Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1025: come to an end

   Chapter 1025 comes to an end

   At this time, can Imperial Physician Shen really care about the emperor's diagnosis and treatment of Imperial Physician Shen?

   In the end, Xiao Jingyu said that Princess Zhan was feeling a little unwell recently, so she just asked Imperial Physician Shen to take care of her. This is also equivalent to changing his position, saying that he also agrees with Imperial Physician Shen to avoid suspicion, and also preserves the dignity of Concubine Yu Gui and Madam Shen.

  In this way, the matter is over.

   When Shen Liangwei heard that her mother was out of the palace, she was happy instead, and smiled at Mrs. Shen, "It's a good thing that my mother doesn't touch in this murky water!"

Mrs. Shen smiled, hugging Shen Liangwei and chuckling softly: "Exactly, our mothers may not have been together for a long time to be good companions and talk. Now it is just right, mother comes to the palace every day, and we mothers together. Talk about it. This day, I don't know when the real thing will change!"

   Shen Liangwei felt somewhat guilty, if it wasn't for her marrying Xiao Jingyu, perhaps the Shen family wouldn't have to be so embarrassed. However, when she thought about the ending of the Shen family in her previous life, she was worried again.

   Xiao Jinghuai is unreliable, is Xiao Jingye reliable?

   The Shen family was destroyed in Xiao Jinghuai's hands in the last life, and Xiao Jinghuai has been destroyed in this life, and Xiao Jingye is still there. If the Shen family fell into Xiao Jingye's hands, would they be able to keep it?

   If she had to gamble, of course she believed in Xiao Jingyu more. Besides, she really likes him

   "It shouldn't be long before we all have to worry about it."

   Mrs. Shen smiled and nodded. There is still some melancholy in my heart.

What is    melancholy, she is actually a little dazed.

   It's just that he has been a minister of Emperor Tianyao for so many years, even if the ruler and ministers doubted each other, and even though Emperor Tianyao had ruthlessly calculated them, but without his promotion, there would be no Shen family today.

The news of    King Qi finally came.

   finally spread from the north to the capital, and the entire capital, from the courtiers and nobles to the people of Limin, all exploded!

   His Royal Highness King Qi Xiao Jingye is not the emperor's biological son, but the illegitimate son of the Regent Yonghu!

   That night he set fire to the Zongren mansion and killed him. Seeing that he was about to be captured by Zongzheng, it was the people of the Regent Yonghu who rescued him.

   His Royal Highness the King of War dispatched people to chase them all the way, and those people took His Highness King Qi and fled north all the way.

They obviously did all this with a plan. They knew the route of their retreat, and there were people who responded along the way. It was precisely because of this that the people in the court fought with them again and again, but they were finally able to escape. .

   Until the last battle.

   On the border between Daqin and Yonghu, Daqin's troops surrounded His Royal Highness King Qi's group. This time it was so seamless that not even a fly could escape!

  Yonghu people were forced to help, and only then did they reveal the truth.

   They were ordered by the regent to come to take their highness back, otherwise, what would they do with a prince of Daqin back?

   There is one thing I didn’t dare to say, this prince of Daqin is not very capable. It’s useless to take it back!

   These words almost scared everyone in Daqin to death! Where can people believe? He is clearly the Highness of Daqin, how did he become the Highness of Yonghu in a blink of an eye?

   Dare to love that our emperor of Daqin was cuckolded by the Regent Yonghu? Raising someone else's son for so many years?

  The Yonghu people dare to say this, and there is naturally evidence.

   Otherwise, what are they going to do with an unimportant person?

   (end of this chapter)

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