The Sun God rotated his palm and made a lifting motion.

Particles of light scattered into the sky like billowing golden dust. In an instant, a multitude of pinpricks pierced the heavy black bank of clouds, like a sieve dotted through with sunlight. Then the fog was shredded apart by golden rays. Light spread out across the formerly darkness-shrouded city of New York.

“New York… Is the sun coming out?”  Someone in the distance looked up and saw the darkness that covered the city was finally gone.

Thousands of fine beams of light streamed down from the sky, then gradually expanded. With a power that was gentle yet inexorably cruel the beams tore apart every ghoul that remained in the streets.

Numerous investigators were on assignment in New York. Some were transporting homeless people, while others were guarding abandoned cats and dogs, crouching behind corners and halting ghoul attacks with their own bodies. But the moment the light pierced the black fog, none of them could tear their eyes away.

Everyone stared up at a deep gash in the cloud covering of the sky, made by an immense pillar of light. The golden brilliance that streamed from the sky was like a miracle. When they saw it, they were filled with shock, unable to speak.

The Dragon Group members who were traversing the city on the shoulders of skyscrapers immediately dropped down and returned to the empty streets.

Si Yan controlled the wind and descended to the ground.

“Where’s Zong Yan?” He landed firmly on the asphalt. After asking the question he went over to the only Chinese present, Wang KeMing.

Wang KeMing was startled. He recognized Si Yan immediately. “Uh…” 

The ninth Monarch had been a popular topic of discussion before the tenth Monarch was crowned. After the announcement of the tenth Monarch, sadly, Si Yan lost the limelight.

However, there were now three Monarchs in China alone. Every Chinese student studying at MU was able to stand tall. How was it possible for one of them not to recognize a Monarch from their own country?

The problem was that Wang KeMing couldn’t easily talk about what Zong Yan was doing right now. Wang KeMing regarded himself as Zong Yan’s brother. He couldn’t just expose his friend’s whereabouts.

During summer vacation in London, the three reached an agreement. Zong Yan seemed to have some mysterious powers which were far stronger than Awakening abilities. At the very beginning, Zong Yan revealed his Night Watchman power in order to save Wang KeMing and Edward. Since then, in all of Wang KeMing’s classes at MU, he never heard of anything similar. He was worried that if he exposed what Zong Yan was doing, his brother would be captured and examined in a lab like in the movies. It was impossible for him to say anything right now.

But Wang KeMing was a terrible liar, and the person he was standing in front of was a very big deal.

“He… he ran into the zombie tide just like Team Leader Anastasia.”

When Wang KeMing stammered, Si Yan immediately knew there was a problem.

So the ninth Monarch stopped asking. He gave Wang KeMing a sharp look with eyes hidden behind his goggles, then turned and left.

He Yuan, who was following closely, arrived just a little later. “Boss, what’s up?” 

“Prepare for combat. We’re going into the pit.” Si Yan gave the order in a crisp, clear-cut voice. 

Suddenly his fingers pulsed. Flashing arcs of electricity instantly hurtled towards ghouls that were still running around the street.

Their team was close to the intersection when they rushed back to find Wang KeMing, and now they had to return to the pit. Fortunately, the black fog had been dispersed. Daylight gradually returned, and visibility began to improve.

Right now the streets were empty. Not only had something extremely strange just happened, Zong Yan was nowhere to be seen.

What did that mean? The answer was clear.

The Little Monarch was good at everything, but sooner or later every investigator came to experience the brutal truth of otherworldly creatures.

But Zong Yan wasn’t even an adult. Not just in MU, but throughout the entire occult world, Zong Yan was the youngest of them all.

And they knew Zong Yan was a good child with a kind heart.

The last thing anyone wanted to see was a good, kind child facing danger alone.

Sighing, He Yuan tried to conceal his anxiety. He drew a pair of long knives from their sheaths and raced ahead.

The pillar of light fell from the sky with incredible force. It was powerful enough to engulf a planet.

The devastating momentum dispersed the black fog over New York and tore the ghouls into confetti. But the Sun God’s brow was knitted into a scowl.

There was one reason for this, and he was staring at it. When the pillar of light dispersed, the altar was still standing at the bottom of the pit.

The ghoul priest to the side lifted his staff. The black fog that previously tried to attack Zong Yan returned to the altar, coiling and seething over its flat surface.

It wasn’t too surprising. The ghouls had been preparing for the summoning for a long, long time, much longer than the occult world could imagine.

Among the thousands of severed heads on the altar, many belonged to homeless people who mysteriously went missing in New York.

Serial killers liked to prey on those with low social status, like homeless people and prostitutes. They intentionally chose victims with no power. People who lived at the bottom of society had limited social means and were rarely missed. If one or two disappeared, the New York City Police Department wouldn’t spend much time investigating, increasing their workload for no return.

Ghouls weren’t a stupid species. In this respect, they were extremely clever.

In order to achieve their goal, they’d even contacted cultists and magicians of other religions to help prepare the necessary materials to summon their evil god.

They now had thousands of heads. They’d been adding to their collection for a long time.

During the process, they built an altar and began conducting their ritual deep below New York City. It was only when they were close to success that the black fog appeared over New York, exposing their plan.

