Zong Yan felt an overwhelming sense of evil intent.

He hurried to the Academic Affairs Department, but the person in charge looked at him in surprise. “Van Helsing? Isn’t the demon hunter doing research in Romania? I haven’t heard any rumors that he’s coming to MU as a professor.

“Isn’t your advisor Professor Tawil? The Monarch? He accepted MU’s invitation to teach astrology just a few days ago.” At this point the dean of the Academic Affairs Department sighed with emotion. “A Monarch-level advisor, you can’t find one of those every day.”

Zong Yan: ? ? ?

What the hell, he’s a Monarch now?

He walked around for a while and after some unobtrusive snooping discovered that the entire school was aware of Monarch Tawil.

Once again human memory had been tampered with. The memory of “former Chief Tawil” had silently disappeared and no longer existed. In its place was “the seventh Monarch”, astrology professor Tawil, who’d just agreed to teach at MU.

What kind of being was capable of tampering so effortlessly with reality?

Zong Yan wanted to run to the vice chancellor’s office again to reenact the previous scene, but—

“Put away those little thoughts of yours.” Tawil narrowed his eyes. “Don’t annoy me, or else—”

Or else what?

Zong Yan was ready to declare that neither riches nor honors would persuade him, that neither poverty nor destitution would corrupt him, that neither threats nor coercion would subdue him. 

A mighty proletarian people who were born under the glorious Five-Star Red Flag would never yield to the power of an evil god. The flowers of socialism would stand firm!

The black-haired boy straightened his back to show his determination to die rather than surrender.

The professor of astrology said coolly, “Or I can keep you from graduating.”


Zong Yan’s pupils quaked.

Despicable, shameless, villainous behavior!!!

He went back and asked Professor Newton for an authorization slip to borrow a book. He buried himself in the library stacks, determined to find some clues.

After a few days of searching, Zong Yan finally located the name in a certain version of a translation of the 《Necronomicon》.

【Tawil At-U’mr, also known as the Most Ancient and Prolonged of Life, a powerful Great Old One】

There really wasn’t much information recorded about the name. A prayer of invocation was provided, but the rest was unknown.


Although it was pretty much what he’d expected, now that it was confirmed he couldn’t help but sharply inhale a breath.

A Great Old One… Such a being could turn the galaxy upside down.

Professor Darwin had said in class that there were Great Old Ones sealed up on Earth, including one sleeping beneath the Pacific Ocean.

Take the one under the Pacific Ocean, for example. Once the stars reverted to their rightful positions, he’d awaken from his slumber and all of humanity would perish.

That, more than anything, underlined exactly how dangerous Tawil was.

The Great Old Ones had basically been sealed away by the ancient gods. Only a small number were able to move freely, and most were in outer space. Unless called by their believers, they generally wouldn’t come to Earth.

Sadly, it seemed… that wasn’t his real body but a side account.

The gears of Zong Yan’s brain were turning rapidly.

It really was too arrogant. The same name and surname. He didn’t bother to change them at all.

There were a lot of investigators at MU who specialized in the study of evil gods and otherworldly beings. In the advanced biology graduation exam, students were asked to silently write out the names of all known evil gods. There were a lot of Great Old Ones, but they really should have been able to detect the signs.

It was the kind of mind control that sent shivers down his spine.

Zong Yan couldn’t help but recall when he’d used the Azathoth card, feeling like helpless prey trapped in a maze. His intuition had told him there was something wrong with Senior Tawil, but he simply lacked the ability to put himself on guard. He was as helpless and confused as a puppet dancing in someone else’s hand.

“Don’t try to imagine how powerful the gods are.” In biology class, Darwin downplayed it, saying lightly, “They transcend the dimensions. No matter what you try to imagine, you will always be weaker than they are.”

It was just cheating.

Which meant Tawil also was more powerful than he was capable of imagining.

The black-haired boy put down the book and let out a long sigh.

The other side hadn’t done anything substantive so far, like, as described by his professors, if his arrival were accompanied by anti-human behavior like the mindless destruction of the world. Given that hadn’t happened yet, Zong Yan made a difficult decision.

If the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move.

Exactly as he said: Don’t try to annoy the gods.

Evil gods treated human beings like ants. They just weren’t on the same level.

The most important thing was Zong Yan’s sorrowful discovery.

If the other party really wanted to destroy the world, even if all the Monarchs and Awakened on Earth banded together, he was afraid it wouldn’t change a thing.

The only thing he could do right now was nothing.

