The feeling of being swallowed by shadows was amazing as well as strange. Edward held his breath at the moment the darkness leapt up around him, expecting to be engulfed by cold. But when the shadows washed over him and melted away, he felt like he’d passed through a layer of warm water, incredibly gentle and soft.

“That ability is incredible!” Edward turned his head and asked, “Where are we going now?”

His face glowed with excitement and elation. His previous depression had been swept away.

“First we’ll go find Wang KeMing.”

They couldn’t leave their teammate behind. If Ithaqua’s target was the three of them, they couldn’t abandon Wang KeMing or he’d be in serious trouble.

At the same time, Wang KeMing had just finished washing up and was about to go to bed with his phone beside him.

“As expected of Buckingham Palace. What a bed, tut tut.”

Before turning in, he couldn’t resist temptation, so he edited the video he’d made while entering Buckingham Palace and posted it to his circle of friends.

Young Master Wang might not have done much to distinguish himself since childhood, but he had an extensive contact list filled with cronies. Not long after he posted his update, it already had a dozen red hearts.

His little psychological desire to show off was instantly satisfied—hehe, hehe—so he tucked his phone under his pillow and was about to close his eyes, when suddenly, two elongated shadows fell across the bed curtain.

“Ah—!” Wang KeMing let out a scream like a dying pig.

“Stop howling. It’s us.” Zong Yan opened the bed curtain, but the next second his expression grew subtle. He swished it closed again. “You like to sleep naked?”

“I, I, I… You, you, you…” Wang KeMing was stunned by Zong Yan’s new appearance. “Hell, it’s only been half an hour, Yan Ge. You already have a new look?”

“Don’t worry about that. Hurry up and get dressed.”

Zong Yan gingerly picked up some clothes that were off to the side and tossed them in. “What a brave heart. The temperature’s below zero but you still want to sleep. Didn’t you see the emergency message on the app? What happened to your investigator’s insight? Do you even want to graduate from MU?

“Are you going to go talk to your father?”

When Wang KeMing was changing, Zong Yan looked over at Edward.

The little prince lowered his eyes with surprising indifference. “There’s no need.”

As he said this, Edward actually smiled, but this time his smile didn’t contain any of its previous sincerity. Instead it was like a concealed grimace, with a trace of anger hidden in his eyes.

As Zong Yan was about to speak, a violent gust of wind roared against the window.

The wind brought snow mixed with hail, and it smashed through the glass. The heavy curtains were torn and danced wildly in the gale.

“Yan Ge, what… what’s going on?”

Wang KeMing hurriedly put on some clothes and rolled out of bed in disarray. He was already shivering from the cold, but he remembered to pick up the school bag beside him.

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s go.”

Zong Yan didn’t have time to explain. He lifted the tip of the umbrella. The little fat man watched in horror as the flowing shadows engulfed them, but in the end, he trusted Zong Yan enough to choke back a cry of alarm.

The three students glided through the shadows, appearing and disappearing within the vast palace, making their way northwest towards Hyde Park.

Fortunately Zong Yan had some spare time before and looked at maps of various scenic spots in London. Otherwise he really would have been lost.

Hyde Park was quiet at night. The park was closed, so basically no one else was there.

Although the park was also affected by the frigid temperature, there wasn’t much snow visible on the ground.

“What the devil is that creature doing??” When they reached relative safety, Edward was the first to speak. He didn’t ask Zong Yan how he came to possess such an ability or how he was able to bring them out.

Obviously Edward and Wang KeMing both respected Zong Yan’s right to keep his own secrets. Anyway, it wasn’t a top priority right now.

“S-class extraterrestrial Ithaqua. You remember the paper Professor Darwin assigned last time, right?”

Zong Yan looked up at the dark clouds in the distance and took a deep breath.

Coincidentally, they’d had a homework assignment in biology class to write a short paper about this S-class alien. Although it was just superficial information, it was better than not knowing anything at all.


Edward frowned. “No, it’s unlikely to be Ithaqua.”

Ithaqua was one of the Great Old Ones, a being who possessed the terrifying power to change heaven and earth at will. As an enemy of the ancient gods he generally haunted the Arctic, where his presence generated blizzards. He was a snow monster who had made appearances in many books about the world’s unsolved mysteries.

Miskatonic University was quite familiar with Ithaqua.

In the power rankings of Great Old Ones, Ithaqua was a relative bottom-feeder. He couldn’t be compared to the Great Old One sealed under the Pacific Ocean. When that one awoke, it would immediately drag the world into a dream and destroy the planet.

The scientific research team which MU sent to the boreal forests of Canada, as well as the survey mission sent to the Arctic Ocean by the Spire Council, had been attacked by Ithaqua or his avatar. Because of these encounters, he was the Great Old One whom investigators had the most direct contact with.

But if Ithaqua himself were to descend on the Earth, it wouldn’t be just Buckingham Palace that was buried in snow, but all of Great Britain.

“Look at the latest information on the MU app.” Zong Yan lifted the phone in his hand. “It’s not his main body. They corrected the notice. It’s an incarnation of Ithaqua known as the Death-Walker, an A-rank creature.”

