Chapter 1035 Regret

   He stared at Xiao Jingyu coldly and hatefully, and the meaning could not be more obvious: what are you doing here?

  Xiao Jingyu smiled slightly, moved a chair and placed it in front of the dragon couch, sat down with a big sword and a golden horse, raised his eyes to look at Emperor Tianyao, Qingjun's brows were full of smiles: "Uncle Huang didn't speak, but he seemed a lot more cordial."

  Emperor Tianyao's breathing suddenly became rapid, and the eyes that stared at him became more and more resentful.

   He regrets that he didn't kill him early, and he will never have trouble!

Xiao Jingyu said again: "Uncle Huang must know why this king came to see his uncle today, right? Tomorrow, the king will come with the ministers to discuss the establishment of the heir. The uncle looks calmer."

   Anyway, he couldn't speak, couldn't write, and his calm expression meant he agreed.

  Just, how could Emperor Tianyao be calm?

   Xiao Jingyu's words just fell, Tian Yaodi almost died of anger, his breath was thick with excitement, his eyes were fierce and loud, as if he would rush over and kill Xiao Jingyu in the next second.

  Xiao Jingyu said lightly: "Why should I be excited, Uncle Huang? It's not good to be excited in your current situation, otherwise, you might not be able to turn around in one breath, and you will never be able to open your eyes again."

  Tian Yaodi's heart shuddered, but he was not excited anymore, but his eyes became more and more resentful.

   Xiao Jingyu sneered in his heart. After all, what he cared about most was his own life. In his heart, nothing was more important than his life. The ministers were also afraid that Xiao Jingye was not his son's business, and if he said it, he would be mad at him.

   A person like him who is afraid of death can get angry, but how could he be angry?

"Uncle, Zhang Yuan sentenced them to do their best, and everyone can see it. There is nothing you can do about your situation. Xiao Jinghuai is already dead, and Xiao Jingye can't come back. Apart from this king, do you think there are other Who can take this country? This country, you pass it on to this king, it will be returned to the original owner, and you can also end up with a benevolent ruler and a virtuous name, why not do it?"

  Tian Yaodi's temples on both sides buzzed, and he almost couldn't turn around in one breath!

Heart hurts!

  This throne, he finally grabbed his hand, how much rumors and suspicions at that time, how much effort and time he spent, it gradually faded away. In the end, this country was only in his own hands, and it was still in the hands of the big brother. He couldn't get anything. How can he be willing?

  Why can't Ye'er come back? He will be back! At this moment, Emperor Tianyao was looking forward to Xiao Jingye's early return. As soon as he came back, he would immediately consecrate him as the crown prince!

   He can see it clearly. Sooner or later, he will pass it on to his son. Before, he was too persistent, obsessed with obsession, and got into a dead end. Otherwise, how could there be so many things today? I won't end up like this either. In the end, I'm cheap for outsiders!

  No, he is absolutely unwilling to take advantage of outsiders in vain, otherwise, what would he have worked so hard for all his life?

  Emperor Tianyao was so regretful that he was about to vomit blood!

   stared at Xiao Jingyu, becoming more and more resentful.

   He won't let him get his wish, Ye'er will definitely come back, he will definitely come back.

  What is restitution? He doesn't like to hear this, and he can't hear it!

  Damn, he was bullied by a dog, Xiao Jingyu dared to taunt him like this.

   Xiao Jingyu glanced at him, smiled, and became more and more calm.

   (end of this chapter)

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