By then it didn’t matter. They were less than a hundred heads away from their goal. The ghouls went on a murderous rampage through the streets and finally collected the remaining sacrifices. Today was the culmination.

The moment these offerings opened the dimensional channel and connected to the great spirit of their god, it was impossible to disconnect.

Zong Yan knew this as well.

The light pouring down from the sky gradually lost its brilliance, and the ghouls that survived the terrible sunlight fled through the depths of the underground temple and prostrated themselves on the ground.

With his foot on the wheel of the sun, surrounded by a nimbus of light, the Sun God lifted his head.

His clear blue eyes reflected all things in the world, but they could also penetrate the fog of reality to perceive hidden truths.

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Apollo wasn’t merely the Sun God, he was also the god of medicine and prophecy.

Zong Yan could now see fleeting glimpses of the future, foreseeing what was about to happen before it occurred.

Out there, far beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, in outer space or what might be called the wider universe, a section of space-time silently began to collapse.

And a loathsome, confused mass of black mist poked its head out of the dimensional channel opened by the sacrifice.

This mass of fog and energy was bone-chillingly cold and unutterably evil. The mere appearance of its head caused space to deform and collapse around it. It had no shape. It was nothing but a dense cloud without form or structure, and as it began to wantonly stretch out its body against the backdrop of the universe, its power was so terrifying it could destroy everything in sight.

So far, only a tenth of its body had emerged from the rift in space.

When the remaining nine-tenths crawled out, the black fog would form into an indescribable, appalling presence that would envelop most of the Earth.

A black fog descended through the sky, bearing ice and snow. The temperature of the Earth plummeted twenty degrees at once. Millions of tropical creatures immediately died in the low temperatures. Everywhere the black fog swept through, every single blade of grass died. People who tried to flee were caught up in an instant and reduced to desiccated bones.

But none of this happened because Mordiggian actively wanted to destroy all life on Earth.

It happened simply because he answered the call of his believers to visit the planet.

The true body of a Great Old One was both terrible and majestic. How much more terrible and majestic was the body of an Outer God, an entity that was even more powerful?

Zong Yan didn’t want to think about it. Even if he’d wanted to, he didn’t have time.

As the god of prophecy, his instincts told him there were less than twenty seconds before all of this would happen.

What could he do in twenty seconds?

An instant later, the Sun God who stood on the sky transformed himself into a golden ray and hurtled out of the atmosphere at the speed of light.

The ghoul’s summoning ritual could no longer be stopped and Mordiggian was destined to reach Earth, but Zong Yan had to do whatever he could. No matter what, he needed to find some way to stop the evil god outside Earth.


The images the God of Prophecy had just foreseen would become real.

The human race would be devastated. Not a blade of grass would be left alive on Earth. Extreme cold would blanket the planet, and all of life would be extinguished, leaving nothing but bones.

After the White House’s recent embarrassment, it decided to send a combination of drones and satellites to monitor conditions in New York and guard against any further changes.

The country’s highest dignitaries were seated at a round conference table with the American Stars and Stripes in the center.

Before them was a holographic projection, a real-time monitoring image which displayed the situation in New York with minimal delay.

The occult world had taken a firm attitude throughout the crisis, which caused the United States to respond in kind. They coordinated with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and deployed drones throughout New York. The Air Force and Army were standing by.

In the face of such a crisis, giving up the city was a last resort, otherwise known as Plan C. Plan A had already failed, so fighter jets had begun to enter New York, attempting to destroy the ghouls with physical means.

As the seconds ticked by, the politicians anxiously awaited the results.

The space-based weapon was on standby. The satellite carrying this terrifying weapon had just now moved into a specific orbit, aiming at New York City from high above the ground.

If standard weapons were confirmed to be ineffective against the creatures in New York, the space-based weapon would be unleashed by a vote of the Chiefs of Staff.

“The black fog over New York has been dispersed?!”

“It’s breaking up?”

The news from the front line astonished everyone. They stared at each other in disbelief. Some began to make the sign of the cross, shouting, “God bless America!”

“No, we’ve lost contact with the satellite!”

Someone stumbled into the room. “It’s not just the satellite carrying the space-based weapon. Almost every satellite over the United States has stopped responding!”

“How is that possible?!” some of the dignitaries exclaimed. “Contact the space station!”

The conference room connected to the technical staff. Sophisticated instruments and top analysts in official uniforms continuously operated underground in another part of the United States.

“We’ve lost contact with the space station as well… Our preliminary judgment is that some kind of powerful electromagnetic field outside the planet is blocking all signals.”

The technician’s forehead was covered in sweat. “It’s not just our country. Satellites of all nations are out of order. Just before we lost contact with the space station, they transmitted a blurry picture to ground control.”

In the center of the image, with the vast universe as its background, two beams of light, one gold and the other black, struck each other with incredible force.

The author has something to say:

This time, it really is Elder God vs. Great Old One in a head-to-head confrontation 2333

There are rumors that the next chapter may have an Outer God participating in the battle. Also, the Earth seen today was a nuclear-flattened version of Earth

Earth: What did I do to deserve this? confused cat.jpg

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