“You only scored thirty-five points in physics.”

Zong Yan: “…”

He wanted to punch something!

Even if you were an evil god, you shouldn’t say that kind of thing to a high school student who just got out of examination hell!!!

What was even more insufferable was that Zong Yan actually noticed a trace of unhappiness in that evil god’s deep golden eyes.

Crazy, why are you so dissatisfied! Why is it so terrible to get thirty-five points in physics!!

“Oh?” Zong Yan glared at him. “It’s a big improvement over last time.”

“An improvement?” the Lord of Omniscience said coolly. “You scored thirty-two points on the previous exam. That’s quite some progress.”

How can you just tear people down? Sadly, evil gods didn’t seem to understand this principle.

“It’s three points. If that isn’t progress, what is it?” Zong Yan set his jaw. “Is that what you use all that omniscience for? The mighty Lord of Time and Space might as well give me an insignificant bit of human physics knowledge. That way I’ll get a perfect score next time.”

Since the death of his grandma, Zong Yan hadn’t received this kind of public execution, which might be why he’d completely stopped trying in physics. That, in turn, had led to his current situation.

Yog hooked the corner of his mouth. “It’s not impossible. But the last time Nyarla tried it, you shoved him through a wall.”

Zong Yan: ? ? ?

How come I didn’t know I was so awesome.

“If you’re willing to open your brain for me—” The gray-haired, golden-eyed evil god lowered his voice, “I can certainly grant you eternal knowledge, Your Little Majesty.”

Zong Yan could see the ghostly light flickering in those golden eyes. He wasn’t sure why but he suddenly thought of the scene from his dream last time, lying down and staring up at the sky.

The sky was so dark when all the other lights had vanished, and the only thing that remained were those twinkling stars, pinpoints of light, flaring, flickering, fading.

Zong Yan liked stars very much.

In the dark there was no need to light a lamp. The stars would keep him company when he slept, and he didn’t need to be afraid when he walked alone at night. The stars would show him the way.

The eyes of the Lord of Time and Space seemed to be strewn with so many stars, a hundred million points of lights in all their splendor. Like the corners of that compellingly curved mouth, he was descending and drowning, willing to die in the illusory dream world of the evil god.

But why, when he looked into the other person’s eyes, did he see his favorite color?

As Zong Yan thought of this in a daze he suddenly woke up, like a pail of cold water was suddenly poured over his head.

“What did you just do? Are you trying to mind control me?”

Stompstompstomp, he backpedaled a few times and dropped his school bag on the floor. He towards the corner, watching the gray-haired evil god warily.

“I didn’t.” Yog’s face was completely innocent. “You shouldn’t look into my eyes for very long. The eyes of an evil god’s avatar are the only channel connected to the main body. If you look at them for a long time you will lose yourself.”

To put it in human terms, that meant permanent madness.

“Although—if you do get lost, it means my true form must be very pleasing to you.”

Yog suddenly stood up. The white robe that trailed on the ground was like the robe of a holy Pope from the middle ages. “Did you see my body?”

“I— No!” The black-haired teen’s face turned red with anger, but the words came out a little breathless, because Zong Yan really had just seen a swirling flash of billions of glorious brilliant lights, but he spoke with a strong sense of bluff and bluster, “I didn’t see anything.”

The Necronomicon recorded many things, but after all, the author was only human. It was impossible for human beings to know the true appearance of a god.

“Is that so? What a pity. If you’d like, I can take you to see my body at any time you wish.” 

As if the gray-haired evil god hadn’t heard anything, he continued to walk towards Zong Yan, steering him into the corner with a great sense of oppression.

“Although the Father God is our Blind Idiot Lord, I’m the guardian of knowledge. I have no desire for you to become a fool in the future,” Yog said with a great deal of earnestness. “Even Nyarla, at his worst, is only occasionally an idiot.”

Is it really good for you to talk like that about your Father God?

Zong Yan couldn’t help but admit that Azathoth was basically a brainless little cutie. And this fact had been deeply engraved in the minds of the three pillars of the original gods. The first time Shub had seen how quickly Zong Yan reacted to things, he was basically astounded: “Is this really the Father God I swore devotion to?” Meanwhile, Nyarla’s attitude was more confusing, but of the three pillar gods, Zong Yan actually trusted him the least.

After all, the other two evil gods didn’t visit Earth that often. It was only in the past two years that Shub got obsessed with playing idol games, and as for Yog there wasn’t much to say. But Nyarla had done countless evil things throughout the history of humankind. Who knew how many people had died thanks to that blabbering little mouth.

“You can come to me for a tutorial when you have time.” Yog slowly and carefully straightened his cuffs. “That’s my duty as your advisor. There’s no student I can’t teach.”

Oh, now you remember you’re an advisor?

But Zong Yan had to admit the offer was appealing.

The person in question was the master of knowledge; the trinity of the gate, the key, and the guardian of the gate; an all-knowing, all-powerful being. You couldn’t hire that kind of tutor for any amount of money.

The only drawback was that he was an evil god.

Indeed, there were no students Yog-Sothoth couldn’t teach, only believers whose heads had exploded.

If he decided that Zong Yan was a wooden-brained dummy, maybe Zong Yan would also get to enjoy the feeling of having his brain detonate.

“Oh, thanks, no need. I can just study by myself.” The black-haired teen quickly rejected the proposal.

What mattered more, physics or his life? If he wasn’t good at physics, at worst he wouldn’t get into Tsinghua. But if he lost his life, that was really the end.

Life’s too important, bye bye to you!

Although Zong Yan wasn’t happy that his physics grade was spoiled in advance, a bit of novelty appeared in the tense lives of the senior class.

The sports meet and school festival.

