Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1007: But there is a cure

   Chapter 1007 Can there be a cure

   Even though the large area in this hall is bright yellow and embroidered with flying dragons of different shapes, it is very majestic and inviolable, but seeing the emperor lying there with his neck tensed and stiff, still makes people feel majestic no matter how you look at it.

   Everyone was shocked!

   All gasping for breath! What the **** is going on today? It's not going anywhere!

   This series of incidents made everyone feel stupid!

   "Your Majesty, what's wrong with your Majesty! What's wrong! Zhang Yuan sentenced, what's going on!"

   Judge Zhang sighed, and the imperial physicians all smiled wryly, "My lord, the emperor and the emperor were stimulated and suffered a stroke."

   Everyone felt a chill in their hearts!

   "Can there be a cure?"

   Zhang Yuan bowed his hands: "The next official should do his best."

   After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

   But no one can blame Zhang Yuanjuan.

  The emperor's body was already weak and sick. This time, he suffered such a big blow and stimulation, and he suffered a stroke when he was frightened. What's strange?

  Some people glared at Zongzheng, if it hadn't happened in his clan's mansion, it wouldn't have happened!

   Now there is only one question before everyone: what to do?

   The minister of the Ministry of Personnel stepped forward, and Yaodi Chongtian bent down and folded his hands: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, do you have any explanation? All the ministers and others are listening. Your Majesty, take your time and see if you can issue an decree."

   Everyone's eyes swept toward the Emperor Yaodi.

  Emperor Tian Yao opened his eyes wide, ah ah ah, but he couldn't say a word at all, he couldn't even move his fingers!

   His forehead was sweating anxiously, and his mouth became more and more "Ahhh!" He tried to say something, but he still failed.

   He struggled to move his eyes and scanned the crowd. When he saw Xiao Jingyu, his eyes widened, "Ah, ah, ah!" He became more anxious and stared at Xiao Jingyu.

  Everyone was shocked! Only then did I suddenly realize that yes, there is also His Royal Highness the King of War!

   Without the Emperor, His Highness King Qi, and His Royal Highness the King of War!

  His Royal Highness Zhan Wang has been doing things well these days, and most of the courtiers are convinced that they think His Highness Zhan Wang is a very good person.

   In addition, he is the nephew of the emperor's direct nephew. Besides, what's more, His Royal Highness King Zhan is still the direct son of the late emperor.

  The previous emperor was able to pass the throne to the current emperor because His Royal Highness Zhan Wang was young and he was inconvenienced by the inconvenience of the young monarch of the state. Then, why should the emperor still pass the throne to the nephew of His Royal Highness Zhan King?

   Some people couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, God's will, this is God's will!

  Xiao Jingyu saw Emperor Tianyao staring at him with wide eyes, he smiled and took two steps forward, and said warmly, "Uncle, do you have something to tell your nephew?"

  Emperor Tianyao's eyes darkened, he almost fainted again, and he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

  Where did he have something to say to Xiao Jingyu? Not to ask Xiao Jingyu to come forward! He wanted to tell the courtiers to beware of Xiao Jingyu, he wanted to deprive him of all power and positions!

   Now that all his sons are gone, he has become like this again, Xiao Jingyu and Xiao Jingyu are the most dangerous! Who knows what he will do?

   And if he wanted to usurp the throne at this time, it would be too easy and simple.

  Xiao Jingyu must not remain in the court at such a time, and must not hold authority!

   He must, must drive him out of the court

   (end of this chapter)

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