Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 270 A new breakthrough

"Bang!" Marvin pulled the trigger, and the female agent's head was exploded into a sheet of red and white blood by the large-caliber mobile phone bullet.

Ron's eyes lit up, and he became more fond of Marvin because he was using the same Smith \u0026 Wesson M500 revolver as Ron himself. He was really a sentimental person.


"You're welcome," Ron casually shot down an agent who was standing on top of the container and fired. He picked up the female agent's rocket launcher with his foot and turned around quickly.

Behind him, an agent carrying a rocket launcher had just emerged from behind another pile of boxes, and was about to take advantage of Ron's unpreparedness to attack him. Little did he know that his movements had already been reflected by the rearview mirror of the car next to Ron. Ron's sight.

"Go to hell! Despicable guy!" Ron pulled the trigger.

The rocket flew towards the agent with a "whoosh" sound and trailing flames. At this time, the agent who was also carrying the rocket launcher belatedly reacted and pulled the trigger.

But it was too late. His rocket had just left the launcher and flew less than one meter away when it was hit by Ron's rocket, and the two rockets hit the firing pin.

With a "boom", they were detonated at the same time. The agent was instantly torn to pieces by the exploding shrapnel, and the flesh foam was blown to the container behind by the explosion of the two rockets, forming a blurred silhouette projected out.

However, this figure is made of corpse flesh, which is a bit off-putting.

"I'll never eat meat pie again." Ron said, feeling a little off.

In the command room, the satellite images were temporarily ineffective due to the thick smoke caused by the rocket explosion, which completely obscured Ron and Frank's group.

When the smoke finally cleared, several target people had disappeared.

"FXXK! Damn it, who can tell me where Frank found those helpers!" The commander was furious: "Information Department, what are the results of the face comparison?!"

"After our face comparison results, the old man carrying the pig doll should be Frank's former teammate Marvin Burgess." His subordinates took the information and reported it truthfully.

The commander nodded noncommittally, took off his headphones, and put his arms on the desk: "Then who was the young man who just killed my right-hand man? There is no way that person with that skill is unknown!"

"This..." The subordinate hesitated. I didn't know whether I should say it or not, but the commander could see through his mind at a glance.

"If you look at facial recognition alone, he is Hobbs, the commander-in-chief of the FBI's Los Angeles branch. He is our immediate boss, Anonymous Doe's favorite right-hand man..."

"What?!" The commander's eyes widened in disbelief: "Is the FBI also involved?"

"Maybe not."

"What do you mean? If you have something to say, say it all at once. Don't hesitate." Hui Guan frowned.

"I just checked with the surveillance satellite. Ten minutes ago, Hobbs was training with his daughter on the football team, so the person I just photographed..."

The commander's frown deepened. What on earth was going on? Has the FBI started to get involved with the CIA now?

Or is it that someone deliberately pretended to be the head of the FBI and deceived them, trying to lead them down this misunderstanding?

The correct answer is of course the second one.

That's right, the "Hobbes" photographed by the satellite was disguised by Ron.

It's just not as complicated as the commander thought. Ron didn't mean to drag the FBI into trouble. The disguise as Hobbes' face was purely out of his personal bad taste.

"Boss, why did you make your face look like Hobbes? Do you have any grudge against him?" Joe asked curiously.

He had already met Hobbes once before on Valentine's Day. Judging from the language used, he speculated that the two of them might have had a holiday.

"No, I just think this face should appear in various big scenes." Ron touched his fake face and replied happily.

He could now imagine what Hobbes's face would look like when he was called out by Nameless to scold him. It must be wonderful.

"Frank, where are we going next?"

"If you want to find out why you are being hunted, there is only one place to go." Frank thought for a while and replied.

Joe: "Are you talking about the CIA's Washington headquarters? All CIA operational files are stored there."

"Yes, but that place is heavily guarded. If we go there, we will die." Frank said in a slightly depressed tone: "Come on, we need to find some other helpers."

Although Frank talked about finding other helpers, he kept his eyes on Ron as he spoke. He had already learned Ron's true identity from Joe's mouth, and even knew about Ron's current fake face. means nothing.

This means free access to all important departments of the CIA and FBI.

Although Hobbs is the head of the FBI's Los Angeles branch, he has another identity in the CIA, so he is always involved with Anonymous. This has long been an open secret.

"What do you want me to do? You don't want me to enter the CIA headquarters to help you steal information, right? I won't do such a thankless job."

Ron shrugged: "But I don't know whether I should call you old antiques, or complain that your brains can't keep up. In this information age, don't you know that all the CIA's confidential documents are electronically archived? ?”

Ron typed back and forth on his phone for a while, and immediately, a top-secret CIA document was sent to the encrypted phone he used to keep in touch with Peggy.

"You make the secret service very boring." Sarah couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, silly girl, agents are not the kind of mentally retarded games you see in novels and movies," Ron said back to the camera: "Real agent work has always been about obtaining the maximum benefits with the minimum sacrifices. If you don't believe it, You can ask your old boyfriend."

Sarah glared at Ron angrily, her chest undulating violently with her rapid breathing, and her collar showed a beautiful scene, but Ron was not interested in this.

At this moment, he was looking at the document with all his concentration. First, his brows became more and more frowned, and then he suddenly relaxed, and then the corner of his mouth curved into a smile, and finally he almost laughed out loud. Looking around, the old men were puzzled.

"What does the CIA document say?"

"There is nothing. The information stored by the CIA has almost erased all the information about the Tiny Mara incident." Ron handed the phone screen to several old people to see: "But there is something very interesting. This information There was a mention of someone who was not on the reporter’s list.”

Ron pulled the information down to the bottom line, leaving only one name between the two blacked-out paragraphs, which was retained.

"Alexander Dunning."

"Dunning is the president of Browning Orvis Company, one of the well-known arms contractors of the Department of Defense." Frank suddenly became serious.

"And he's still a gangster, and he's been dealing in drugs in private."

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