As an avatar of Ithaqua, the Death-Walker was weaker than the main body by more than one grade.

It was genuinely strange.

Ithaqua had very few worshippers. The people who lived in the Arctic region were afraid of him, which was why they believed in him, but he had hardly any actual followers.

If someone wanted to summon the avatar of Ithaqua, a highly gifted and devout group of believers would have to come to London and avoid detection for a long time to summon such a perfect Death-Walker.

The three stood in silence on the grass in Hyde Park.

Not far away, the wind was still entangled with the blizzard, and the twisted face in the clouds emitted a sharp burst of laughter. In just a few minutes, the snow on the ground already reached halfway up to the fence. The falling hail had broken a lot of glass. Buckingham Palace looked like a palace in a snowglobe, helpless to avoid the snow that came drifting down.

Helicopters were rushing in from a distance, but because the center of the storm was so violent, headquarters was forced to change the mode of transportation. The army had also been informed and began to move towards Buckingham Palace.

The Spire leadership received the news from the Ministry of Defense, and MU increased its alert level. Numerous investigators woke up from their sleep and began to rush over.

It was clear the Death-Walker was headed for Buckingham Palace.

They just couldn’t be sure whether it was aimed at them, as Zong Yan suspected.

“It’s targeting us?” Wang KeMing had a blank expression. “We’re just a few students from MU. What could that creature be thinking?”

“I don’t know either.” Zong Yan shook his head. “We’re safe for the time being, because he doesn’t seem to—”

Just as he was about to say the other party hadn’t found them, that contorted face suddenly turned and looked directly at them.

“Ahhhhh, no need to guess, he’s targeting us!” Wang KeMing screamed and collapsed. The next second, piercing shards of ice fell from the sky.

In an instant the Night Watchman’s eyes narrowed and he raised his black umbrella in the air. The shadows followed the edge of the umbrella’s canopy, jumped up from the ground, and intertwined into a curtain of night above their heads.

The shadows dissolved the oncoming ice, blocking the violent onslaught.

“No way… At this rate…”

It was less than ten minutes after Zong Yan and Edward had first seen the Death-Walker from the tower, but the situation was already grim.

In just ten minutes, even if there were enough investigators in London, it would be difficult for them to come to the rescue in time.

MU wasn’t really at fault. Generally, cultists would prepare for a summoning ritual with a lot of prep-time and chanting. From the beginning of a ceremony to the end, it would take a few hours, which meant investigators usually had plenty of time to deal with a summoning before it was successful.

This time, without any warning at all, the Death-Walker had appeared in the skies over London.

The blizzard attacks were getting colder and colder. As they stood below the cloudbank they felt like their blood was freezing in their veins.

It was possible that if they couldn’t find a way to save themselves, they wouldn’t survive long enough to be rescued.

Zong Yan suddenly asked, “Do you have a mask?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Wang KeMing put down his backpack and took out a pack of masks.

“Are you going?” After watching the gray-haired, trenchcoat-wearing Night Watchman put on the mask, Edward was keenly aware of what would happen next. His face turned grim. “Don’t try to be brave! The Death-Walker’s an A-rank monster!”

An A-rank monster was capable of killing an Auxiliary-level Awakened.

“Don’t worry, I won’t roll the dice with my own life. But please keep it a secret.”

“Of course, Yan Ge!” Wang KeMing looked at the damaged palace in the distance with a frightened expression on his face. “If it weren’t for you, I’d be in serious trouble tonight. Don’t worry, Ge. I know how to keep my mouth shut and I absolutely won’t say more than I should.”



Zong Yan took a deep breath and crushed the Child of the Wind card.

Thanks to the Azathoth persona card, his San value had increased to 60. Otherwise he really wouldn’t dare to be so bold.

But Zong Yan wasn’t too sure about anything. He’d only fought against C-rank creatures so far. This was the first time he’d encountered an A-rank being.

… Better not drag things out.

A young man with long, platinum blond hair jumped up lightly from the ground and soared into the air.

The force of the wind in his hand gleamed like a star against the dark sky. Without hesitation he disappeared into the ominous clouds.

As they gazed upwards, they saw the young man in Greek robes fighting against the terrifying face in a swirl of wind and snow. The increasingly violent gale mixed with the ice, falling heavily.

Wang KeMing was astounded. “What the fck… How is Yan Ge so powerful, fighting an A-level creature head-on?!”

“Don’t talk nonsense. We have to contact the other investigators.”

Edward saw the figure of Zong Yan vanish in the blizzard, and he tightly clenched his fingers. Pulling Wang KeMing behind him, he ran for the other side of Hyde Park.

TL Notes:


cronies – 狐朋狗友 – evil associates; disreputable gang; rabble; bad friends; buddies

roll the dice – 开玩笑 – crack a joke; joke; make fun of; play a trick

Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

Young Master Wang – 王小公子 – Wáng xiǎo gōngzǐ

Death-Walker – 死亡行者 – God of the Angry Storm, an incarnation of Ithaqua.

Spire leadership – 尖顶之塔 – Alternatively: Spire Tower, Spire top, Spire tall building. This exact phrase is never used again in the raw.

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