In the end, Zong Yan missed the last flight home before school started.

After they broke free from the illusion, he took Edward back to Buckingham Palace.

The main reason was that Edward was seriously ill. He fell into a deep coma and wouldn’t wake up no matter how much they shouted. Beads of sweat seeped from his forehead, as if he were an animal trapped in a nightmare. His face was filled with pain.

Buckingham Palace had the best doctors in Great Britain. If Zong Yan had tried to take Edward to any hospital in the U.K., they’d make headlines the next day. And if something were to happen to Prince Edward, tomorrow Zong Yan would be on wanted posters all over the world.

So he inwardly said, “Sorry, brother”, and then took Edward back to the palace to be cared for by the royal physicians.

But the other reason was that they’d run off in a hurry and hadn’t even taken their luggage. Wang KeMing didn’t care. After all, his family was well-to-do; whatever he lost he could always get back. Edward would have been even more indifferent. If you decided to compare their assets, Edward, a landed lord with several titles, was by far the biggest tycoon among the three.

As for Zong Yan, all he had were his passport and the two bank cards given to him by the Dragon Group. If he mislaid them, he’d have to report it. The biggest thing was that he couldn’t afford to lose the money.

“His Highness is merely in shock. There are no other complications. He just needs to rest for a period of time.”

After the doctors gave the unconscious Edward a full-body examination with sophisticated instruments, that was their conclusion.

Zong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

He closed the door of the room and exchanged glances with Wang KeMing.

Wang KeMing had been much luckier than Edward. He’d also been in the theater, but like the others, he was an Awakened. When the investigators began to fight the heretics, there was a strong backlash of awakening source which immediately roused the little fat man. So he dove under a chair and huddled there until the end.

The followers of the Order of Feasters never managed to open the gate to Carcosa.

They’d lost the most important sacrifice, and the evil god wasn’t interested anyway. Compared with his believers, a human who was able to gaze directly at his face was much more intriguing.

“Faith is not reciprocal. Faith has always been a unilateral wish from small human beings.” Maybe it was the light emanating from this human that made the evil god look at him. Hastur was benevolent enough to talk to him a bit. “Most humans are unable to interact with my consciousness. You’re the first lower-dimensional creature I’ve encountered who can communicate with me.”

Just as an ant was unable to understand a human being, humans couldn’t comprehend the thoughts of a god, which was why Hastur was so surprised.

“The stars will soon return to their positions. I hope the next time we meet, you will be clothed in the robes of a priest of the Order of Feasters.” The voice of the King in Yellow grew distant: “I will give you the honor of entering the city of Carcosa, a reward for pleasing the god.”

Then Hastur let him go. The whole thing was unbelievable, but when Zong Yan thought about it, maybe the evil god was just in a good mood and didn’t feel like crushing an ant.

If he spared this ant, it might be a source of entertainment later. But to actually believe in an evil god…

As the most promising student of MU and chief of the current term, Zong Yan thought: Forget it.

“Yan Ge, what should we do now?” Wang KeMing asked.

If they followed the timetable, they were supposed to board a plane to China tonight. The day after tomorrow was the start of the school term for third year students of Qingyang Senior High.

Yes, the senior class started a week earlier than all other grades. Last year someone had called the school board to complain. In all of Jiangzhou, only the senior class of Qingyang High School enjoyed this privilege. Most seniors started an entire month earlier.

“We’re brothers and we can’t be disloyal. Let’s wait for Edward to wake up before we leave. Otherwise it won’t feel right.” Zong Yan sighed.

Since they’d discovered that one of their team members, Ada, was an enemy agent, there were only three people left in the temporary investigation team.

After everything that happened, the feelings of the three had strengthened immeasurably. They were brothers who’d faced death together. It was only natural to want to look after each other.

“But, Yan Ge, what about—” Wang KeMing was a little worried.

Wang KeMing himself was fine. He’d graduated from high school long ago and was now a glorious college student, but Zong Yan was still in his third year of high school, and MU’s next block of classes would start up soon.

“It’s not a problem. MU is going to move the Gate of Truth from London to Jiangzhou in the next two days. We’ll just make a trip back to MU and then go out again. It’s like our plane tickets were upgraded.”

Zong Yan’s inner abacus rattled. He and Wang KeMing stood outside the Prince’s bedchamber chatting. Suddenly, Buckingham Palace’s butler entered from the other side.

“Mr. Zong.” The butler, wearing white gloves, bowed slightly. “His Majesty wishes to speak to you alone. Is this a convenient time?”

Here it comes.

Zong Yan wasn’t the least bit surprised.

After all, Edward was Lanchester II’s favored youngest son. Now that his child was in a coma, it was natural for the King to call out the culprit for punishment.

“It’s convenient.” He nodded to Wang KeMing and followed the butler to a meeting room in the west side hall.

“Please go in. His Majesty is waiting for you.” After taking Zong Yan to the room, the butler considerately held the door and motioned Zong Yan inside.

Zong Yan didn’t think much about it. He walked into the room.

“Good day, Your Majesty.”