The next day was the deadline for finalizing the investigation practice assignment. The inside of the auditorium had been rearranged. At a long table sat the professors of the Political Science Department. The students lined up one by one to receive their tasks for the assignment.

“You’re applying to complete the first investigation practice class on your own?” Obviously, the professor of the Political Science Department was shocked when he saw Zong Yan’s application form. “You should consider carefully. This is an E-rank investigation mission. It has a mortality rate of five percent.”

Zong Yan had a wooden face. “Yes, I’m sure.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, numerous students cast admiring glances at the school chief.

In fact, Zong Yan didn’t have a choice.

If he didn’t apply to complete the investigation practice class by himself, he would have to complete it with his advisor.

Putting aside whether Tawil would even be willing to perform his mentor duties, right now Zong Yan wanted to be ten meters away from him at all times. It would be better if he never saw the person again. How could he possibly take the initiative to go to his door?

That was a Great Old One! A living and breathing Great Old One!

“Who are the members of your investigation team?”

It was impossible for an investigator to complete the mission alone, otherwise they were delivering tasty meals one by one to the cultists, and the same went for MU’s investigation practice students.

Students who wanted to complete a mission without their advisor could establish a temporary investigation team to participate in the assignment with their teammates, with a capacity of four people.

Zong Yan touched his nose. “It’s just me.”

“That won’t do.” The professor frowned. “You should form a temporary team. We don’t joke with the safety of students.”

Although people liked to ridicule MU’s fatality rate, if a student really were to die in the investigation practice class, it would be a major event for the entire school to mourn.

The number of Awakened in the world was already small. Once a person became Awakened, there was an insurmountable gap between themselves and ordinary people.

It was for this reason that many Awakened were forced to distance themselves from their relatives after awakening. It was why Miskatonic University was open year-round, because from the moment of awakening, there were endless dangers and troubles that would come to find the Awakened. Only when they acquired more knowledge and became stronger could they protect themselves and the people they cared about.

A look of hesitation appeared on Zong Yan’s face.

He’d always been asocial and didn’t really have any friends. This tendency hadn’t improved after he became school chief.

At Miskatonic University, Zong Yan didn’t think he’d formed a good enough relationship with any student to the extent of setting up a temporary investigation team.

“The deadline is eight o’clock this evening. You can find your teammates first, then reapply in the auditorium.” Because today was the deadline, many students had come to line up. The professor looked at the students waiting behind Zong Yan and made a pertinent suggestion.

Zong Yan sighed. He was about to take back his application when a hand suddenly interposed from the side.

“If you don’t have the people, let’s form a team right here.” The man spoke lazily, “We need two more.”

It was Edward.

The little prince was standing beside him. He put his application form next to Zong Yan’s.

Zong Yan keenly noticed a bunch of still-wet scratch marks on the paper.

Obviously he’d filled it out in a hurry.

“Me, me, me, me, me—!” someone immediately cut in.

Wang KeMing pushed his way out of the queue behind them. “Yan Ge, if you need me, I, Wang KeMing, will be the first to answer the call.”

Although he said so, Wang KeMing’s eyes couldn’t stop glancing at Edward. His pudgy face was plastered with a flattering smile.

Wang KeMing wanted to form a good relationship with Zong Yan, the school chief, but now there was a crown prince of the British royal family in the group, too. If he could successfully edge his way in, there would be a hundred benefits with zero harm.

Edward didn’t approve: “Who are you?”

Edward had seen this kind of face and attitude a lot since he was a child. They were countless people with ulterior motives. The little prince crossed his arms over his chest. The look in his eyes was full of undisguised disgust.

“I…” In the face of such open hostility, Wang KeMing’s expression became a bit contrite.

However, Zong Yan had finally recovered from his surprise. He relaxed his frown and reached out to take the application form from Wang KeMing. “Okay.”

After the incident with Tawil, Zong Yan saw an enemy lurking under every bush and tree. Everyone looked like a spy who sneaked into the school.

Compared to people he didn’t know at all, Wang KeMing was more familiar. The little fat man was a bit vain, but he wasn’t bad.

Edward glanced at him, snorted coldly, but in the end he didn’t say anything.


The school chief was recruiting members of his investigation team in public! And there was room for one more!

After a bunch of murmuring, the MU students in line figured out the situation. One by one, they crowded around the long table with their applications.

As school chief, Zong Yan’s strength was apparent to everyone. First, high insight was the minimum requirement. Second, according to campus gossip, it was said that the new chief was at least a Level 5 Awakened.

A newly-enrolled Level 5 Awakened!

