"I didn't expect you to be greedy for even that small amount of money! You are obviously already very rich." After walking out of the bar, Sam followed Ron angrily and said.

"Of course, otherwise how do you think I save all my money? The city of Rome was not built in a day, little girl." Ron turned around impatiently and said, and Samn immediately shut up.

It was getting late, and when Ron and the others finally tracked Jack at the door of another bar, it was completely dark.

"Ron, have you found anyone?"

"Yes, but our Mr. Target seems to be in a little trouble now. Finch, I am beginning to regret taking this little job from you. This guy is a big trouble. He has been stopped now. I believe, He is definitely not out to take revenge for what happened in the bar just now?" Ron said looking at Jack who was stopped by the Marines.

Although Ron's memory was not good enough to remember all the faces of the Marines who had just fought in the bar, he could at least remember the faces that had the conflict with Jack, and the man who stood in front of Jack did not It belongs to any of them, so it must not be coming back to take revenge because of the fight just now.

But Samn questioned this: "Why are you so sure?"

"Of course, if they want to take revenge, I should be the first target. Otherwise, why do you think I fought so hard just now?" Ron replied proudly.

"To vent the violent emotions in your heart?"

"Maybe there is a part of the reason?" Ron admitted unceremoniously: "Anyway, even if I don't beat them, they will definitely be beaten by others. At least if I beat them up, they can make me happy. It's them Give me a reward for saving their lives?"

While Ron was speaking, Jack's situation over there took a turn for the worse. The Marine who was blocking him suddenly got angry and punched him in the face. Just as Jack stretched out his hand to block it, he felt a pain in his stomach and was kicked to the ground.

Samn was about to go out from their hiding place to help, but was grabbed by Ron.

"What are you doing? Can't you see that the person we want to protect is about to be beaten to death?"

"So, you're going to risk your life by following along?" Ron pointed to the sniper standing upstairs holding a gun and staring at Jack. Samn immediately woke up to the two strong men at the intersection. These people were definitely prepared.

"Then what should we do now?" Of course, Samn herself has a way to solve it, but during today's mission, she has become very curious about the legendary figure Ron. She wants to know what Ron would do if it were him. What is the solution.

Ron has many titles in the intelligence community, the most famous of which is the Explosive Maniac. Samn is curious about what kind of explosions he can create under such adverse circumstances.

However, this time, Ron disappointed her. While Ron was thinking about a solution, he happened to see his Marine Corps accomplice stealing the car, and his eyes lit up: "Follow me, I have an idea."

Soon, the Marines' beating of Jack came to an end. Although Jack was strong and had some street fighting experience, he was a little worse than Ron after all. It was difficult for him to beat four hands with two fists, and he was immediately knocked to the ground. The Marines waved to the car, and the car drove towards them. They had just stuffed Jack, who had been knocked unconscious, into the trunk. Before they could even get into the car, the driver of the car suddenly looked up.

"Thank you, and wish you a happy night~" Ron's joking voice sounded. It turned out that when they were beating Jack, Ron took the opportunity to kill their car-stealing companion, while he and Samn drove the car away. Come over.

Behind them, the Marines who had just pulled out their guns and were about to give Ron a shot of strength were so angry when they saw Ron throwing the smoking ball from the car that they hurriedly scattered and lay down.

However, after waiting for a long time without seeing an explosion, they realized that they had been tricked...

Back in the library, the alliance placed Czech on the library table and began to check his injuries. The rest of the injuries were fine, but they were just bruises caused by normal fighting. The only troublesome part was the upper part of his left chest. At some point he was shot with a pistol.

"This unlucky guy has been shot. Before he wakes up, he has to take out the bullet. It's troublesome." Ron said as he handed the tweezers to Samn's hand.

Among the people in the library, Samn was the only one with medical experience. She took the tweezers, opened Jack's wound and skillfully took out the bullet, threw it on the plate, and looked at Ron with a mocking look:

"I thought you were very familiar with all the knowledge related to combat, but I didn't expect that there are things you are not good at."

"You're right. I'm familiar with everything related to combat. The only thing I'm not familiar with is injuries, which I may not have as much experience as you." As soon as Ron finished his retort, Jack's eyelids twitched and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's you!" Jack grabbed Ron's arm and glared.

Ron unceremoniously broke Jack's fingers, and Jack screamed and fell over on the table.

"Relax, buddy, I'm here to save you. If it weren't for me, I would have been taken away by those Marine Corps guys just now, filled with cement and thrown into the Los Angeles Bay. Believe me, they will definitely do this. Every year, the Los Angeles Police A large number of cement pillars filled with people can be fished out in a year."

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Just as Finch was about to speak, Ron waved his hand at him and continued: "I think compared to this question, the question of why a pair of Marine Corps special forces want to catch you is more meaningful, what do you think? "

At the door of the bar just now, although Ron was still far away, he still vaguely heard a few words and asked tentatively: "I heard that they seem to be asking for something from you. If it's not that important, I advise you to hand over the Give it to them, because as you can see, they can do anything."

Ron pointed at Jack's wound, and Jack looked up at the ceiling blankly: "I don't know, I really don't know anything. What kind of rebel organization are they fighting in Somalia? The commander has a trophy he wants to bring back, which is the AK47. He hid it in a box of old brass.”

"Are you helping them smuggle weapons past U.S. Customs?"

Finch frowned and Ron patted his shoulder: "It's nothing. This kind of thing is very common in the army."

"Yes, my brother RJ helped them unload their things. Logically speaking, they shouldn't do this to me." Finch expressed doubts about his words and looked at Rise, who shook his head gently: "I don't think they need to do this. Kill him for the weapon."

