Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 305: It's all about making it known

   Chapter 305 This matter is to be known to everyone

   No matter how much she guarded against Shen Liangrong, how could she have imagined that she had already colluded with Princess Qingrou?

   She guessed that Shen Liangrong might be really selfish, and she only thought that she was mostly obsessed and wanted to take this opportunity to go out and secretly run to meet Xiao Jinghuai in private.

   Shen Liangwei doesn't care about her, since she wants to do it herself, that's her own problem.

   Shen Liangwei never imagined that Shen Liangrong was so bold.

   When the carriage drove into an alley, Shen Liangwei's heart moved, and when she felt something was not quite right, it was already too late.

   The vision in front of his eyes became blurred, his mind fell into the darkness, and he lost consciousness.

   In addition to Shen Liangrong, Shen Liangyue and the maid who followed the three of them out were also unconscious.

The coachman who was hit by the small bow and arrow wrapped in strong anesthetic had already fallen to the side. A person came hurriedly from the side of the alley, kicked the coachman away with one foot, jumped to the driver's seat, turned around in the carriage, and headed out of the city. .

   Soon two servants took the driver away

  The driver drove the car very fast, and didn't care whether Shen Liangrong in the carriage was alive or dead.

  Shen Liangrong originally wanted to kick Shen Liangwei a few times to relieve her anger in her heart, but she turned pale, dizzy and nauseous after being jolted by the carriage. She grabbed the place where she could support her with both hands, and was not thrown out.

  The carriage galloped for about an hour and finally stopped.

  Shen Liangrong panted heavily, rolled over to Shen Liangwei, pulled out a ruby-encrusted Cordyceps flower hairpin on her bun, and put it in her arms.

   got off the carriage. This is the back mountain of the Jiyun Temple that she made an appointment with the Qingrou County Lord.

   Shen Liangwei will be taken away later, and after she "wakes up", she will go to Jiyun Temple with Shen Liangyue and two maids for help.

   In short, this matter is to be known to everyone!

  The Princess of Qingrou won't let Shen Liangwei go easily. Shen Liangrong doesn't care what happens to Shen Liangwei. She only knows that when Shen Liangwei is found, her reputation will be ruined.

Grandmother will not let a granddaughter with a ruined reputation stay in the Shen family and ruin the reputation of the Shen family. Shen Liangwei has to thank her for having a pair of good parents. Grandmother will not let her "die of illness", but in the rest of her life, think about it. Green lamp ancient Buddha.

   No matter how unwilling Aunt Bofu Yue is, is it possible that they are shameless?

   The first cousin and the third cousin haven't said their kiss yet. Don't they think only about their daughters and not their sons?

   Leaving a daughter with a stain on her body that can never be washed away in the house, they will still be laughed at.

   Besides, even if they still want to have a good marriage for Shen Liangwei, who would be willing to marry an innocent and ruined shoe?

  According to the jealousy of Princess Qingrou, it is impossible for Shen Liangwei to keep her innocence when she falls into her hands.

   Shen Liangrong staggered and jumped off the carriage, and immediately someone took the unconscious Shen Liangwei away.

   Shen Liangrong's eyes flashed fiercely, and she giggled proudly.

   Shen Hongqi, who had already made an appointment with her to wait here, stepped out from behind the dense trees, "Where's the stuff?"

  Shen Liangrong had a good heart at the moment, and smiled and handed him the green hairpin flower she took off from Shen Liangwei's bun: "Second brother, be careful."

  Shen Hongqi squeezed the hairpin and sneered, turned around and left.

   Shen Liangrong choked and glared angrily in the direction in which he disappeared.

   (end of this chapter)

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