Zong Yan thought about it for a long time. After receiving some dubious advice from Wang KeMing, he decided to ask his good brother He Yuan to help with his parent-teacher meeting problem.

He really did regard He Yuan as a good friend.

But this time his good friend said he couldn’t help.

“Little Monarch, it’s not that I don’t want to help out, but I just got an urgent mission. I’m in the Middle East right now.”

Under the scorching desert sun, He Yuan had a satellite phone in his hand while adjusting his alchemical gun with the other.

They hadn’t been in touch for a while. Zong Yan had no idea that the moment he turned around He Yuan would be sent to the Middle East. He didn’t respond for a while.

“I don’t think I can make it back in time for your parent-teacher meeting. If it really doesn’t work, why don’t I ask the captain if he has time?”

Zong Yan: “…?”

Zong Yan: “No, that’s okay. I think I can probably get a friend to help. Thank you.”

He Yuan’s words frightened Zong Yan into inventing a new friend out of thin air. He couldn’t imagine what kind of scene would unfold if Si Yan showed up at the parent-teacher meeting.

Now that his plan to ask He Yuan for help had failed, he was of ideas. After all, Zong Yan had a limited number of friends. If he needed to ask for a favor, there weren’t many people his own age he could talk to, let alone people who were older.

Since there was really no alternative, all he could do was brace himself.

Despite Zong Yan’s extreme reluctance, the parent-teacher conference arrived on the day as scheduled.

Zong Yan got up early, kicked away the Haunter of the Dark, put on his clothes, picked up his school bag, and prepared to go to school.

According to the usual procedure for the parent-teacher meeting, students and parents would arrive at school together. Then they’d go to the multimedia classroom to listen to the senior year teaching director’s report on the midterm exams, the principal’s speech, a performance analysis of previous years’ results, and the public commendation of the top ten students in the grade. After the presentation in the multimedia classroom, all the senior students would return to their classes, and the individual parent-teacher conferences would begin. The process lasted all morning.

During the parent-teacher meetings for previous years, Zong Yan just slept in. After all, he didn’t have to attend the meeting, nor did he have to be publicly executed with his report card in front of his parents like the rest of his classmates.

This year his class teacher made an ultimatum, so Zong Yan had to give her a little face.

He sighed, put a fried egg on a slice of bread, grabbed the ketchup  and squeezed it around, wrapped up his food in a disposable plastic bag, and got ready to go out.

“Your parent-teacher meeting is today.”

Unexpectedly, just after he left the house, Zong Yan ran into the gray-haired evil god in his usual location.

He was more wary of Yog-Sothoth than ever before.

Nyarlathotep might play tricks every day, but even if Zong Yan was a pet or a novelty item, he at least had some room to maneuver. As for Shub-Niggurath, Zong Yan hadn’t really been able to read him at first, but now he knew the other party just wanted to enjoy the show. Along the way he’d also made clear he didn’t want Azathoth to wake up. But when it came to the omniscient and omnipotent Yog-Sothoth, the master of time and space, Zong Yan couldn’t understand his thoughts at all.

In fact, in terms of attitude, he was the only one who hadn’t really changed since the beginning.

Which made it even more confusing.

On hearing him speak, Zong Yan’s heart gave a thump. “What do you mean?”

“Your class teacher told you to inform your guardian of the parent-teacher meeting.” The gray-haired evil god slightly hooked up the corners of his mouth. The ten fingers that peeked out from the sleeves of his robe were clasped in front of him, and with his golden eyes he was the picture of an ancient sage. “I am your academic advisor as well as your guardian.”

Zong Yan: “…”

That wasn’t actually wrong.

For a moment he’d almost forgotten that his graduation from MU depended on the man in front of him.

“Well, now you know,” Zong Yan said stiffly.

“Indeed.” Yog nodded. “Then let’s go.”

“Go where? You’re not going to my parent-teacher meeting, are you?!” Zong Yan was shocked.

No way!

The Lord of the Gate glanced at him indifferently. Although he didn’t reply, his expression said it all.

Do evil gods like going to parent-teacher meetings for people?

Zong Yan’s temples were throbbing. He wanted to grab this guy and shake him and yell, What in the world are you thinking, ge?

But he didn’t dare.

“You needn’t try to guess what I am thinking. There’s no intersection between the logic of a human and a god.” 

After saying this, the omniscient and omnipotent lord motioned for Zong Yan’s hand.

So Zong Yan reluctantly took his hand. The next second, the scene around them was replaced. The lush and green private garden transformed into the school entrance where people were coming and going.

Zong Yan’s face was as sad as if he’d just lost his mother.

Yog-Sothoth withdrew his gaze. Because the fact was that as long as “space” existed, he could see Zong Yan from 360 degrees.

Of course, the great evil god didn’t have any interest in the parent-teacher meeting. But he was very much looking forward to seeing the black-haired teen’s depressed expression.

First came the big presentation in the multimedia classroom. Everything during this section proceeded normally. Zong Yan surreptitiously glanced at the gray-haired evil god sitting next to him. The latter tilted his head and rested his cheek against his slender fingers. He seemed to be listening very carefully.

Zong Yan: “…”

Zong Yan was on edge. When he arrived at the door of the classroom to sign in, his inner numbness reached its peak.

According to the rules, parents were to come to the classroom for the parent-teacher meeting. The students were supposed to wait outside and clear the hallways.