This was one of the few moments of indulgence senior students would enjoy this year.

Even so, the teachers were still on alert and told everyone not to have too much fun. Otherwise when they came back to study, it wouldn’t be easy to concentrate.

“Just endure the suffering for one year. When this year is over you’ll be in college and you can enjoy yourselves as much as you want.”

Teachers of every subject did their best to persuade them. “Although the sports meet is coming up to help the students relax, the previously assigned papers still have to be done. The standard answers for the monthly exam have also been posted. We’ll go over it in detail after the festival.”

As far as the students were concerned, these words went in one ear and out the other. No one cared.

“This is our third year of high school, so we don’t have a display booth this year. According to the rules of Qingyang High School, the senior class’s task is cosplay.”

When the lesson ended, the class president Xia KeYan reported on the situation from the lectern with two or three other student leaders.

“The school festival will last one day. The booths will run in the morning and the afternoon. In the evening there’s a lantern show on the playing field. This year the west school building will be decorated like a haunted house. For the seniors, our cosplay theme is a mobile project. You just need to walk around the school in your cosplay outfit and play the character you’ve chosen.

“There aren’t any rules for what to choose. You can do an anime character, a character from a movie or a drama, or you can wear ancient clothes, a JK uniform, or a loli outfit. I’ll take the roster around and register everyone. It’s a chance to use your imagination.

“Remember not to get too rowdy at the festival. There’s a lantern party in the evening and all seniors have to participate in the group photo.”

The senior three students would become cosplay mascots during the festival, which was one of the old traditions of Qingyang High School. After all, they didn’t have as much time as other students to prepare decorations. During the festival, many of their younger classmates and students from other schools would come to take pictures with them, which also served as a memento before graduation.

“Next up is the sports meet. This is our last field day in high school. Ranking doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to have fun.”

For the sports meet in previous years, everyone had to march on the playing field in formation. In senior three they got to sit in the stands and watch the younger students. There was no need to say how refreshing it was.

Zong Yan applied for the 3000 meter and 800 meter races again.

He’d won gold medals in these two events in previous years. Basically, except for the mandatory quota of students that every class had to send, no one in the entire grade was willing to compete with him.

As for the school festival cosplay, that was even easier.

Zong Yan had already decided on his costume in his first year of senior high school.

“Classmate Zong, I’m here to register your cosplay choice.”

After two classes, Xia KeYan came over to Zong Yan’s desk with the book.

“Oh, okay.” Zong Yan scratched his hair, took the roster, and wrote down his choice.

“By the way.” Xia KeYan watched him finish writing, and her fingers squeezed the hem of her skirt. “About the New Year’s ceremony, do you have a special talent or expertise related to ancient times? I can add it to the show.”

“Talent?” Zong Yan stopped for a moment to think.

Xia KeYan first approached him a few days before about the New Year’s performance.

Xia KeYan was the head of the Calligraphy Club. They were rehearsing a scene and wanted to perform it at the New Year’s show.

The scene would probably be arranged like a scenario from a TV drama about ancient Chinese calligraphers and poets. They needed some additional background performers.

Zong Yan had been invited to participate as Li Bai. All he had to do was show his face in ancient clothes.

Last semester, when Zong Yan was taken out of class by the police, Xia KeYan had immediately spoken up for him. For obvious reasons he would have been embarrassed to turn her down.

Anyway it wasn’t a bad deal. There were credits for performing, so it was a no-brainer.

“You don’t necessarily need a special talent. It’s okay if you don’t perform.” Xia KeYan’s voice was soft. She frowned as she stood in front of his desk, looking very quiet.

“Well, now that I think about it, there is something,” Zong Yan said with some hesitation. “I can play a few musical instruments, like the guzheng, pipa, and flute.”

He’d never had any special skills before, but last time in London he received the blessing of Hastur, the King in Yellow, and Zong Yan’s artistic ability was greatly enhanced. He could basically play any musical instrument he saw.

Of course, it was just a little bit. He couldn’t pretend to be an expert.

“Then let’s pick the flute. That feels more in line with Li Bai’s personality.” 

Xia KeYan took the roster and nodded, leaving Zong Yan alone in his seat.

He thought he could probably buy a flute and practice it a bit.

Unfortunately, after the school day ended, Zong Yan put it out of his mind.

As for this little detail he’d forgotten, he had no idea what a sensational impact it would have in the future.

It was well-known that Azathoth, the Lord of the Universe, was a master of the flute.

And every intelligent being who heard him play, except for Outer Gods, ended up exactly the same.

The author has something to say:

Bubbles: When you have time you can come to me for a tutorial  session

TL Notes:

I added illustrations from the H.P. Lovecraft Wiki to the following chapters: 01 (star vampire), 10 (night-gaunt), 11 (Miskatonic University x2), 14 (Yog-Sothoth), 17 (Azathoth, Nyarlathotep), 21 (Ithaqua), 27 (Shub-Niggurath), 29 (Hastur), 34 (Ghroth)

lantern show – 灯会展 – AKA lantern festival. A traditional large-scale lighting exhibition with colored lanterns or lighting decorations

JK uniform – “JK” – from joshi kōsei (Japanese) – A female high school student uniform (maybe from a specific anime series etc.)

Li Bai – 李白 – A Chinese poet born c. 701, acclaimed as a genius and romantic figure. Thirty-four of his poems are included in the classic anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems (Wikipedia) The idea of “white moonlight” as an object of longing comes from his poem Quiet Night Thought (静夜思)

guzheng – 古筝 – a 21-or 25-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither

pipa – 琵琶 – a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard; 4-stringed Chinese lute

Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

Your Little Majesty – 小陛下 – Xiǎo bìxià

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