After a cup of hot tea, it was almost time to cook dinner.

Xia Hua stood up, stretched, and made a comfortable sound.

“”Well, it’s time to cook.” As soon as the voice fell,

I heard a firefly volunteering:”Let me help, and I want to learn how to cook.”

“I want to help too.”

Miyauchi Renka also raised her little hand and her little face, looking over eagerly.

“Add me in.”

Koshigaya Komari also said, and then looked at her sister.

Seeing this.

Koshigaya Natsumi felt helpless and could only work with them, and could not be lazy.

“In that case, let’s all help, starting with pulling out the shrimp threads.”

Xia Hua saw that they were all willing to help, and couldn’t help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

So, everyone came to the kitchen.

Under Xia Hua’s command, the women gathered around a large basin full of river shrimps and began to pull out the shrimp threads and shell them.

Xia Hua himself was not idle either, and began to process the big fish, scraping the scales and removing the internal organs.

He divided the big fish into two parts – one for stewing soup and the other for steaming.

After processing, put it in a large bowl for marinating and removing the fishy smell.

“Xiaoying, help me wash the rice.

Xia Hua gave the order.


Yitiaoying agreed and took action obediently. She stood up to get the pot to fill the rice and then wash the rice.

At this time,

Xia Hua was processing the eel. If the eel was used to make porridge, it would be very delicious.

“Why didn’t you ask me to help with the rice washing, but asked Ying to help?”

Koshigaya Koju, who was pulling shrimp threads, couldn’t help but grumble.

“Maybe it’s because you need a small stool to stand on when washing rice, so I don’t let you go to save time?”

Koshigaya Natsumi said so, with a slight smile on her face.

“What did you say?!”

Koshigaya Xiaoju was immediately angry.

“Isn’t what I said the truth?”

Koshigaya Natsumi shrugged, and the look that deserved a beating seemed to return to normal.

“Everyone has different jobs, and the best job is the one that suits you.”

At this time, Xia Hua came over, smiled and said, and then assigned a new task:

“After pulling out the shrimp thread, you also need to remove the internal organs of the small fish”


Gong Nei Renhua looked full of energy, perhaps because he was squatting.

Through the gap in the shorts, not only can you see the white and tender thighs, but also the little fat.

Xia Hua quickly looked away, after all, now is not the time to do this.

After calming down, he focused on processing the ingredients and cooking.

As time went by, with the help of everyone, one delicious dish after another was freshly cooked.

The first to appear was the stewed fish soup, which was combined with sour bamboo shoots and tofu.

In the big pot brought out, The rich aroma wafts out, and it is simply unstoppable.

When the milky white soup is drunk, the mouth is immediately filled with freshness and fragrance, which is endless aftertaste.

The second dish to appear is the eel porridge, which is also full of fragrance as a staple food.

The eel and porridge, plus the embellishment of chopped green onions, the simple ingredients bring the ultimate deliciousness.

Next, the steamed fish appeared, and it was poured with sauce, becoming oily and fragrant.

The last to appear was the much-anticipated stir-fried crayfish and small fish.

There is no doubt that this is the favorite of children, and their age is very suitable.

“This fish soup is so delicious! Am I living in a dream?”

Yi Tiao Ying was intoxicated.

“This crayfish is also amazing!”

Natsumi Koshigaya exclaimed

“This little fish isn’t bad either~”

Koshigaya Komari nodded in praise

“……This is also delicious.”

Miyanei Renhua, perhaps out of pity, praised the steamed fish that no one wanted.

Seeing this, Xia Hua was amused by her and smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Just when everyone was eating happily, a figure floated into the yard.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Miyauchi Ichiho who was attracted by the fragrance, with saliva hanging from her mouth and a silly look on her face.

Obviously, she was already very hungry.

“Sister Yisui, come in and eat with us. Brother Xiahua ‘s food is delicious!”

“Sister, come quickly~”

Miyauchi Renka also waved her hand

“Hehe~ Then I won’t be polite.”

Miyauchi Ichiho smiled, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and joined in.

Then, a series of exclamations came out of her mouth.

“Oh my god! How is this made? It turns out to be so delicious!”

“Impossible, they are just ordinary small fish and shrimps, why can’t I stop eating them!”

“This fish soup, this excellent fish soup! Sorry, I didn’t taste you first, I am guilty!”


Hearing her exaggerated exclamation, Xia Hua felt a little embarrassed.

“Sister Yisui, are you exaggerating too much?”

“That’s it.”

“But, the food Xia Hua cooks is so delicious that it makes people like this!”

“”Yeah, that’s true.”

Amidst the laughter and joy, the delicious food on the table became less and less, and all went into everyone’s stomach.

After the meal.

As the body became hot, sitting on the wooden porch under the eaves and enjoying the cool breeze was undoubtedly a kind of enjoyment.

Next to it, there was also a sliced iced watermelon, which could be eaten anytime you wanted.

However, there were only two people sitting on the wooden porch now, and the others went to clean up the dishes.

Only the youngest Gong Nei Lianhua and Xia Hua, who worked the hardest when cooking, got the right to rest.