Lanchester II was standing in front of the largest window in the room. He turned to look back.

“Good day,” the old voice said. 

Zong Yan realized the King was getting older. When they’d dined together last time, Zong Yan had tried not to stare too much because of etiquette and the poor lighting. Only now did he see the deep furrows on the King’s face and the wrinkles left by time.

“I’m sure you already know.” Lanchester didn’t play around but got straight to the point.

Zong Yan remained silent and listened as the king continued, “Edward is the child who has always made me feel the most regret.”

Lanchester II wasn’t a good husband, nor had he been a good father.

He treated his children equally, but he was a bit partial to Edward. In the end, it was a matter of guilt.

The royal family wasn’t as beautiful as outsiders might imagine. The reality wasn’t a fairy tale where the prince and princess lived happily ever after.

The marriage of Lanchester II and Isabella was decided more by political considerations than anything else. After their marriage, they tacitly agreed to play their own games, but Isabella was a devout believer who strictly controlled her desires.

When Isabella had married him, both families put everything on the table. Lanchester II had no intention of interfering with her faith.

But he hadn’t expected Isabella to have a death wish.

Or perhaps it wasn’t precisely a wish to die, but a conscious dedication to god, and a deluded desire to take Edward with her.

Even in Great Britain which allowed free practice of faith, such a religion would still be called a “cult”.

Of course, the royal family couldn’t let this scandal come to light, so they blocked the news.

And perhaps because little Edward had been subjected to something so indescribable, his brain’s self-protective mechanisms kicked in, and the memory was sealed within his mind.

It was because of his guilt that Lanchester became more and more attached to the little prince after Isabella’s death.

“He’s never liked the palace.” The old king smiled. “Do you think I didn’t know? I personally put the MU invitation letter beside his bed.”

Although the royal family wasn’t as powerful as it was before the Autumn Act hundreds of years ago, it was still powerful enough.

Zong Yan exhaled softly.

He might have known. No matter how capable Edward was, he was just a prince. The real power in Buckingham Palace was the King.

Edward probably hadn’t thought his hard-earned, carefully-planned escape was an intentional slip of the fingers for the true power in the palace, but behind it was deep love.

“He’s always preferred the outside, but he really is the most talented one.” Lanchester II sighed.


According to the British laws of succession, the first in line to the throne should be the Crown Prince. But the eldest prince had made a national spectacle of his marriage a few years ago. Public support for him was very low, and even the second-born princess had been affected.

“He’s always hated me. Even if he doesn’t remember everything, I know it all.

“While I still have the ability for a few more years, I’ll let him make his choice.”

Lanchester II added, “You’re the only friend he recognizes. He probably won’t want to see me when he wakes up. You should just take him and leave. Please take care of him. This is my request as a father.

“There’s no need to tell him I said any of this.”

Edward woke up three days later.

Zong Yan and Wang KeMing had agreed to take turns looking after him. Just then Zong Yan was sleeping, and Wang KeMing was sitting at a small table staring at his phone.

When Edward woke, Wang KeMing was playing a game. Halfway through the match, he ditched his teammates and ran over to the call bell. Doctors in white coats and maids rushed in to examine the royal patient.

“No major injuries. The Prince just needs a good rest.” The attending physician put the vial of medicine on the bed. Edward, who still had a tired look on his face, waved his hand and drove them all out of the room.

“So, are you okay?” Wang KeMing asked cautiously.

The next second, the little blond-haired, blue-eyed prince jumped up from the bed with a “whoosh—”. He threw on his clothes with a familiar excited look in his eyes. “Very good! Go, go, go! Where’s Zong Yan? They’ve finally let down their guard. If I miss this chance I won’t be able to escape.”

And so Zong Yan was woken up. In the middle of the night, the three young people met up and slipped out of Buckingham Palace.

As he climbed over the wall, Zong Yan automatically looked back at the bedchamber on the fourth floor, where a vague shadow was standing, looking at them from a distance.

There were times when letting go was the greatest gift of love a king could give.

“What’s the matter? Come on, don’t you start school today?”

“Oh, right,” the black-haired boy responded, jumped down lightly from the wall and left the silent, watchful palace.

The author has something to say:

The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. There was one thing that wasn’t explained, so the Night Watchman volume changed to 14 parts wu wu wu

TL Notes:

Thus concludes the Night Watchman arc! (ノ◕ ₒ ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ♥ 

Although there are “arcs” (or “volumes”) this isn’t a quick transmigration story. There aren’t necessarily big plot changes at the start and end. But if you’re curious, arcs are 14-17 chapters long. 

My plan from now on is to take a 1 day break at the end of each arc, which means I won’t post tomorrow. The next series of chapters is slightly longer and it will be helpful to have an additional day to work on them. Also, chapter 40 is a double chapter. I intend to take a 1 day break after it’s posted.

The next arc is one of my favorites, please look forward to it~ (o≧∇≦)o

Transliterated names, titles, and places:

“Sorry, brother”, “We’re brothers”, etc. – brother is “兄弟”, xiōngdì

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