Zong Yan could only watch as Yog smiled at him and walked into the room.

Tragically, the humans in the classroom didn’t know what kind of being was among them.

The class teacher had just finished talking with the parent of another student. When she turned around, she saw Zong Yan, so she went to the door to greet them.

“Is this your guardian—?”

“It’s my elder brother, Tawil.”

Zong Yan was torn about it, but after struggling for a long time, this was the title he chose.

He didn’t know if the evil god would suddenly lose his temper if Zong Yan called him old, but it seemed better to avoid calling him uncle or ‘shu shu’ just in case. As for ‘jiu jiu’, Zong Yan thought this title was a little too illicit. The teacher already knew Zong Yan was an orphan. She might not believe he’d suddenly found a blood relative out of nowhere. 

It really wasn’t easy.

“A foreigner?” The class teacher was frozen for a moment, glanced back at the classroom, then turned towards them with an odd look on her face.

Gray hair and golden eyes—that wasn’t the kind of coloring that normal people would have. Then there were the profound facial features and the name that wasn’t quite right. Zong Yan’s heart was inwardly drumming, hoping his teacher wouldn’t notice anything wrong.

“Uh, mixed race. To be precise, it’s an adoptive relationship.”

Zong Yan urgently mobilized his brain cells and in just a few minutes invented a sad and beautiful story about a poverty-stricken senior three student who was adopted by a wealthy and generous family which also just happened to include an elder brother.

Shub-Niggurath played the role of the father while Nyarlathotep played the mother. Anyway, evil gods had no concept of kinship, why not leave it at that.

“I see. That Mr. Shub-Niggurath is really a generous man. His name is the same as that foreign star, too. How kind-hearted.” The class teacher sighed with emotion. “I have to greet the other parents. You can go to the playing field and play ball with your classmates. After the parent-teacher meeting you can come back.”

Zong Yan lifted the corners of his mouth and thought to himself, I don’t dare to leave.

He tugged nervously at his sleeves and stared with a troubled face through the classroom window.

In fact, there were several other people doing the same thing, but most of them were girls.

“Zong Yan, is that the head of your family? He looks so handsome.”

One of the girls had the courage to come up and talk to him. “Is he your paternal or maternal uncle? I don’t think he’s your father, right? He looks too young.”

This was a great topic for student gossip. Every year there was a parent-teacher meeting, but Zong Yan was the only student whose parents never came. No one thought his family would actually show up in senior year. Everyone gathered around to take a look.

Not all parents came to the meetings. For example, Ye JingMing’s father just sent an assistant.

Actually, I’m his father.

Zong Yan thought coldly and ruthlessly to himself.

Then he held his breath.

Because the class teacher made a brief opening speech and began to hand out the students’ report cards.

White paper transcripts were distributed to every parent’s desk.

Qingyang High School was really clever in this regard.

In order to increase students’ enthusiasm for the midterm, their scores weren’t disclosed until the parent-teacher meeting. Their report cards would be handed directly to their parents on that day.

Thanks to this rule, midterm exams at Qingyang High School always received more attention than the final exam.

Zong Yan watched anxiously as the evil god picked up the report card. A crazy surge of adrenaline flooded his entire body.

When he went back and checked his physics answers, he saw how difficult the exam was this time, but Zong Yan hadn’t really felt anything.

There are times when ignorance is bliss.

Anyway, no matter how hard the physics exam was, Zong Yan’s score on the 110 point test was extremely stable, always hovering around 30 points.

Yog looked at the sheet of paper with an inscrutable expression

In fact, the omniscient and omnipotent lord had known for a long time that Zong Yan’s physics score was yet another glorious number starting with ‘3’. It was just that the nervous expression of the black-haired teen glued to the window was really too funny, just like his sorrowful look before. So the evil god deliberately gave him a smile.

It was clear that Zong Yan had completely forgotten who’d informed him of his physics results previously. After receiving the dangerous glance, he wailed inside and silently covered his face.


It had really been a long time since he’d experienced the feeling of being publicly executed.

Zong Yan told himself over and over that the other party wasn’t human, but his feelings were still complicated. It was difficult to explain.

While he was struggling with himself, someone cautiously tapped him on the shoulder.

Zong Yan looked back and saw a familiar face. It was the boy he’d met in the haunted house at the school festival, Ye JingMing’s little brother.

” Zong… Zong Yan Ge, Ye Ge wants to know if you’ll come see him for a bit. He, he wants to say something to you!”

When the black-haired teen turned around, the little brother’s palms were sweating. He stumbled nervously over the remaining words.

Zong Yan looked over and saw Ye JingMing leaning on the railing. As soon as their eyes met, Ye JingMing quickly looked away.

Zong Yan: “…”

He wasn’t sure why, but he was suddenly reminded of those scenes in idol romance dramas, the ones where the heroine goes looking for the hero to confess.

The author has something to say:

Bubbles: I’m your advisor, senior classmate, elder brother, and sort-of son (?), and I’ll be your boyfriend later on

Zong Yan: ? (confused cat.jpg)

The plot is developing according to the timeline. What you want to see will be written, don’t worry~

TL Notes:

Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

elder brother – 兄长 – xiōng zhǎng – a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend

shu shu – 叔叔 – shū shu – uncle; father’s younger brother; (a child’s form of address for any young man one generation senior)

jiu jiu – 舅舅 – jiù jiu – uncle; mother’s brother (informal)

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