Just when everyone was puzzled by the actions of the group of Marines, Ron suddenly seemed to have thought of something and walked quickly to the computer: "I just discovered an interesting thing. You must not have imagined that they are not Not for weapons but for what was hidden inside, Somali pirates robbed a deep-sea mining ship off the coast of Africa, and it was the Marines who carried out the mission to eliminate the pirates."

"So? What kind of mine is that ship's lottery?" Rise immediately grasped the key point of the question.

"Diamond mine." When he said this word, the light in Ron's eyes was almost brighter than the lights in the library. Samn curled his lips angrily. Finch and Reese were already used to this.

Although diamonds have been criticized as a representative of IQ tax in this era of artificial synthesis, large natural diamonds still have a lot of value.

What makes Ron excited is that whether it is a wedding ring for his brother or a gift for his girlfriends, diamonds are a good gift to make them happy.

At this moment, as if to prove Ron's words, Jack's cell phone rang. It was a threatening call from the Marines using his partner's cell phone.

"Listen kid, your companion is in our hands now. If you don't hand over the things you stole quickly, I guarantee that when you see your friend again, he will only have a bunch of parts!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Jack was still confused.

"Look at those cigars!" the other party said impatiently. Yes, he immediately picked up the cigar found from Jack and broke it in the middle. The cigar turned out to be hollow and filled with uncut rough diamonds. The value of the rough diamond stuffed inside one is almost 200,000 US dollars.

"If you want your friend to live, take Shizi to Room 212 of the Bagok Hotel and come alone, otherwise I don't guarantee what I will do to him!"

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone immediately. Ron looked up at Finch, who shook his head: "It's a supermarket on Duke Street, and the location is constantly changing. I bet they will throw away their phones right away."

Everyone's attention was once again focused on Ron, including Jack. He could now see that Ron might not be the leader of the group, but he must be the one with the most ideas.

"What do you want me to do? I can't conjure up Jack's friends," Ron shrugged nonchalantly: "But I can get some equipment that will allow us to have a good cause. The problem is that there are people who If these equipments are reimbursed."

Ron once again threw the question back to Finch, who waved his hands helplessly: "Reimburse! I'll reimburse everything! You damn vampire! I only have one condition, don't kill people, okay? Our original purpose is to save people. , if we kill more people in order to save one person, then what’s the point of being human?”

"In order to let a good person live, no matter how many bad people die, not everyone deserves to live well, Finch."

Ron patted Finch on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

Finch is a good person, the only problem is that he is a bit too holy. He firmly believes that everyone should have a chance to do it again. Ron even had a big fight with her because of this.

Fincher was speechless until Ron said, "Why should a bad guy's chance to have another chance be based on sacrificing a good guy's chance to live?"

The next day, Ron took Jack and others outside the hotel as scheduled.

Reese and Jack were in a group, and I was still in a group with Samoyed.

"What are we doing here? The hotel is obviously over there." Jack asked in confusion.

"Reconnaissance in advance," Ron pointed in the direction of the hotel: "At ten o'clock, we will trade with them there, but before that, we need to know how many people they have arranged nearby, Samn, What do you think?"

"They must have snipers there. If it were me, I would stay there." Samn pointed to the attic facing the direction of the hotel.

"Yes, that is indeed a good position. I'll leave it to you to deal with it. I'll attract his attention for you."

Samon didn't say anything, and immediately hid the pistol on his body and walked toward the attic. Ronze waved to the sky. When a beam of light hit his palm, Ron pointed to the attic.

Far away in the city center, at the Gallagher family's old house, Karl, who has been upgraded to a drone contractor, directs the little gangsters in the slums to fly drones in the attic and start performing.

A group of drones lined up in the air with various curse words, causing passers-by on the ground to laugh. Even the sniper hiding upstairs observed for a while and found that there was no threat. It was probably just a prank by nearby drone enthusiasts. , also relaxed his vigilance, and began to occasionally distract himself to see what new curse words the drone could discharge.

At this moment, a figure as agile as a jaguar suddenly appeared from behind her and hit him on the back of the head with a stick.


Samn picked up the walkie-talkie: "The sniper has taken care of it."

"OK, now Samn has transformed into a sniper, and Reese can take Jack upstairs now." Ron waved his hand at Reise and gave orders.

As Rise went upstairs, he still said uneasily: "Remember, you are not allowed to shoot at vital points."

"It would be a pity if you can only use such a good gun to hit your knees." Samn licked his lips and said unhappily.

After a while, Reese took Jack to Room 212 on the second floor. But when he walked to the door, Reese did not knock on the door immediately, but carefully guarded Jack behind him: "There is no sentry, something is wrong, Samn. Can you see inside the room over there? How many people are there?"

Samn put his eyes on the sniper rifle scope: "It's empty, there is only one person, but it's excusable, because the unlucky guy was loaded with a bomb."

Hearing this, Rise immediately kicked the door open and saw that in the room, it was exactly as Samn said. There was only one unlucky guy tied to a chair, with a circle of wires connected to his body, connected to a hole on the ground. Gas tank, and a bomb controlled by a sensitive fuse is installed on the gas tank casing.

As long as they make the slightest move, the bomb and the gas tank will send the three of them to the west together.

"Wait, don't move, don't let the bomb detonate!" Reese pulled away Jack who was about to step forward, and picked up the walkie-talkie again: "Ron, I'm in some trouble here. A bomb has been installed on Jack's companion. , have you ever learned how to defuse bombs?”

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