It would definitely be good to join the chief’s investigation team. At least they wouldn’t have to worry about their safety. It wasn’t a bad idea to hold a powerful thigh.

Many people crowded around with the same thought in mind.

“Chief, I don’t know if I have the honor…”

“I’d also like to join your team. Please give me a chance.”

“I’m a classmate of yours. What do you say?”

Edward fully exercised his superior ability to evaluate people… and his rapid-fire mouth.

“Sorry, our team doesn’t accept trash.”

“No straw bags and no vases.”

A lot of people were offended by the little prince’s hostile attitude. However, he had the backing of the British royal family, so all they could do was hold their tongues and leave with disappointment.

Zong Yan listened to it somewhat shame-faced. He was about to speak up when suddenly an application form was handed directly to him.

“Excuse me?… May I have the honor?”

He wasn’t sure just when, but Zong Yan stood before a delicate black-haired girl with eyes like clear water. She gazed at him with a smile on her face.

The girl was dressed in a gorgeous, intricate cheongsam. She was tall, and her black high heels made her even more graceful. The high side slit in her skirt revealed a pair of long white legs. Combined with her beautiful face and exotic deep eyes, she was as beautiful as a vintage celebrity who’d walked out of the Shanghai Bund.

Many students hadn’t noticed her before. Now when they looked over, they were reluctant to look away.

Edward’s eyes wandered around her cheongsam for a moment and withdrew his gaze without interest. “Your advantages?”

The girl with black hair gently smiled, slowly unfolded the fan in her hand, and covered her lower face.

Her voice changed from a silver bell to a low, husky voice.

“Actually—I’m a man.”

Edward, Zong Yan, and Wang KeMing: “…”

The students and professors gathered around: “…”

A living cross-dresser?!

Everyone looked over with shocked eyes, and many heartbroken voices could be heard.

“Just kidding.” Seeing the crowd had fallen silent, she revealed a charming smile. “I’m proficient in disguise and voice changing. There’s no appearance or sound I can’t imitate.”

That was indeed an advantage.

There were only a few investigators who were familiar with disguise. Their investigation team already had enough combat power. What they really needed was a support member. Moreover, if she was proficient in disguise she could play a good game of Infernal Affairs, which could save a lot of work.


After weighing the pros and cons Zong Yan nodded, ignoring the strange feeling in his heart. “It’s yours.

“Our investigation team is full. Thank you.”

He stacked the four applications together and handed them to the professor.

The author has something to say: 

Bubbles: I can keep you from graduating

Zong Yan: Surrender surrender surrender

TL Notes:

can’t find one of those every day – 可遇不可求 – can be discovered but not sought, one can only come across such things serendipitously

neither riches nor honors would persuade him – 富贵不能淫 – Neither riches nor honours can lead one astray; be impervious to the temptation of wealth and high position; incorruptible by offers of money and power

neither poverty nor destitution would corrupt him – 贫贱不能移 – poor but ambitious; not to be shaken (said of one’s determination, integrity, etc.)

neither threats nor coercion could subdue him – 威武不能屈 – not to be subdued by force; no force can bend us

the Most Ancient and Prolonged of LIfe – 太古永生者 – Alternatively: primordial immortal one

sharply inhale a breath – 倒抽一口冷气 – draw a cold breath, gasp with astonishment, shocked intake of breath

side account – 小号 – trumpet, small jail cell, small size – An internet term which refers to a supplementary account that a player possesses in addition to their main account

saw an enemy lurking under every bush and tree – 草木皆兵 – Every bush and tree looks like an enemy — state of extreme nervousness; The grass and trees were thought to be the soldiers of the enemy; apprehend danger in every sound; mistake every bush and tree for an enemy

trash – 废物 – waste, good-for-nothing, rubbish

straw bag – 草包 – A colloquial term for a straw woven bag that isn’t strong or durable to describe a person’s uselessness and inability

vase – 花瓶 – flower vase – A term that means a person has no value aside from a good appearance, a pretty but useless person

Shanghai Bund – A protected historical district in central Shanghai. From the 1860s to the 1930s, it was the rich and powerful center of the foreign establishment in Shanghai, operating as a legally protected treaty port (Wikipedia)

Infernal Affairs – A famous 2002 action thriller about a pair of characters who work to infiltrate the Hong Kong police and a triad gang respectively. The U.S. remake is called The Departed and won several Oscars.

Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

Professor Tawil – 塔维尔教授 – Tǎ wéi’ěr jiàoshòu – Alternatively: Dr. Tawil

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