project made a major discovery in the Valley of the Kings last year. Please do consider it.”

“I’ll think about it, sir.” Zong Yan politely dodged while thinking: Actually, when it came to hieroglyphics, he didn’t have any difficulties at all. “Does MU really have no requirements for electives?”

Zong Yan couldn’t figure it out. He’d previously heard the investigator describe the graduation requirements, but he still had doubts.

If they were only required to pass three compulsory classes and three investigation practice courses, didn’t that mean no one would enroll in electives? Who would choose a lot of extra courses when there were no credit requirements?

“It’s true there’s no requirement, but whenever elective courses are offered, generally the entire school will participate. Few students are absent.”

Anastasia smiled. “Becoming an investigator is a dangerous thing, not to mention that there are only three mandatory courses. If you don’t work hard and study on your own, it’s not unusual to die in the investigation classes. Two years ago during the emergency in Bern, every investigator and student who participated was sent to the mental hospital. So don’t be lazy. Work hard, jiayou.”

Zong Yan: ? ? ?

He watched as the professors and investigators walked away, and sensed once more how mysterious this school was.

According to the rules, the process of freshman enrollment was now concluded. Zong Yan was a special case, a freshman who won the first prize championship in one fell swoop, so he was told to go to the vice chancellor’s office the next day. His main task now was to find a bed and prepare for class in the morning.

MU’s dormitories were all single rooms. Since bidding farewell to high land prices and moving to the Dreamlands, the school works department had completed several construction projects on the unoccupied land in the border region. They’d built a large number of high-spec houses, ranging from Baroque to Japanese-style villas with all the amenities, and all had ocean view rooms.

As the school chief, Zong Yan could even treat himself to his very own villa.

But after a long day of running around, he was tired. He wasn’t in the mood to yell and make a fuss while looking at houses like Wang KeMing. He chose a building at random and checked in. Then he collapsed into bed and had a dreamless night.

What he didn’t know was that the second day would bring even more surprises than the first.

In the morning, there was an introductory alchemy course. Because no books had been issued, Zong Yan went empty handed.

He got up early. After breakfast, he found his way there with a map. As he walked along some students greeted him warmly.

Since childhood, Zong Yan had been a marginal and almost invisible figure in groups. He’d never enjoyed such special treatment and found it a bit unsettling.

Everyone attached a high priority to the first class. The classroom was full to capacity early on.

A few chimes of Bach resounded through the room. Moments later, a middle-aged man in a long robe pushed open the door of the classroom.

His first words scared all the students silly.

“Good morning, freshmen. I’m Isaac Newton, your introductory alchemy lecturer.

“No, it’s not the same name and surname. I am indeed the Newton you’ve heard of before.” 

The blond teacher revealed an impatient expression. “Every year, students ask me the stupidest questions about this.

“If you’ve read a little about me, you’ll understand how much I loved alchemy during my lifetime. Please don’t ask me why I chose to teach alchemy instead of physics or math. I do it because I like it.”

The students were dumbfounded, but Newton didn’t give them any buffer time.

“Since this is your first class in our school, let me emphasize that MU is different from all other universities. Everything you learn here, you will use against otherworldly creatures to protect yourself.

“From the moment of awakening, you’ve been set apart from ordinary people. If you’d like to draw an analogy, you’re like a light bulb in the dark, conspicuous to those creatures. Even if you do not look for danger, danger will come looking for you in an unending stream. So never take unnecessary risks. Take all the elective courses you can, do you hear?”

“Yes, yes!”

The students nodded their heads like they were mashing garlic.


This freshmen class seemed eager to agree.

Isaac Newton gazed down at them with satisfaction. “The chief of this term is said to be a freshman? Raise your hand so I can see.”

Zong Yan raised his hand, apparently tranquil. In fact, his palms were soaked with sweat.

“You were able to become the chief as soon as you entered school. This shows your insight ability is very good. In the world of investigators, high insight is a double-edged sword. It may bring you unlimited opportunities, or it may lead to disaster. This is because you will notice more than others.”

Newton smiled. “Much like magic patterns, alchemy requires insight. Since you have a gift, do not waste it. You’re the honorary chief, and this is all the more reason for you to set an example. In this class my requirements for you will be many times higher than for other students. You’ll need to put in your utmost effort to get a pass from me.”

Zong Yan wanted to die.

Heaven knew, drawing the Joker card was really only random chance.

Generally speaking, surprises never come in pairs, but scares do.

After alchemy class in the morning, Zong Yan ran to the door of the vice chancellor’s office holding the book he was just issued.

Knock knock knock.

He knocked warily on the door. After receiving an answer, he cautiously walked inside.

“Oh, you’re the new chief of this term?” A red-haired young alchemist had just lifted a glass dropper. “Wait a moment, I’ve mixed up the ratio of this condensate… damn!”

The room was almost identical to the chancellor’s office. There were glassware bottles and jars everywhere as well as mysterious alchemical equipment on the shelves.

Zong Yan even saw a huge alchemical stove at one end of the room. Yes, it was a genuine pill furnace, exactly like DaoDe TianZun’s alchemical stove in 《The Journey to the West》, which he’d watched as a child in the tube-shaped apartment building.

“That’s the alchemical stove of Revered Daoist Xu Fu. Eastern alchemy is rich and sophisticated. It’s given me a lot of new ideas.”

While Zong Yan was quietly observing, the young alchemist finished what he was doing and walked over from the workbench.

“To introduce myself, my name is Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, but you can call me Paracelsus. You’ve probably heard that name before.”

Zong Yan: …

Heard of it, heard of it, the great European alchemist on par with Nicholas Flamel, also a holder of the philosopher’s stone.

How surprising, both the chancellor and vice chancellor of MU were great alchemists, and they were practically immortals who’d lived an unknown number of years, it was almost disrespectful not to realize.

“If you’ve heard of me, that’s fine. I just don’t like introducing myself that much.”

Paracelsus smiled at him. “Well, since Nicholas doesn’t care, it’s up to me to coach the new chief every session.

“I think you know what kind of beings we’re fighting, right?” At this point, the alchemist put away his smile. “Those things are always around us, creeping ever closer.

“It may be an otherworldly creature, it may be a cultist, or it may be an even more terrifying existence.

“And, unfortunately, I know they’re here at school. Sadly our eyes are obscured. We lack the necessary information.”

Paracelsus patted him on the shoulder. “But we absolutely trust you, so once you discover anything that isn’t right, please contact me without delay.

“Maybe you haven’t noticed yet. It’s not that you drew the Joker card, little chief, but the Joker card chose you.

“Be safe and remember the school motto.

“Out of ignorance into wisdom, out of light into darkness, and trust no one.”

The author has something to say:

Zong Yan: What is this… Mission Impossible?!

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