The next day.

Early in the morning.

The pleasant morning breeze blew past, shaking the tender green leaves, and crystal dewdrops slid down from the tips.

Xia Hua sat on the early bus back home, looking out through the window.

The rural scenery was infinitely beautiful, and the scenery kept receding behind him.

“Is it coming soon?……”

Xia Hua murmured, putting away the draft that had not made any progress and the paintbrush that had not been used.

After arriving in Neon, he wanted to be a cartoonist, as he was good at drawing.

However, this road was too difficult. He finally got accepted after submitting his work for half a year.

The premise of pursuing dreams requires financial support, so Xia Hua went to set up a stall to make money.

Not long after.

The morning bus stopped.

The destination was reached.

Xia Hua put on a big bag, pulled the luggage, got up and walked off the bus.

As soon as he got off the bus.

He saw a small figure in the distance, with short legs, running towards him.

It was a little girl with two ponytails, and the two silly hairs above her purple hair swayed constantly.

Although she was wearing a rustic children’s T-shirt, she still looked very cute.

“”Huahua, you’re back!”

Before the person arrived, the childish voice of Sang could be heard.

“”Xiao Lian, long time no see.”

Xia Hua smiled and greeted.

Soon, the purple-haired little girl rushed over and hugged Xia Hua’s thighs.

Seeing this,

Xia Hua reached out and touched her little head, and asked with a smile:

“Did you miss me?”

Unexpectedly, she did not answer, but raised her little face and looked at me expectantly.

“Huahua, what good things did you bring back from the city this time?”


Seeing this, Xia Hua didn’t care. Instead, he pretended to be mysterious and smiled:

“Keep it secret for now, we’ll talk about it later”


Hearing this, the purple-haired little Lolita could only helplessly let go of her hands that were hugging her thighs.

As for who she was, it was the creator of Meowpass, the Piccolo Demon King – Miyauchi Renhua!

Every week when Xia Hua returned to her hometown, she would buy some things from the city and give them to the neighbors.

Therefore, every weekend, Miyauchi Renhua was full of expectations.

On the road in the countryside, two people, one tall and one small, walked back side by side.

“Huahua, did you make any money selling things in the city?”

Gongnei Lianhua turned around and asked curiously, with the purple twin horses following behind.

“Of course.”

Xia Hua, carrying a large backpack and pulling a suitcase, still answered with a relaxed look on his face.

“How much did you earn?”

Miyanechi Renka tilted her head, her big eyes full of curiosity.

“It’s not too much, but it’s not too little either.”

Xia Hua said casually.

“So is it a lot or a little?”

Miyauchi Renka blinked and asked.

“For us, it should be considered a lot, but for the huge world, it should be a little.”

Xia Hua looked up at the sky and said a riddle that was difficult to understand.


Miyauchi Renka nodded and said,”Hmm~ So that’s it, I understand.”


Hearing this, Xia Hua glanced down at her and couldn’t help but complain in his heart:

“”What did you understand?”

Although thinking this,

Xia Hua asked,”By the way, Xiaolian, are you taking good care of the two kittens I entrusted to you?”

“Hum, I took good care of them, they are all very healthy and lively!”

Miyanechi Renka nodded her head, folded her hands in front of her, raised her head and hummed proudly.

“Don’t call me Lianjiang anymore, please call me the pet breeding master!”

After hearing her say this,

Xia Hua was amused and smiled from the bottom of his heart, jokingly saying:

“Then Master Lian, please take me to see the two kittens that you have taken good care of.”

“No problem!”

Gong Nei Renhua patted her chest, took big steps with her short legs and led the way.

Seeing this,

Xia Hua smiled slightly, followed the little guy, and walked on the country road.

The morning breeze was quite cool, making people squint their eyes comfortably.

Unconsciously, the two of them arrived outside the gate of a small country house.

As soon as they walked into the yard, they saw two kittens lying together on the wooden corridor under the eaves.

One was all black and the other was all white, and both had very soft and smooth fur.

Xia Hua had just walked in, and the two kittens, who were still sleepy, seemed to have sensed it and were suddenly refreshed.

They got up and rushed over with a cheerful pace, making happy cries.

The two kittens changed their previous laziness and rushed over as fast as ghosts.

They stopped at Xia Hua’s feet and rubbed their little heads hard.

While rubbing, they also made soft and tickling baby sounds.

“”Xianglanzi, Chocolate, have you caused any trouble to Xiaolian?”

Xia Hua asked with a smile, squatting down and rubbing the cat’s head.

Xianglanzi is the name of the white cat, and Chocolate is the name of the black cat.

Jiang Yehua saw these two kittens on the roadside and picked them up.

At first, Xia Hua wanted to ignore it, after all, he had no feelings for Hakimi. However.

These two kittens looked like they were just born not long ago, and there was no sign of their mother.

In addition, they were very friendly, and they would not breathe or show their teeth when touched with your hands.

So, Xia Hua, who felt compassion, took the poor two kittens home.

“”Meow~ meow~ woo~”

Suddenly, a cat’s cry of grievance sounded, interrupting Xia Hua’s thoughts.

Looking down, he saw that the little white cat squinted its eyes because it was touched comfortably.

Next to it, the little black cat who was not favored stretched out its little head, looked up eagerly, and its face was full of grievance.

Seeing this,

Xia Hua was amused, and immediately put his hand from the little white cat’s head to the little black cat’s head.

In this way, the little black cat squinted its eyes because of the favor, and it was the turn of the little white cat to become a little aggrieved woman.


Xia Hua changed the favored object again, and the little black cat turned over and exposed its little belly


The tempting sound rang out, as if actively tempting the owner to touch it. Seeing this

, Miyauchi Renhua felt very magical, and her eyes were full of eagerness to try.

“Huahua, let me try!”

This has never happened before when she was taking care of the two kittens.

So now she wants to try

“No problem.”

Xia Hua said, and took back his hand.

“Come on.”

Miyauchi Renhua stretched out her little hand, placed it on the little white cat’s head, and rubbed it.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the little black cat next to her, her eyes full of expectation.

As a result, the little black cat not only did not make a coquettish sound of grievance, but also did not even look at her.

Instead, it wagged its little tail, rubbed it at Xia Hua’s feet, and raised its head to look eagerly at her.


Gong Nei Lianhua was not convinced, so she put her hand on the black cat’s head and gently stroked it.

As a result, the white cat did the same thing, no longer paying attention to her, but circling around Xia Hua.

“Why this happened……”

Miyane Renhua was devastated, the hair on her head wilted, and she felt extremely depressed.

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