Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1028: it's too absurd

   Chapter 1028 This is too ridiculous

  If there is no order from the father, how could these people be so difficult and so eager to chase? Father Emperor, I'm afraid that he made up his mind to want his life.

   As a result, he was even more frightened and kept running away.

Who would have guessed that after a hundred steps and ninety-nine steps, it was just one step closer to the door, but at this time, he had already reached the intersection of the Daqin and Yonghu borders. breakout.

  As a last resort, after consulting Xiao Jingye's opinion, the leading guard finally showed off to the Daqin troops.

   One can imagine how stunned everyone in Daqin was!

   Dare to love this chase. Did the emperor chase back a green hat? ?

   This is ridiculous too

   However, after listening to the narration of the Yonghu people, looking at the portrait of the Regent Yonghu, and then looking at His Royal Highness King Qi, everyone was also a little dizzy, not knowing whether this His Royal Highness King Qi was still his own His Royal Highness King Qi.

  Xiao Jingye is such a startled bird at this moment, he will never be willing to return to the capital with everyone.

   In his opinion, returning to the capital is a dead end!

   He was desperate before, but now he has hope of life, why should he go back to the dead end?

  Xiao Jingye stated that he was not the prince of Daqin, but the son of the regent of Yonghu. He wanted to go back to Yonghu!

   Now that his identity has changed, Daqin can no longer detain him.

  Otherwise, he would become the prince who detained Yonghu for no reason in the Great Qin Dynasty. Would the regent be willing to give up? If you use this as an excuse to send troops to attack and plunder the border, it will be a big crime.

   Everyone was helpless, and could only watch Xiao Jingye and his entourage leave with such a swagger.

   Xiao Jingye had a little conscience towards Concubine Yugui, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to take his concubine to Yonghu, and he would never see his concubine again in this life.

   When he was leaving, he said harsh words, not allowing Daqin to treat Yu Guifei badly. If he knew how Yuguifei was bullied and abused, he would never let Daqin go, and Daqin must pay the price!

   When everyone heard this, you looked at me and I looked at you, with complicated expressions, and it was hard to say anything.

   This kind of thing is not up to the big guy, it depends on the emperor.

   It depends on the emperor swallowing his breath!

   After all, this humiliation is really a big loss, from Daqin to Yonghu!

  If the emperor couldn't swallow this breath, how could Concubine Yugui end well?

   Everyone returned to the capital to return to their lives, and after saying this, how could the capital not be bombed?

   "God, this is impossible! How could such a thing happen!"

   "Your Majesty, this is too pitiful. Bai Bai has helped people raise their son for more than ten years, hey."

   "His Royal Highness King Qi is too unconscionable. After all, the emperor raised him so big, how can you leave?"

   "I still don't quite believe it, is there some misunderstanding? How could the noble concubine do such a thing?"

   "Hehe, if it's fake, unless the regent of Yonghu is stupid!"

   "Hey, what's going on in the heavenly family is really messy!"


   Xiao Jingyu and Shen Liangwei were also shocked.

  The two were thinking in their hearts.

   This matter was not exposed in the previous life. But in the last life, after Xiao Jinghuai became emperor, he really couldn't tolerate Xiao Jingye.

   Xiao Jingye is not a good-natured person, how can he tolerate it?

   (end of this chapter)

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