The night wind blew slowly, and insects kept chirping outside the yard. There were no stars in the night sky, only the bright moon.

The moon was not round, and a small half of it was missing tonight, as if it had been bitten off.

The two people sitting on the wooden porch did not eat the watermelon, but looked up at the monotonous night.

For some reason, Xia Hua thought of a poem; the moon waxes and wanes.

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded next to him, and Gong Nei Lianhua asked:

“Huahua, are you leaving tomorrow?”


Xia Hua nodded, his eyes fixed on the waning moon in the night sky, motionless.

“”Is it not possible to not leave?”

The tender voice sounded again, and a pair of expectant eyes looked over.

“This won’t do. The pocket money of the children in the city is still waiting for me to collect~”

Xia Hua smiled and said

“So that’s it……”

Miyauchi Renka retracted her gaze, lowered her head, and fell into silence.

She lowered her eyelids and looked at her little feet dangling back and forth, not knowing what she was thinking.


Seeing this, Xia Hua opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t utter a word for a long time.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Xia Hua got up, washed up, and quickly had breakfast. After leaving a few notes, she left with the two kittens and her luggage.

The reason why she left so early was because Xia Hua wanted to leave quietly alone and didn’t want them to see her off.

Unexpectedly, there was a small figure standing next to the early bus, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Maybe because she just arrived, she didn’t tie her hair into two ponytails today.

Just like that, her purple hair, which hadn’t been tidied yet, fluttered gently in the morning breeze.

Maybe because she just woke up, her eyes seemed to be a little unable to open, and her cheeks were flushed.

But when she saw Xia Hua coming, she stared at her without blinking, not leaving for a moment.

Seeing this.

Xia Hua couldn’t help but smile bitterly. This was the first time he smiled bitterly in two days.

“Xiaolian, why are you here?”

Xia Hua asked

“I’ll see you off.”

Gong Nei Lian Hua spoke lightly, but the four short words were heavy.


Xia Hua smiled, walked up to her, squatted down, and touched her little head.

“This time I’m taking the two kittens away. Thank you for taking care of them last week.”


Miyauchi Renka nodded her head

“This week, you and Xiao Xiaoju can help me take care of the flowers in the yard, okay?”

Xia Hua blinked.


Miyauchi Renka still nodded

“I’ll leave it to you guys, remember not to eat too much candy, or you’ll get cavities.”

Xia Hua said with a smile


Miyauchi Renka nodded slightly

“Then I’ll leave?”

Xia Hua stood up.


This time, Miyauchi Renhua did not nod, but lowered her head and remained silent.

Xia Hua turned around, dragging her luggage and holding the two kittens towards the morning bus.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took a step, she felt a pulling sensation from behind, and it was obvious that someone was pulling the corner of her clothes. Xia Hua turned around and saw that it was indeed Miyauchi Renhua who stretched out her little hand to pull the corner of her clothes.

“”Huahua, don’t go, okay?”

She raised her little face, her eyes misty, and begged in a tender voice. She looked like she was about to cry, and looked so pitiful that people couldn’t help but feel pity for her.

Xia Hua looked down at her, and was deeply moved by this little girl who could cry at any time.

But her softened heart soon hardened, and Xia Hua said seriously:

“Although I want to stay, I won’t be able to make money if I don’t go to the city.”

“If you don’t have money, you won’t be able to buy sweet and juicy watermelons in the future.”

“When I make a lot of money, I can eat as much watermelon as I want.”

“Besides, it’s not like I won’t come back. I’ll be back every weekend.”

“So, don’t be sad, okay? Go to school and wait for me to come back.”

Xia Hua said with a smile, squatted down again and touched her little head.

The little hand holding the corner of her clothes was gently taken away by him, and then he stood up.

This time, Xia Hua did not hesitate, took a big step, and walked towards the morning bus resolutely.

Beep beep beep~

The morning bus started.

Miyauchi Renhua’s eyes were full of tears. Under her gaze, the morning bus went farther and farther.


She couldn’t hold it anymore, and bean-sized crystal tears slid down her little face, and tears kept flowing.


A faint sobbing sound was heard, and the corners of her mouth turned down like a bitter gourd, which was very distressing.

“Huahua, you must come back……”

Gong Nei Lianhua raised her little hand and wiped away the tears on her face. Her pouty mouth moved slightly.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t wipe away the tears on her tear-stained face. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

When she was with Xia Hua, she was the happiest and happiest.

At this time.

She secretly followed Xia Hua out of worry.���Miyauchi Ichiho, who was standing behind, saw this scene and felt very distressed.

So she came over and gently hugged her sister, as if to comfort her.

Miyauchi Renka was a strong little girl.

But when she threw herself into her sister’s arms, the tears she had just wiped away could not be stopped again, and she burst into tears.

“It’s okay, Xiaohua will be back soon, it’s only a week~”

Miyauchi Ichiho gently stroked her back to comfort her sad sister.


The morning bus was slowly moving along the road, getting farther and farther away from the countryside of Asahigaoka.

Xia Hua sat in the bus, holding two kittens in her arms and stroking them gently.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the first half of the poem from last night.

“People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions.”

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