Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 301: Shen Hongxun's fame

   Chapter 301 Shen Hongxun's fame

   This is humiliation!

   It must have been because I went to the Ivy League that day to make a fuss about my sister-in-law and got angry, so I deliberately wanted to do this to make myself uncomfortable.

   Mrs. Shen could not help crying, if her son won the champion, how dare the big room?

   After all, isn't it bad to bully the second room?

   On this matter, Shen Hongqi had the same opinion as she, and even more resentment towards the big house.

   As soon as the results of the Spring Examinations were announced, the palace examinations would be held in a few days, and then the final results of the imperial examinations this spring would be announced.

  In the capital, there must be another lively scene.

   However, the most beautiful is not this year's top three, but Shen Hongxun, the front-runner.

  Because this year's top three took the initiative to challenge and went to the poetry and literature meeting set up by Shen Hongxun before the palace exam, and they all lost to Shen Hongxun, and they were the ones who were convinced that they lost.

  The convincing among scholars and writers is the most sincere and sincere. The three of them ride horses and parade through the streets and go to the Qionglin feast. They all highly respect Shen Hongxun.

  Shen Hongxun's reputation naturally increased.

   Shen Hongqi didn't dare to go out for a while.

   However, as for the result of the palace exam, he couldn't help but send people to inquire secretly.

   Knowing these things, I hate it even more.

  Shen Hongqi felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted revenge

   He wants to show the big room a great look!

   Finally, the Spring Festival came to an end.

   At the end of April, Xiao Jinghuai finally married the daughter of Princess Yihe, Princess Qingrou.

  Prince was married, and he was the son of the middle palace. Even if the marriage was not very glamorous at the beginning, it was still very pompous and lively.

   The princess of Qingrou finally got her wish and married the cousin she was thinking of as a princess.

   As for whether he has any extra points in his heart because he is the direct son of the Empress of the Central Palace, I don't know.

   However, Xiao Jinghuai's mood was not very good.

   The dignified son of the palace's daughter, but ended up marrying such a princess who was useless to her own success.

   Besides, as he interacted more and more, he could see that this cousin was an idiot who was extremely jealous and not very smart.

   If this kind of woman is beautiful, she can keep it around as a gadget to amuse her, but it is really not a good choice to be a princess.

   Sure enough, after Princess Qingrou got married and returned home three days later, he began to sharpen his knife and attack the backyard of Prince Yong's mansion with murderous aura.

   Before Xiao Jinghuai's big wedding, although there was no official name given to a concubine in the backyard, there were four girls in the same room.

   In addition to these four, there are also four or five people who have an overnight love when the interest comes.

  Since the Princess of Qingrou has become a well-deserved Princess Yong, of course, she cannot tolerate these lowly maids who want to fly to the branches and become phoenixes.

   They all looked for excuses to slander people and send people to Zhuangzi, but none of them were left for Xiao Jinghuai.

   That’s not all, he even ordered someone to fetch the roster of maids in the palace, and called everyone to see them.

  There were those who looked a little more beautiful or charming, and they were all sent away.

   By the time Xiao Jinghuai found out, Princess Qingrou had already dealt with everyone.

  Xiao Jinghuai is half mad at her!

  This bitch, what face is there for him to do this? If you go out, you will be laughed at to death!

   He was originally dissatisfied with this marriage and the Princess Qingrou, so he became more disgusted, so he simply stayed in the study, and never touched the Princess Qingrou.

   (end of this chapter)

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